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Cut The Legalese

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Originally posted by Cachetrotters:

Should only have one legal disclaimer notice that you have to acknowledge by pushing ENTER. The copyright page displays for a few seconds and moves on.


Actually, the first legalese is part of the hardware/basemap usage of the actual GPSr. The additional 2 screens of legalese comes from the MapSend product.


I have heard of people changing the 2nd screen (otherwise known as the Woodall screen) to indicate ownership of the GPS, but I haven't heard of a way to disable the screens.




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Originally posted by TeamTrout:

... startup legal disclaimers and copyright notices. Is there any way to disable these?


Is it the legalese that bothers you, or just all those extra key-presses? icon_biggrin.gif


There is firmware patching software available to let you replace one or more of the screens with other text. Is typically used to personalize the GPS, like putting in your name and where to return it if found.


BUT ... you still have to press Enter a few times to get past the screens, personalized or not.

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It's not the legalese, it's pressing the buttons that bothers me. If I must do it anyway, it sounds like coverting the Woodall screen to *found* information would be a good thing to have. Where do you get the firmware. And...thanks to all for the replies.





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Check the yahoo group called "Magellan Meridian"


Look in the files section for the FAQ...it tells you which utility to use and where to get it.

I've found that with the new firmware version...4.02 is the latest I have...it doesn't let you change the center text..it used to in previous versions of the firmware. Oh well..someone will come up with somehting to fix that I guess.



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I simply press the PWR button, wait a couple seconds for it to display something, then hit enter twice, to get at the last screen used. It dont bother me, since I dont really look at the unit for the first few seconds of being turned ON. Usually I only bring it up to my eyes, after a few seconds.


I just hit PWR wait a couple seconds, then hit Enter twice, then most of the time, it is on a Navigation page when I bring it in front of my eyes.



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Originally posted by TeamTrout:

If I must do it anyway, it sounds like coverting the Woodall screen to *found* information would be a good thing to have. Where do you get the firmware.


MyMeridian is the firmware modifier program, but you can change the Woodall screen with a text editor...change the information in the [COPYRIGHT] section of the export.cfg file in the MapSend folder. Then re-generate your detail map.



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