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Where can I find a downloadable lat/long converter?

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Curious George or anyone else, does that spreadsheet you mentioned only provide coord conversions in WGS84 or are other datums supported?



"I've never been lost, but I was a might bewildered for three days once." - Daniel Boone


I know it's not the most convenient way to do it, but if you're in a pinch, couldn't you just change your coord system or datum in your gps..enter in the coord, and then change back to the original coordinate system and look at the coord you just entered? Seems like the gps would make the most ideal coordinate conversion tool...but it is a little cumbersome to keep changing settings...




Originally posted by pizzachef:

I know it's not the most convenient way to do it, but if you're in a pinch, couldn't you just change your coord system or datum in your gps..enter in the coord, and then change back to the original coordinate system and look at the coord you just entered? Seems like the gps would make the most ideal coordinate conversion tool...but it is a little cumbersome to keep changing settings...



That would work, but quite often I am doing the conversions when I don't have my GPSr handy. Unfortunately, several of the applications that I use prefer their input in different formats, so this seemed to be the easiest soloution. Thanks again all


I can give you a small self written tool for PC's. It is a calculator (appears similar like the Windows calculator) that is able to convert LAT/LONG coordinates in decimal format into degrees/minutes/secons and vice versa. If you need it just contact me: kaiwick@web.de

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