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Garmin Cables and USB

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I have a new laptop, but didn't realize it doesn't have the traditional DB-9 serial ports. It has instead 4 USB ports.


My initial thought was to use a USB/Serial converter. However, this seems to crash my machine from time to time.


According to the vendor's tech support, machines without the traditional DB-9 ports are somehow different (duh!), and they wouldn't guarantee things will ever work right...they mumbled something about the chips used.


It's a long shot, but has anyone run across a converter that will work reliably on newer machines that don't have DB-9 serial ports?


Or better yet, a Garmin cable for USB? I don't know if no DB-9 ports is going to be a trend, but it seems Garmin should start providing such cables.




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I bought this converter cable. Came with a mini-cd driver disk (a download link for the driver is on the same page. Instructions can be found here). I am running a Toshiba 1900 P4 with WinXP home and this has worked perfectly with my eTrex Legend. Serial ports are going the way of the Dodo bird, but when are the GPS Mftr's gonna jump on the USB bandwagon? I emailed both Magellan and Garmin recently and they both told me not in a million years. icon_eek.gif


[This message was edited by tirediron on April 24, 2003 at 06:19 PM.]


[This message was edited by tirediron on April 24, 2003 at 06:21 PM.]

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I initially wrote Garmin about this too, and they said that every brand seems to work for about half the people. So buy something you can return.


I'm using the Belkin USB to Serial, and it works except at the highest speeds for map downloading. A full 24MB sent to my 76S takes about an hour at 57.6K, it'd be half that at 115.


I understand the GPS standard requires the serial data stream, but there's no reason why they couldn't add a USB port too -- it'd only be a couple bucks on the unit, and would significantly increase the value.


I am Arrowroot, son of Arrowshirt. I have many names, you know

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but there's no reason why they couldn't add a USB port too

Well...I am certainly no computer expert, but a couple of thoughts.....First, they (Garmin and Magellan both) are obviously aware of this dilemma. After all, they use these things too. Second, if it was "no problem" and only "a couple of bucks" to accomplish the task, I'm pretty sure they would have done it by now. That neither Garmin or Magellan offers USB cables tells me that, in fact, there must be some pretty substantial problems making this a reality. I would have to assume they are addressing the problem, wouldn't you? Someone above said they are going to have to "get on board or fold". Well, I don't really think we'll see either of these companies "fold" over this issue. Maybe someone with a lot more knowledge about such matters than most of us, could chime in about what might be stopping this.....


"Never take a sunset for granted. Stop what you are doing and enjoy it. You never know when it may be your last"

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The best that I've been able to do with a USB to Serial adapter is do tracks and waypoints, and that is with some trouble sometimes. Firmware and map changes don't work, at least with mine. I also find it surprising that Garmin hasn't addressed this problem yet. I checked that purple project site but didn't see a direct, to the point answer there.


Steve Bukosky N9BGH

Waukesha Wisconsin

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Just out of curiosity, what types of PCs is everyone using, what types of GPSr's and what types of DB9-USB converters? With the combination that I am using (see previous reply) I have had virtually no problems. Have updated firmware, uploaded and downloaded routes, maps, tracks, and waypoints.

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Originally posted by tirediron:

Just out of curiosity, what types of PCs is everyone using, what types of GPSr's and what types of DB9-USB converters?

Toshiba Satellite S504, Win XP Home

Garmin GPSMAP 76S

Belkin FSU409 USB/Serial adapter

No problems except for map uploads at speeds over 57.6K, had some false starts when doing firmware update, but it did work.


Hmm.. one more thought about the serial/USB thing: Garmin could provide a cradle like the PDAs use, or at least endorse and support somebody's adapter.


I am Arrowroot, son of Arrowshirt. I have many names, you know

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