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GPS V+!!! With SD memory port!!!!

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unfortunately, while they're still charging $900 for the Streets III, this will never happen. It's also unfortunate that Meridian doesn't have a unit that directly competes with the V, it would help spur competition a bit. The V is a couple years old now, although it is much cheaper...


The Shortcommings of these GPS units:


Meridian: Low Res screen, Poor Tracklogging, slow processor, I found that WAAS must be kept off for maximum performance of the unit, like the electronic compass. You know that the processor is slow if it is skipping SECONDS to keep up. Mine does it all the time.


GPS V: Screen slightly too narrow, small memory.


GPS MAP 76/s: Must be kept as vertical as possible, 76s must be horizontal to use compass mode, and Barometer can't be shutoff. This GPS is nowhere as good as the meridian, in that you cant lay it flat on the dashboard like the Meridians, without losing signal. I took back the Map 76 to the store, because it's display was too yellowish-Green, and it's contrast adjustment didn't work well, causing me to angle it downward, loosing signal.


The Ideal GPS:


1) Use the GPS Housings simular to the 72/76 series units.


2) Include an SD memory card slot.


3) Large Upgradeable basemaps.


4) Ability to save to the SD memory card, Mapsource files, so that you can change from one use to another.


5) Ability of Mapsource to View and load/save files from/to the SD-Memory card using a USB reader/writer.


6) This GPS would have all of the capabilities of the GPS V.


7) Using all the strengths of the Meridian Platinum, with it's ability to work so well in the woods.


8) The resolution and Screen size of the Map 76s.



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I think the problem is that you can't satisfy everyone. But they (Garmin) can upgrade the universal things like memory.


If you ask 100 different people they will come up with 100 different versions of the "Perfect" GPSr. The more features you add, the more it costs too. The perfect V might cost $800 after all the features are added! I like it the way it is at $300.


For example, I like V just the size it is. The 76 is way too HUGE. If I wanted a bigger screen, there is the StreetPilot III. SOme want a color screen. I like Garmin's Ultrasharp resolution of B/W. SOme may want a compass. I'd rather buy a Good quality digital compass for $30 instead of paying Garmin $100 to put it in the GPSr. Etc Etc....


Now upgradable memory, that's a universal "want". If somone wants 19 megs, then they don't do anything. But if someone wants more, they can add an SD card or similar. So let's all bombard Garmin with the request for SD card upgradability!!!!


I still feel, that after 2 years, the V is still the best GPS for my needs. I have always bought a new GPS as soon as one comes out that exceeds the capabilities of my present one. That hasn't happened yet for me with the V. I still don't like a color display. It doesn't perform well in harsh, contrasty lighting conditions and it eats batteries for lunch. I don't need an internal compass, I have 4 or 5 good compasses already, that never require batteries. I don't need an altimeter. I can't change my altitude anyway, I am where I am. I don't need it to predict weather, my weatherman does that for me. 19 megs. of memory will do way more topo. than I will ever cover in any of my trips. In Metroguide or City Select, I would like more, but I have sufficed with the 19. If I am going on a road trip, I really don't need to map everything from here to there, I won't be leaving the freeway. Just let me get enough maps on to cover my destination. But......I really don't think it would cost much to put a SD port in that baby! What? A couple of bucks? I do, however, think it would kill the sales of the SP-III if they were to do that. Why would anyone spend twice as much to get a much bigger unit with only a color screen to show for the expenditure. (and a really nagging voice prompt...I call her "*****ing Betty") So... that is why I don't think we have a prayer. Alphawolf out.


"Never take a sunset for granted. Stop what you are doing and enjoy it. You never know when it may be your last"


"Better" is a relative term. We all have our bias'. Then again, I tend to think the best GPSr is the one you own. (How can one be better if it's not yours to use :) )


For example, for my needs the Etrex series and the GPS V works best for me. I have the V in my truck for mapping and routing purposes. I have the Etrex w/topo on my belt everywhere I go, its small and looks like a cellphone so no one even looks twice at it even at work. Not saying they are "better" than the M. Platinum but for my needs I like the Etrex / V combo.


My first GPS was a Magellan 2000XL long long ago icon_smile.gif Laptops are fun to play with, esp. with a topo or realtime mapping like the ExpertGPS, USAMaps etc. It's neat to see all the waypoints overlayed onto a satellite picture.


[This message was edited by Flashaholic on June 08, 2003 at 08:09 AM.]


