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This is quite possibly the biggest momenteous shocker of all time...


Dan has contracted the galloping raving lurkey and is in bed at the moment....he doesn't think he can make the HCC event this weekend!!! WHAT A FARSE.


Whcih cacher out there is a doctor that can treat him before he misses it? or alternativley which cacher is prepared to take me down because I aint missing it for noone!








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Originally posted by Ben Pid:

Dan has contracted the galloping raving lurkey and is in bed at the moment....he doesn't think he can make the HCC event this weekend!!! WHAT A FARSE.


Clearly not devoted enough! Give him a bread poultice and a couple of Sanatogen.


...or alternativley which cacher is prepared to take me down because I aint missing it for noone!


Why don't you just fly? icon_wink.gif


Get well quick Dan, the GeoMuggles NEED you! icon_biggrin.gif


"Woof" quoth he. Oh, and "Grrr" also.



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thanx guys love the one 2 above btw (thanks kouros) unfortunatly it isn't quite as pathetic as Pid makes out, I think the doctor called it Blood poisoning due to infection actually... I am very sad about this I was really looking forward to everything especially meeting everyone but It just aint gona happen how I feel. Hope you all have fun & that I get another chance to meet your ugly mugs sooner than later icon_frown.gif


Its just a hunt for a lunch box, why be so serious!?! badgerslayer.gif


Dan Wilson - www.Buckscaching.co.uk - Stash Notes, forums & Much more...

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Originally posted by Kouros:


In all seriousness, Dan, hope you get well soon.



Yes indeed, good luck Dan. Shame you can't come along old chap: can't think of a better pair of geezers to show Geomuggles how to go caching! icon_wink.gif


"Woof" quoth he. Oh, and "Grrr" also.



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Cheers Cat I will give you a ring later...


An infection dan?? what sort of infection could it possibly be...hmmmmmmmm I smell vinegar...


For everyones info Dan has been hobbling round on a bad toe for a few months now I am guessing that this is cause of his healths demise...Get well soon you complete badger!!!








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Originally posted by jstead:

...this is getting miles from Geocaching...


Not so!... The aforementioned toe infection is the result of chilblains, highly likely to have been caused by an ill advised geocaching expedition during the winter months (in fact - I suspect I did it on one of yours so it's your fault!), and worsened by further, even more ill advised geocaching expeditions that followed!


Personally, I feel it merits a new forum all of it's own - 'Disgusting Geocaching injuries'




Everyone is entitled to my opinion...

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