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National Geographic Topo!


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Just to let some of you know who have gotten the software from LocalHikes and are not aware of it, you might want to download the upgrade online. I know the version that I just received was older than the upgraded ones. Another thing I learned after conversing back and forth with the NG Topo company is that when you do the upgrade you can use either one (regional or state). I was sent the Northeast version (ME, NH, VT, CT, MA, NY, RI, & NJ). I assumed it was a regional version, but I was told it is the state version. Go figure. I was told that either upgrade would work for me. I assumed previously that the regional upgrade was for me because the version number was a lot closer to the one I had. But it was not the case. So the software being sent out is a much older version. It still functions well, but you might want to upgrade it.





I just got mine as well ... by golly you're right ... thanks for the heads up.



Co-founder of the "NC/VA GEO-HOG ASSOCIATION"

... when you absolutely have to find it first!


There was some discussion in this thread a while ago about a few features that were shed in the upgrade. I'm not yet familiar enough with the Topo! features to know if I'm covered well enough in other packages or not. It does appear that you can re-install the older version if you prefer it.


BTW, here is the Topo! link for the upgrade...looks like it is up to 3.3.4 for the state.



Often wrong but seldom in doubt


I just received my California Topo. I order it directly from National Geo. It was back ordered for weeks. I placed a couple of calls and during each call I was told they were expecting new stock and will be shipping in the next day or two. I finaly got my order. Surpise! Would you believe it is not the latest version!!. Yea after waiting for weeks for it to be restocked, NG did not ship the latest version. icon_eek.gif They shipped an old version. And after downloading the new version I find it is not compatible with their other TOPO series. icon_biggrin.gif


"It's a dull mind that spells a word one way"


The old version had the ability to work with waypoint files separate from the maps. The new version combines waypoint and map files and calls it 'good'.


National Geographic Topo is a good product but the company is not responsive at all when it comes to being good stewards of their product.


At least when they ship you the old product on CD it lets you work with waypoints.


You could save waypoints as a waypoint file. Maps were a different file type.


The new version combines the two. Maps and waypoints can't be saved separatly. You can import points but not save them.


So you can't save a tracklog of a trail without making a map for example.


Oh, now I know what you mean. I have the old version. Frankly, although I haven't tried the new version I could see some benefit. Now when I save, the routes and labels save to one file and the waypoint get saved separately to a second file. That means everytime I open the Route/label file, I have to go loking for the waypoint file that matches and then load that. Doing it in one file seems like an advantage.


What's wrong with that?


Also, I notice on the old version, I can open 2 different Topo map program and copy waypoints from one to the other and then file separately. can you do that on the new version and would that overcome the complaoint about not being able to save the waypoint files separately?




Can you

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