I'm with ALpha WOlf. I jumpeed around and borrowed a LOT of different units before settling on the GPSV. It's as near the perfect GPS as I can imagine. I'm sure Garmin will forward the line eventually.


Thier new Color PDA with routable GPS is a step in the right direction but it's simply not rugged enough for geocaching. It shows what they can do though. Now they just need to cram it into a GPSV case and I'm an happy man. icon_biggrin.gif


Jolly R. Blackburn



I'm always amazed by people who can make definitive statements about how "rugged" something is after a single glance. In the case of the iQue3600 presumably a glance at a picture since it's not yet available.


I know a couple people who broke their SporTracks after rather minor falls and others who damaged their III+ antennas (same design as the V). Meanwhile my supposedly 'fragile' eMap has been through much harsher treatment without skipping a beat. I don't know which units are most rugged - to find out I'd need about a dozen samples of each and keep testing them until most had failed.


In any event, it looks like it'd be pretty easy to use the iQue in a protective case that would alleviate concerns about water/shock/vibration resistance. Battery life is probably a more serious drawback unless it can be used with a convenient external battery pack.


Originally posted by GOT GPS?:

The Shortcommings of these GPS units:


_GPS MAP 76/s:_ Must be kept as vertical as possible, 76s must be horizontal to use compass mode, and Barometer can't be shutoff. This GPS is nowhere as good as the meridian, in that you cant lay it flat on the dashboard like the Meridians, without losing signal. I took back the Map 76 to the store, because it's display was too yellowish-Green, and it's contrast adjustment didn't work well, causing me to angle it downward, loosing signal.








Thats funny I lay my 76s on the dash all the time and it tracks very nicely w/out loosing sat lock.


How come the needle in my compass is 68? off?


Originally posted by peter:

I'm always amazed by people who can make definitive statements about how "rugged" something is after a single glance. In the case of the iQue3600 presumably a glance at a picture since it's not yet available..


Hmmmmm, I guess that was directed at me.


Why surprised? Seriously, look at the photo again. It's a PDA!!! It's targeted at suit and tie types. Not outdoorsman! I was simply pointing that out. That's why it's not listed in the "OUTTDOORS" section of Garmin's website.


Besides my opinion is not based solely on the photo but on their own marketing text;


<<...this "Super PDA" redefines multi-tasking. Our integrated software not only allows you to look up appointments or contacts, but also locates and routes you to them with voice-guidance commands!>>


This is a tool for executives and businessmen not a toy for backwoods caching. I wish it WERE suited for caching. I'd be all over it. If Garmin has gone above and beyond the call and 'ruggedized' the iQue they certainly aren't capatilizing on it by pointing it out in their press release.


It's not a question of quality. I'm sure it's a GREAT GPSr. I'm sure it could be used to geocache. My post was simply poitning out that for 600 bucks it doesn't look like something you'd want to be holding while sliding down an embankment or pushing through the bush while hunting a cache in the rain. I'd rather have the same features in a more rugged package.



Jolly R. Blackburn



[This message was edited by Jolly B Good on June 12, 2003 at 03:31 AM.]


[This message was edited by Jolly B Good on June 12, 2003 at 03:32 AM.]


Originally posted by FlashMaster:

Ok, how about:


-24 megs, Click Stick and Quad-Helix on the Geko 301

-GPS V with memory Slot.


Now that is my dream.


A GPS V with a memory slot would rock. Through in a USB or FireWire port and call me happy.


There is a rumour Garmin is working on extending the GPS"X" line. Hopefully a GPS VI isn't too far off.


Jolly R. Blackburn



Originally posted by FlashMaster:

The Casio EG-800 is perfect for Geocaching. It's Rugedized, waterproof, etc. There's one on ebay right now, this this will survive a dunk in the water, a fall to the ground and keep on ticking.


Kind of like the Panasonic Toughbook.




The auction winner got that Casio EG-800 for $127.50! Not bad for an $899.00 Industrialized PDA running PocketPC.


...Caching In on the Journey





The year is 2003.

The name is S.A. Brown.

BrowNAV (Brown Navigation)



Originally posted by Alphawolf:

Oh heck...I can wish can't I?


"Never take a sunset for granted. Stop what you are doing and enjoy it. You never know when it may be your last"


Okay, Alpha...you can help me build mine. icon_wink.gif


...Caching In on the Journey





The year is 2003.

The name is S.A. Brown.

BrowNAV (Brown Navigation)


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