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Spread Your Wings

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The category description and requirements are well-written.  I wonder about the overlap with the "Murals" category though. Is there anything that prevents the wing murals from being included in the Murals category?  To get enough support to make it through Peer Review, you'll likely need to make a case for why this specific type of mural needs it's own category.  

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Posted (edited)
On 6/6/2024 at 6:35 AM, jonathanatpsu said:

The category description and requirements are well-written.  I wonder about the overlap with the "Murals" category though. Is there anything that prevents the wing murals from being included in the Murals category?  To get enough support to make it through Peer Review, you'll likely need to make a case for why this specific type of mural needs it's own category.  

I feel that the interactive part of these murals sets them aside from just any ordinary mural. Visitors can take a photo of any mural but these have the interactive component that set them aside from others. 

Yes they could be included in the murals category, but again I feel the uniqueness of these warrant their own category. Possibly the mural group can let members know when their waymark should be in this category rather than just as a mural. I have visited several waymarks that overlap into multiple categories and sometimes logged up to 7 or 8 categories for the exact same waymark. 

Edited by FLMathfreak
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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, Walking Boots said:

They are nice wings, but I have to admit that I have never seen such wings even though I have traveled to quite a few countries... Can you give me some examples

Here is a website for you to see some more examples Wing Murals This artist has done several across the globe. I am sure there are plenty of others but it looks as if this artist focuses on wing murals. 

Edited by FLMathfreak
adding info
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Here is another world wide website (no pun intended) Global WIngs If you take a look at the map on this site you'll see there are multiple wing murals across the world and this is just 1 site which is just angel wings. I am sure there are many more out there and as you can see from the attached photos some wings are very abstract and as mentioned in the category description may represent businesses like the pizza wings in Chicago. The butterfly creates even more interactiveness with the antenna and additional butterflies on the wall. 


Here is an additional link for Portsmouth website showing several of the wings in this city. 

Screen Shot 2024-06-06 at 3.20.34 PM.png

Screen Shot 2024-06-06 at 3.23.05 PM.png

Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, Max and 99 said:

My town has an interactive wing sculpture as well, although I understand it will not fit in this new category. 


Is this something that could be included in the category?  It might make it less of an overlapping category if it is for interactive wing murals and sculptures.  

Edited by jonathanatpsu

To differentiate this between the murals category, maybe you could require these to be in 3d. I've seen a lot of these pop up recently and they are pretty cool. The 2d ones should and could be submitted to murals, but the 3d ones will have a hard time Waymarking with the current categories. I feel a 3d category that will cover them will suffice. Well done on the idea and write up.

16 hours ago, jonathanatpsu said:

It might make it less of an overlapping category if it is for interactive wing murals and sculptures. 

I agree. If you just take the murals it overlaps to much with the murals category. Though sculptures may be even harder to find or are only temporary available (as I found a pair of angel wings during the christmas festival 2022 in the Cologne Zoo).


Btw: I would exclude the temporary ones right from the start to avoid later quarrels.

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4 hours ago, fi67 said:

Well written and interesting. I like that you don't have to be in the picture.

Since many do Waymarking alone it would be hard to require they are in the photo and that would also be hard to take a selfie with the entire set of wings in the pic. 

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Posted (edited)

Doubts about overlapping with murals. Also, I don't remember ever seen one in my whole life and as I saw a lot I will consider this as going against one of the four criteria points for approval. Considering the size of the world, the websites with tiny lists of examples is like... they don't exist. 

I will vote no for the category. And people really should review the concept of the single four conditions in the criteria for approval and stop considering those which are against any of these four points. Putting personal preferences aside and considering non-criteria aspects like quality of presentation of tha category.

Edited by Torgut



On 6/6/2024 at 12:35 PM, jonathanatpsu said:

The category description and requirements are well-written.  I wonder about the overlap with the "Murals" category though. Is there anything that prevents the wing murals from being included in the Murals category?  To get enough support to make it through Peer Review, you'll likely need to make a case for why this specific type of mural needs it's own category.  


It's not the point of "needs", it's the point of being prevalent. In this case, it's not, at all. 

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Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, Max and 99 said:

I've seen many of these interactive winged murals in the different states I visited.


