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Quest for home-made power supply adapter...

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With my experiments with my STM I'm running on batteries. Obviously, I can't do long-term readings on batteries. I want to create a landbased power source. Here's want generic 12VDC 300mA power brick.


Can I kludge a cigarette adapter to the end of the brick and and get a stable enough power through my unit's power adapter to be safe?


What's the easiest way to combine the power and serial cables? Anyone have the colors for the wires inside the cables?


I'm handy around a soldering iron and have a decent multimeter, but that's it.


Thanks in advance!





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Originally posted by Sissy-n-CR:

...I want to create a landbased power source. Here's want generic 12VDC 300mA power brick.


Can I kludge a cigarette adapter to the end of the brick and and get a stable enough power through my unit's power adapter to be safe?


Unless it's gonna save lots of money and time, I don't bother with a soldering iron.


If I understood from your other thread, you're talking about static testing, plugged in and not going anywhere, right? In that case I would just clip or wrap wires into the battery compartment, temporarily. Might be tricky with the funny battery carrier the ST uses, but not impossible.


You'd want 3v there, not 12v. You can get a 3v adapter pretty cheap at KMart, Wal*Mart, lots of places.


This would also leave your data port free on the back of the GPS. I don't know if there's any way to simultaneously use the power & data functions of the external connector.





[This message was edited by Lee David Rimar on May 16, 2003 at 05:56 AM.]

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The power requirements are listed in the manual. I seem to remember it being somewhere around 110milliamperes without the backlight, but I'm not certain.


Personlly I wouldn't warm up a soldering iron for this. Get the combined power/data cable and get one of the cigarette lighter/ac adapters and just plug into that. (These are often sold so people can charge use their car cell fone chargers in the house.)

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what i use is a 9V dc adapter from an old cordless phone and my power/data combination cable. simply put a cig lighter socket on the end of the adapter wire and plug in your power cable. this works well because the power input for the power/data cable is 7-16Vdc, also i think that the sportrak draws about 150mAh.


'Get to the point---speak English!!!!'

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I'd prefer to not buy a power/data cable if I can make one out of what I got.


I've recently got a laptop and figured out tracking with MS Streets and Trips, so I can use the power/data cable in the truck.


I guess I can check the pin-outs and just be careful as I go...


Thanks for the input!





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