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Free Detailed OS Maps Online

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I've just been onto my local council web site and found that they've been investing my taxes in this little wonder, called PlanAccess.


It looks to be using the Ordanace Survey MasterMap data, so allows you to find, and retrieve a detailed map of anywhere in the district via an address search. I haven't found a way to get an exactly centred lat/lon location from it yet though. Zooming out it only covers the council area, which lies to the south and west of Reading. However it does provide printouts of the maps, so may be useful for people in the area.


Anyone know of any other local councils who are providing something similar for their area?





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I think ordenance survey have their own website where you can get free maps which can be printed off.


I use them for highlighting a small area around the cache, which I print off and take with me.


They are as detailed as you would get from the OS map itself, but you can only print off a small section, so not so good if planning a ten mile hike.


The website is here Maps


Follow the links to the free stuff on the right hand side.

I think i have done this correctly, if not the website is



Hope this helps, if not I'm sorry.

I'm not as computer literate as others.

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Yes, the OS Get-a-map service is nice. Is the only source of 1:25,000 maps online as far as I am aware.


From further messing around the Wokingham council maps look to be getting down to 1:10,000 at least, plus they have various additional layers that highlight transport (bus stops, car parks, railway stations etc), education (schools, colleges etc), sport and leisure and so on. Not sure if they'd consider adding local geocaches to the sport and leisure layer. icon_biggrin.gif



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Although we appreciate that this is not an on-line service, has anyone tried the Anquet maps? They are on CDR and provide maps at 1:50000 scale for all of britain, and 1:25000 for the national parks, although we understand this scale is eventually going to cover the whole country.


It has two way communication with Magellan and Garmin GPSr's allowing you to plot routes and download to your GPSr. Printouts at 300% from OS and Harvey maps is a doddle. Routes, waypoints etc. can be marked on the map and print out with it.


Yes, they cost money, but not a lot, around £35. A very wothwhile investment and beats anything we have found on the net.


We don't assume that we are the only people here to know about this program, but have seen no mention of it here so thought we'd mention it.


Ali & Rel


Things to do today: Exhale, inhale, exhale. Ahhhh.

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