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Hurrahh i lost my geo virginity

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Hi All

Sorry for the tittle but i couldn,t resist. I've been a regular visitor to the geocache .com for a while now, but i havn't actually had a GPSR. This year the i bought one of Ebay which my wife kindly payed for as a Christmas present (£92+p&p). That was at the beginning of December and the miserable soso wrapped it up for xmas without letting me have a play. Even though i had a paddy and have been sulking since then she wouldn't relent. So i had to wait. Well Santa came and brought it and today i went out and found my first cache "Hermits Hole". Not easy but not to hard either, and apart from the fact i had to put my cloths in the wash when i got back due to the coppius amounts of mud attached to them i had a great time.Hopefully going out again tomorrow to try and find "Engines Graveyard" cache.

Lets Hope these are the first of many

Merry Christmas

Happy New Year

To all

Bounty Hunter1

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Probably the worst thing your better half could have done was buying you a gps.

1 she will never see you now as you'll be out cacheing all the time.

2 she will have to wash all your clothes etc due to falling in bogs and rivers.

3 She will have to tend all your wounds after raking in gorse bushes and tripping over things.

I could go on and on but I won't. Hope you enjoy all your future caches. I can't get enough of it.

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Oh dear, you've done it now - you're hooked.


Say goodbye to lazy weekends, say goodbye to clean trousers, buy shares in Elastoplast & Duracell.


Welcome to the club! Peter




It is better to regret something you did, rather than to regret something you didn't do.

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Welcome to the club, one you're in, you're hooked.


When you get the chance, as pid said, try night caching, it is REALLY fun icon_biggrin.gif


Michael aka 1/2 of Team Blitz


Wqablz-xqxw tdqml kwfwm twjowcl di klelqklqok ejw hepw gt dm lbw ktdl!


26 27.75 34.2(recuring) 41.09275 480.048 55.027777777(carrys on!) 62.01749271

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Originally posted by Bounty Hunter1:

Hi All

Sorry for the tittle but i couldn,t resist. I've been a regular visitor to the geocache .com for a while now, but i havn't actually had a GPSR.


Have a look at a few other uses for your GPSr (GPS receiver) whilst you have it.





A searche engine will get you there.


Unfortunately, these forums are censored, so you will have to email me direct to get more details of other forums.


Sorry, but freedom of speech doesn't get this far on Geocaching. :-(


--... ...--


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Promoting competing sites is somewhat obviously not permitted here, in the same way that if Virgin Airlines had a forum on their website, you could not advertise British Airways without expecting it to be edited.


There are no issues with mentioning other interests in using a GPS though this is not the forum to have a discussion about those interests.


The MinuteWar site is http://MinuteWar.org


The Geodashing site is http://www.geodashing.org


Take care and Happy caching,

Tim & June

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I have no axe to grind, but...

if Virgin had a link to a BA web site that was "not so good" then they would not lose by the deal.

The BA site would not appeal to customers and so pose no threat.

If there are competing sites to geocaching.com then why not mention them?

The free market thing is a strength of the web innit?


Shares in Tupperware? Be a Geocacher!

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Hope you enjoy your (no doubt) many caching experiences.

One of the good things about Geocaching is when you're taken somewhere very close to your own "turf" and find a special place almost on your own doorstep that you never knew about before!

You're in for a good time, just make sure to take a bin-bag with you (cache in, trash out)!

Remember: every cache is as good as the first, in it's own way.


It's a tradition, or an old charter or something...

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