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Winchester Family Picnic: Sunday 6th July

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You may remember I suggested having a nice informal geocacher's family picnic a bit ago. Well, as you can see, I've decided on Sunday 6th July: that's 2 weeks before the HCC event & BBQ.... and it will probably be in the same general area as the evening BBQ, although a few hundred metres away. Oh, the nearest pub is MILES away!


The idea is for the day to be fun for the *younger* kids.... bring kites, ball games etc. I have a rounders bat & ball, and I'm planning on setting a cache specifically for the kids to do. I've been very aware at the pub meets that there has been very little for the sub-teens to do, so let's make this one for them! Older kids (you know, the 20 yr old plus ones!!!) can wait for 2 weeks!


It will also allow the adults to do some final planning for the BBQ event. And it will permit some of us to celebrate our birthdays several times, and in different ways!!!!


So, a picnic lunch (hey, bring along all the family teddy bears too!!!!!).... starting at say 12:30 to 13:00, and (the afternoon *WILL* be fine!!!!) messing around in the afternoon.


The area I was thinking of is within a few minutes walk of the loos (there are plenty of trees around too!) and not far from the parking.


Whilst all are very welcome, my feeling is that those of you coming from further away may probably prefer to come to the HCC event & BBQ day on 19th July (unless you are mad enough to drive loadsa miles twice!!!).


(If it does rain, then if there's noone using the BBQ shelter, we could possibly huddle in there!!! We can see what the weather is looking like nearer the date and decide what to do then.)




My wife uses a cache box to take her sandwiches to work... how odd!

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The area I was thinking of is within a few minutes walk of the loos (there are plenty of trees around too!)


Your suggestion that we dump our personal waste at the base of a tree is bound to upset the Mod Ants again...


No trees were harmed during the production of this posting, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced....

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Originally posted by TheCookieCrew:

thecookiecrew would love to come.... especially as it is daddy cookies birthday !!


Talking of birthdays:

June 7th is a big day for me as well... icon_cool.gif


One day my sigline will stop changing.

Until then, it's "Lost in the woods? Not if you remembered to waypoint the car!!". icon_smile.gif


[This message was edited by DerekReed on June 06, 2003 at 05:35 PM.]

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Originally posted by TheCookieCrew:

Happy birthday Derek... Card and present on their way.... or maybe not, but happy birthday anyway... icon_biggrin.gif




Thanks. If your first few caches were in your local area, you aren't very far north from me, so the card and present will be here near the start of the week. icon_wink.gif


Finished my party now, so about to hit the sack, and maybe up for a few caches tomorrow.


One day my sigline will stop changing.

Until then, it's "Lost in the woods? Not if you remembered to waypoint the car!!". icon_smile.gif


I am a proud member of the Geocaching Association of Great Britain.

If you would like to have a say in the future of geocaching in the UK, please visit http://www.gagb.org.uk

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Originally posted by Krazy Kats:

Just thought I'd bump this up as we're getting close to the day.

This is bumping it up. When you did it, your timing must have been off. icon_biggrin.gif


Sig edited. icon_smile.gif

"Lost in the woods? Not if you remembered to waypoint the car!!". icon_smile.gif


I am a proud member of the Geocaching Association of Great Britain.


[This message was edited by DerekReed on June 18, 2003 at 07:07 AM.]

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Is the family part compulsory? I mean I do have one, but I will probably be alone. I am willing to be adopted for the day. I am old enough to be mother to the extraneous toddlers and daughter to the foggies. Would prefer "cool aunt" if this position is available.


Will there be sing songs? If so, I'm out. No 'Rolling out the Barrel' for me - or 'Blue Birds over the White Cliffs of Dover'. Or any of that standing round in a circle and sitting on each others knees either.


On second thoughts, I may give in about the sing-a-long. But I mean it about the circle thing.

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If it's a family thing mainly for the kids then we could all end up sing the Teletubbies or, three blind mice, or worse....The Barney song.....mmmmm. Mind you if the 10 yr old is coming it could be Busted, or Girls Aloud or worse...Tatu icon_eek.gif

I hope that kiss chase & skipping aren't on the agenda either....Mind you, kiss chase could be fun depending on the talent there icon_wink.gif

Sarah xx


Team Tate


Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...

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Krazy Kats wrote:


Anyone know what the weather's likely to be doing on Sunday?


Last I heard was sunny with the possibility of a few showers.





"Ah, take the Cache and let the Credit go..."

The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, trans. Edward Fitzgerald

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Anyone who is going to Paul's Family Picnic and has registered for camping at the Winchester event, we will be handing out the passes there.


Those who have registered and are not attending will receive their passes in the post. (We will be contacting those not at the picnic by email).


Hope to see a good turn out on Sunday to save on stamps. icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif

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Things to bring along on Sunday:




Children (any age: 80 hours to 80 years)




Outdoor games (anyone got a cricket set?)

