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Travel Bugs and Hotels

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Are TB`s generally moving slowly or is it ones in Hotels, then maybe it’s just my perception? Well I am on nights this week!

How about the TB that are in Hotels what about putting printout of the TB`s goal? It would make it easier for a visitor to decide which one to move on.





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How about adopting a new approach to bug hotels? We could specify in the text of each hotel that only people leaving or taking a bug can log a find on the cache. People would also be permitted to log more than once if they move more bugs on separate occasions.


It couldn't be retrospective (we've had several non-bug visits to Heathrow Bug Hotel) and I wouldn't include Birmingham since it's not exclusively a bug hotel (too few visits).


What does everyone else think?


Dave & Nicky

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It might be a bug hotel, but it's still a cache. Normal rules should apply (IMHO).


Maybe travel bugs don't move as quickly because people a) don't visit the cache as often as a normal one or :) don't take the bugs because by definition they (the bugs) are expecting to go abroad somewhere. It's one thing to take a bug from a normal cache because, if all else fails, you can put it back in another normal cache just up the road. People probably only take TBs from bug hotels if they know they (the people) are going somewhere exotic in the near future.




The second ten million caches were the worst too.


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