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John Stead

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Originally posted on a new thread at the same time as Posties, so I decided to delete that one and add it here instead.


Just taking advantage of the forum to wish you all a very splendid and happy Christmas. For the New Year, we wish you all prosperity and good health and loads of really great caches.


May your satellites be allways in view. icon_biggrin.gif


Take care,

Tim & June

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Seasons greetings everyone.


But don't forget "Following Yonder star" is a thing of the past. These days you need 4 satellites and a box of tricks at least.


"I've decripted the clue and it is rubbish - all it talks about is a manger - what do they look like. Better log it as a not found, all these kings and shepherds are making it really difficult to find" icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif


Merry Crimbo

Chris n Maria


Bear rescues a speciality!

London & UK Geocaching Resources: http://www.sheps.clara.net

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Bah humbug!


Spent too much money. Worried about who I'll upset 'cause I haven't bought their present yet. Last minute cards arriving from people we haven't sent too. Shops full of people. Rain forecast. Rubbish on the box. Have to visit relations I don't want to see and who don't want to see me. Too much to eat. Permanent hangover. Credit card smoking.


Then I log onto GC and see this thread. The sun has come out. Realise the next week or two offer almost unlimited opportunities to get out in the field. Merry Christmas quips from unseen friends.




May your batteries never die 200' from that cache, may you never lose signal due to trees, may you never put your hand in a wasps nest, may you never slip into a pool of muddy water.


Merry Christmas and a Happy caching New Year.




It is better to regret something you did, rather than to regret something you didn't do.

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Originally posted by jeremyp:

It's 11.15am on chrimbo eve and I still have four prezzies to get.

Your mother (who is already here for Christmas) says "If it's 11:15 on Cristmas eve and you still have four prezzies to get, why aren't you out there getting them instead of faffing about on the forum?"


Just passing the message on icon_wink.gif



mobilis in mobili


[This message was edited by el10t on December 24, 2002 at 04:37 AM.]

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Originally posted by Geo Weasel:

Originally posted by The Cornet:

ay your batteries never die 200' from that cache, may you never lose signal due to trees, may you never put your hand in a wasps nest, may you never slip into a pool of muddy water


What about Sniper men in fields and Tunnels under railways and.....icon_biggrin.gif


Ben Piddington http://www.buckscaching.co.uk


What you need is one of these...




Merry X-mas Everyone


Michael aka 1/2 of Team Blitz


Wqablz-xqxw tdqml kwfwm twjowcl di klelqklqok ejw hepw gt dm lbw ktdl!


26 27.75 34.2(recuring) 41.09275 480.048 55.027777777(carrys on!) 62.01749271

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Originally posted by jeremyp:

It's 11.15am on chrimbo eve and I still have four prezzies to get.


Grumble grumble

If it's any consolation, I spent my day like this.


Merry Christmas y'all!



Dzm Agslpewjp Mum L gmjsf j zdlpm dz egm sddi.

"Wqwwt, lp egje pzdo?"

"Zd, le'p cqpe sjlz fmjs."

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A dadgum fine Christmas to you all. I am sitting here, at work, at 2am, and thinking about how many caches I might do tomorrow....


Firstly, I have a little date with a certain cache by Mr Simon G, which due to having to work last weekend I was unable to finish as I expected.


I also expect to tackle a couple of easy ones with my parents down in Kent later today. So I want everybody's fingers crossed and touching wood, ok?




No trees were harmed during the production of this posting, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced....

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Happy Christmas to you all icon_smile.gificon_smile.gif. I am just home from work and I didnt see santa anywhere. He must be running late delivering all those everlasting batteries icon_wink.gif. I hope when he finaly gets round everybody you all get a nice surprise in your stocking icon_eek.gif


Hear about the 2 blondes that walked into a bar?

You would of thought at least one of them would of seen it!!

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Originally posted by SimonG:

If it's any consolation, I spent my day like http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=24936#835124.


As Pid says: hurrah for Simon G - rapidly becoming the Norman Wisdom of Geocaching icon_razz.gif


Can we expect lots of caches in the New Year to be full of unwanted Christmas gifts? Now there's an idea: The Unwanted Xmas Gift Cache. Everyone who visits, puts in something they got, but didn't like or want, for Christmas. Based on what I've received over the years though, we'd have to plant a 300 litre tupperware box!


Merry Christmas to you all.




I was technical once

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Ho ho ho - merry Christmas to everyone, and all the best for the New Year.


Things are progressing well here - turkey has been demolished, although pudding has been postponed until we can do it justice.


Have even been out with the GPS today - not caching, but just gathering too many statistics about the yearly Christmas walk. 4.54 miles it is. icon_wink.gif


Have a good one, everyone.



Seek and ye shall find (tupperware, ammo boxes, bears, free ISP CDs...)

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