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Forum Interaction

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I just noticed something which has probably been brought up befoire when the forums changed but hey what the heck.


Theres no intereaction between the forum profiles and the website profiles.


I oiften found the ability to click on profile in the forums and be taken to the geocachin.com profile- to be able to see last caches found, hidden etc etc...


Now theres none of that as far as I can see...the only way I am able to view what you last found is by going to one of your logs you have made! Shocking.


......or am I just missing something obvious?



I'm Bad, I'm Bad you know it you know! mikejackson1-vi.gif



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Originally posted by Ben Pid:

...the only way I am able to view what you last found is by going to one of your logs you have made! Shocking.

It has been mentioned before (but I can't Markwell it). Apparently the thing to do is to click on the poster's name, avove their avatar, select 'View recent posts by...' and then, from that list, click on the author's name. That will take you to the regular gc.com profile.


Long-winded, but it works.



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