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USB to RS232(9-pin)Cable $12.50+shipping


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Every week or so there's a post "How do I connect my GPS to my laptop?". You need one of these adapters. Ususally they run $25+. ComputerGeeks has this

no name adapter for $12.50 + shipping. Can't vouch for this paticular cable but Computer Geeks is a trustworthy vendor with some pretty good deals. I'm on there emailing list and this was one of today's specials.



geocacher and bargain hunter

*not affiliated with Computer Geeks, just a satisfied customer.


I **finally** got something to work with my usb to r232 adaptor, AND IT WAS MY LEGEND!!! I did have to use COM5 and set the baud rate to 19200, but it works. Hmmm, what else, can I get to work?


"I can't find the longitude for the North Pole"


The USB is a communications port.

Go to the Control Panel > System > Hardware > Device Manager > Ports. Double click on the adapter and check your port settings.


You DID install the drivers for the adapter, didn't you?


"I can't find the longitude for the North Pole"


I'm no expert, but my understanding is that after going through all the trouble of getting the hybrid USB/COM cable connected AND working, the end result is that the data still flows to/from the GPSr at a rate no faster than the maximum COM. If that is true, then all the trouble of getting the USB/COM combo functional doesn't net any faster throughput - only a bunch of headaches.


That implies the ONLY benefit of a USB/Com cable is for those computer owners that have no Com port. I wish I were wrong, but I don't think so.


USB will push data an a very high rate... and the USB / RS232 converters are good to the limit of a UART.


The limiting factor here is what the GPSr can do.


I have a Compaq Presario 2700 Laptop ..... and it ain't got no serial ports. So, for me, this cable is the only way I am EVER going to get the GPS and the Laptop to talk.


At $13 ... this is a great deal


>Personally Responsible for the Recovery of .00244% of the Benchmark Database!<--watch this number!


I have a Garmin Legend. My laptop has no serial connection. My USB w/ serial port adaptor uses Com5. In the control panel, I set the baud rate at 9600. I had to set the port to Com5 in the EasyGPS preferences (default is Com1). If I used Mapsource or Streets & Trips before EasyGPS, it would not recognize the GPSr using EasyGPS. Turning off the GPSr and rebooting the computer (XP Home Version) solved the problem.


I hope this helps someone.


"I can't find the longitude for the North Pole"


It is beyond me to understan why anyone would buy a portable computer with no serial ports...icon_cool.gif


..but the again, im a telecomn/networks guy, and all my boxes have db25/9 for console-communication.


The problem is that the combination lightweight/DB9 is hard to find. The PC-manufacturers seem to think that if you carry your PC alot,you dont need to connect it to anything icon_confused.gif




Originally posted by hbrx:

It is beyond me to understan why anyone would buy a portable computer with no serial ports


Newer machines have less and less legacy ports. The question you should be asking is why do the GPS manfacturers not offer USB instead? It could be used to help power the GPSr if needed and the end is less bulky than a serial port. And I haven't even talked about the speed differences in lowly USB 1.1 compared to a 16500 UART Serial Port.


Opinions based on experiences with eTrex Vista...

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