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'Fly' your hunt...


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I know that a fair number of you use http://www.lostoutdoors.com to generate aerial and topographic images, or to email waypoints from your GPSr using the waypoint exchange. So, I thought that some of you might be interested in trying a weird activeX control that I've hidden on the site:




If you are running Internet Explorer, this will take you to a page with a "FlyTrack" control. The control lets you download tracks from your Magellan or Garmin GPS and convert them into Flight Simulator 2002 'Flight Videos' which you can play back using FS2002.


It actually started with displaying a track from my Garmin Vista that I captured while flying a Cessna 172RG around Catalina and the Channel Islands. Then someone suggested it might be fun to 'fly' other tracks, so we added an elevation offset and some relative velocity logic. We've now 'flown' car trips, hikes, a ride on the Blue line, and even a sky run. It is pretty fun.


If someone has Flight Simulator 2000, and is interested in getting it supported, drop me a note. The reason it isn't currently supported is that I only have FS2002.




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