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Platinum firmware and accuracy problem.


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I upgraded to 4.02 about a month ago and I think everything was working ok. Sunday I was chasing a 4 leg cache and on the last leg I was .24 miles off! We verified the location on Mapsend and the location was correct, my gps was off. I also noticed one night while I was sitting in my chair inputting coordinates that my arrow was like 200' off from my "home" waypoint. I cleared memory last night and reloaded 4.02 and it would not find sats for 15 minutes so I took it outside and it took 10 minutes to find sats. When loading the firmware my gps would not turn off or reset as directions said it would. Any ideas???


Some of those things sound like normal operation...I think even the firmware upgrade instructions note that the unit may require a manual shutoff or removal of batteries. And immediately after installing new firmware, you might have to download an almanac to get the satellite positions.


That .24 mile off, though, that's not what a person wants in a GPS. I wonder about things like poor receptivity conditions, poor satellite positioning, etc. I tend to think it might be a fluke and I wouldn't worry about it too much unless it happens again. (But easy for me to say, right? icon_smile.gif)


If you know what time it was, you could check on the Navy's China Lake site to see what the sattelite situation was when you had the problem...perhaps that would shed some light on the situation.



Often wrong but seldom in doubt


I was there 2 different days and had the same results. Last night I reloaded everything and this time I took out the sd chip which I hope was the problem before and I used other peoples instructions on how to do this, not Magellans. How do you download an almanac?


The almanac downloads from the sats...leave your unit outside with decent reception for a while for it to update. I'm not sure how long it takes...I did it for about 1/2 an hour and got good results.



"Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand."


Thanks for the info! I left mine out for 10-15 minutes and I will get to try it out against a Sports Track Pro tomorrow for accuracy. If its not working right I will leave it outside for 1/2 hr or so.


I think the problem is with the code. I noticed that I can be receiving good satellite signals, (full solid black bars), and then all of a sudden the satellites disappear, but the bars stay there. And it seems to take forever to lock on to position, even on bright, clear blue, unobstucted skys, sometimes... I mean, I will be standing out in the middle of the yard, and have good signals, and all of a sudden, all the satellites disappear and I've lost all of them again. Maybe one or two, but not eight of them at once. Magellen must have a clock snyc problem with this new code.


I see the same problem...the sattelites vanish and the lock goes away. It's like the almanac gets corrupted.


All those bastards at Magellan will tell me is that I must not have upgraded right, although I've done everything properly many times...they won't even listen to my concerns. I know a bug when I see it. I used to have a positive view of Magellan, but this whole 4.02 thing and the failure to acknowledge a problem (although it's being fixed in the 4.06 that's floating around, I guess) is really p*ssing me off.




So if I go back to the old firmware will it be ok? All my problems started with the "upgrade"! I used to be able to sit in my easy chair and lock on to sats immediately or in the truck but now it won't do that. But when I was with a friend and his Pro yesterday in the truck, I had sats and he didn't, AND he never upgraded his firmware.


You sure can try; if I were you I'd give the 4.06 a try first (I'm using that now with no problems), and if that's not satisfactory hop back to 3.12. As long as you follow the firmware upload directions carefully, it's reasonably safe to do.



Often wrong but seldom in doubt

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