GPSr (for the KIDS, not for you!)


I'll be bringing a rounders bat & ball (anyone got some "cones" or similar we could use for bases?)


Looking forward to seeing loads of you on Sunday: I'm at church in the morning (hey, feel free to join us: email if you'd like details!) and hope to arrive there about 12:30.


If you arrive before us, and are unsure where to sit.... look for the small family BBQ (no, NOT the great big shelter... go about 100 metres west of that one!)... anywhere near there will do....


Another proud member of the GAGB!

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Originally posted by Team Blitz:

I'm at church in the morning (hey, feel free to join us: email if you'd like details!)


I wondered what hymns you might be singing and came up with the following suggestions (form Hymns, Ancient & Modern):


057 From east to west, from shore to shore (surely the geocachers’ hymn)

076 Earth has many a noble city (but mostly contain micro and virtual caches)

080 The people that in darkness sat (For Dan & Pid)

088 When wounded sore, the stricken heart (when torn by brambles)

103 My Lord, my Master, at thy feet adoring (for Jeremy)

119 Throned upon the awful Tree (that cache in the tree yesterday)

159 Most ancient of all mysteries (why do we do geocaching anyway?)

163 Three in One, and One in Three (the Multicache hymn)

171 For the beauty of the earth (that’s why we do it!)

179 The Lord my pasture shall prepare (with cow pats)

191 Conquering kings their titles take (anyone with 500 caches)

210 Rock of ages, cleft for me (just the place for an ammo box)

214 There is a green hill far away (follow the arrow on your GPS to get there)

269 Hills of the north, rejoice (not many cachers have visited them yet)

291 Oft in danger, oft in woe (when hunting for a 5/5 cache)

296 Guide me, O thou great Redeemer (for when the batteries run out in my GPS)

311 Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us (ditto)

298 Lead, kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom (another one for Dan & Pid)

314 As pants the hart for cooling streams (after climbing that hill looking for a terrain 5 cache)

348 Art thou weary, art thou languid (after a hard day’s caching)

389 O food that weary pilgrims love (a pie & a pint after a hard multi cache)

433 Do no sinful action (food in caches?)

466 Day of wrath! O day of mourning! (couldn’t find the cache)

479 From thee all skill and science flow (for the inventor of GPS)

483 We plow the fields, and scatter (the caches on the land)

517 Our Lord the path of suffering trod (that’s who trampled the nettles)

522 The saints who toiled from place to place (for those who like multi’s)

542 Paul the preacher, Paul the poet (who could this be? <G&gticon_wink.gif


As happy as a piggy in ordure.

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Originally posted by Omally:

Originally posted by Team Blitz:

Things to bring along on Sunday:


Children (any age: 80 hours to 80 years)



Surely you can't exclude Hornet and LiS?! icon_razz.gif


I really think that "Dad" could not take all that excitement - all those kids and dogs??

They don't call him G.O.G for nothing you know.......... icon_wink.gificon_wink.gif


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Anyone going to the Winchester Family Picnic and is entering the Photographic display, if your pictures are ready it would be really helpful if you could bring them along.


All others we will collect on the 18th or early on the 19th. Alternatively, you can put them in the post (email us and we will give you our address).

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Originally posted by Team Blitz:

Things to bring along on Sunday:


Hey, I forgot, don't forget to bring along all your Teddy Bears.... No, I'm NOT thinking of the T&J ones (but they are also welcome!)... I'm thinking of the ones that we have kept from our childhoods.... (and of course, the children can bring theirs along too!)




Another proud member of the GAGB!

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For those of you not familar with the area where the picnic is happening....


If you look at the MapQuest Map link from the page, you'll see that its next to a crossroads:

on that crossroads is a BIG tree, and if you look to the NW, you'll see a big HCC sign.. (and if you DON'T then you are at the WRONG crossroads!).


From there, head west.... about 100 metres on the right (ie to the North) is the entrance to the car park. You can park to the left or to the right (loos are to the right!), and the area for the picnic is pretty much north of the entrance.


If you look at an OS map (eg Multimap or Streetmap) then the car park is clearly marked.


I'm hoping to put up an A4 "GAGB" sign, and a "Geocacher's Picnic" sign at the entrance to the car-park, so you'll know you're at the right place... but that won't be there until about 12:30 pm.




Another proud member of the GAGB!

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Hi there Paul.


Just to let you know we are still coming, MY wife will be staying @ home to do Over seas GCSE marking, but I will bring Benedict 3years and alexander 9 months se ya then.


With the Picnic is the plan for us all to have our own picnic or will we be shairing it with each other.


EG big ground space, place all food in that space and every body helping them selves.,




Own picnics on own rugs




GEOC.gif | tbrace.jpg

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