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The Fox Hunt is back for 2003 (Southern Event)

Team Tate

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Team Tate are pleased to announce they are arranging a Geocache Fox Hunt in the North Hampshire region!


The date is likely to be the 21/9/03, and will start and noon for a period of four hours.


As this is a social event, we would very much appreciate it if you could register your interest in order to find a suitable final venue for meeting up, with consderation to numbers of people, kids, animals, (OK T&J, BEARS), etc.


The cache page will be published shortly - we hope you can make it as much fun as it was before.


Team Tate


Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...

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I am definatly up for this, aslong as the fox promises to drive north up the M3! icon_wink.gificon_biggrin.gif and meet me at the services by slough. No seriously, would love to be involved aslong as it fits with days off work eg not friday, saturday or monday.


Its just a hunt for a lunch box, why be so serious!?! badgerslayer.gif


Dan Wilson - www.Buckscaching.co.uk - Stash Notes, forums & Much more...


[This message was edited by Dan Wilson on August 23, 2003 at 05:18 PM.]

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Unbeknown to me at the time, the first Team Tate fox hunt stopped within a mile of my home exactly a week after I found my first cache. icon_frown.gif I wuz cheated! icon_wink.gif So I'll certainly be trying this one! icon_biggrin.gif





"Ah, take the Cache and let the Credit go..."

The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, trans. Edward Fitzgerald

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Count us in, and we have 4 spare seats if anyone would like to join us (could be fun!). Pick up shouldn't be a problem as we are in the far south east part of the area so it's sure to take place around the far north west part!




Why is it that when you're out for a walk carrying a map everyone asks if you're lost?

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Just to put this back into everyones minds. The co-ordinates are now published for the chase to begin this Sunday.

If you don't manage to join in the hunt then the final co-ordinates are published for those of you who just want to meet up at the end or if you aren't able to catch us!

See you all on the hunt!


Team Tate


Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...

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