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New Cache - What Designation Should I Use?


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I am looking at placing my first cache(s) sometime in the next couple of weeks but am unsure as to what cache designation they should have. There will be two caches that amongst the usual goodies will also include co-ords (half in each cache) to a third cache that will contain a better selection of goodies. All three will be in the same area within half a mile of each other.


My first question is what designation should the first two caches have – regular, multi, etc. ?


Secondly, what designation should the third and final cache have - regular, unknown, multi ?


Lastly, as I won’t be including cache co-ords for the final cache, how do I get it to show up when people search for caches in a particular area ?


Probably all dumb questions (be gentle with me) , but as they will be my first caches I wanted to get it right.


Thanks, and hopefully there will soon be 3 more caches in Bedfordshire !



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I've just got back from completing he "Clappers" series by Nobby and I wanted to congratulate him on a wonderful cache or rather three wonderful caches. The locations are great, the views stunning, the degree of difficuly just right and the quality of the caches themselves put many to shame.


For a first cache he deserves a big pat on the back. Thanks very much for placing them Nobby and I can't wait for the next ones if they are anywhere near as good as this.






It is better to regret something you did, rather than to regret something you didn't do.

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It'd be more informative if the site let you tick boxes that apply, rather than just picking the nearest.


To my mind there's a big difference between a true multi-cache (where there are several locations to be found before the cache is solved) and a series of related caches (where each component is a single cache in its own right).


I'd say that (to pick examples at random) Tomb Raider is a true muti-cache, but the Cluedo caches are a series of single caches, with the final being a mystery cache (because you have to find the others to determine its location).




Purrs... LazyLeopard http://www.lazyleopard.org.uk

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