I ve seen zero in 59 years across 120 countries. I read someone else stating the same. The provided websites with lists of these wings show a mere handful considering the size of the world.

Edited by Torgut
  • Upvote 3

Putting all the individual state or country benchmarks or historical markers aside there are still over 100 maybe even 200 waymarks that are very restrictive in where they are located. Many found in only 1 or 2 countries. So if deciding to approve a new category is solely based on "have you seen one in your travels"  then we need to delete hundreds of categories from the website. Anyone who has not traveled to the US but is an avid waymarker has probably not seen a DAR marker but it still has become a recent new category. 


According to the website: Waymarking.com provides tools for you to catalog, mark and visit interesting and useful locations around the world.


So as waymarkers we are looking to point out interesting items and places around the world and bring visitors to unique spots they have never seen then. 


I hope people can see the interesting aspect of this proposed category and realize that not having one in you own city, state, region, or country does not make the uninteresting to others. Maybe there is actually one that you have not yet noticed and if this category is added you or some other waymarker will point it out and hey will become more noticeable and have multiple visits. I can think of many categories I have waymarked that I would not have noticed prior to looking for that particular waymark. 


Thank you all for your comments and suggestions on this category and I hope enough will see its added value to the game of Waymarking. 





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Posted (edited)

For me its still a Mural and when they decline it  :D its always one to put this as a waymark in the Photo Goals category.


We could strip down every category this way and it would be the end. Many Categories were declined after a Peer Review in the past if it had the ability to post in an equivalent category.
About a comment that some categories can only be found in 1 country should go back to the basics of Waymarking.



Edited by dreamhummie
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16 hours ago, dreamhummie said:

For me its still a Mural and when they decline it  :D its always one to put this as a waymark in the Photo Goals category.


We could strip down every category this way and it would be the end. Many Categories were declined after a Peer Review in the past if it had the ability to post in an equivalent category.
About a comment that some categories can only be found in 1 country should go back to the basics of Waymarking.



Actually, this isn't a bad idea. This could theoretically go into the photo goals category. Although I feel these have a better fit as a new category since they are becoming more popular and widespread. I've seen several of these within the last year in my travels and only more will eventually pop up in more cities/towns. That means if your town doesn't have one...they soon will. Just look at the free community book exchange category from a few years back. They used to be seldom found, and now they are everywhere. I feel, given time, the same will happen with these wing displays.

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On 6/13/2024 at 12:12 AM, saopaulo1 said:

I would add, one waymark per mural and not per wings. 

Done. Added this line:


NOTE: Murals with more than one (1) set of wings will be considered as a single waymark.

1 hour ago, FLMathfreak said:

We have made a few description updates if you'd like to check it out. Interactive Wing Murals

What about the 3d displays? I feel this category is more a fit for those rather than murals, since the murals category already covers them.


Well, “Selfie Wall” may describe a mural I recently posted, which includes butterflies at the right height and in the right orientation for selfie wings, and flowers that are in the right height for someone’s head to be placed in the center, as well as other selfie-friendly elements. 








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On 6/14/2024 at 12:37 PM, bluesnote said:

What about the 3d displays? I feel this category is more a fit for those rather than murals, since the murals category already covers them.

do you have some examples of these? 


I'm going to say it without offending anyone and let no one get angry: I personally am not excited about this category of wings. Neither does the selfie category, because it wouldn't be a selfie, since I need someone to take my picture.
It doesn't seem to me to be global or to contribute anything interesting.
I agree that there are 400-500 WM categories exclusive to North America, and that having heritage from each country (or several) is exclusive. But having done this in the beginning, for me WM should look for globality now.


Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, Max and 99 said:

I'm wondering if the wording of the requirement for a long description could be improved. "Should" sounds so optional. I like that the murals category requires you to describe the mural. I despise a blank long descriptions. 


Just something to consider.

Updated Category Description

Edited by FLMathfreak

If you look at some of the prior posts with links you can see that these Wing Murals do show up in several countries across the world. I have not researched every country but I think there are many of the 1000+ current categories that all of us would consider as Global but could easily find several countries where they do not exist. 


So should a new category be available in every country to be considered global ?  As mentioned before in this discussion, creating the category may help to have more and more of these placed in areas where they do not yet exist. 

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Posted (edited)
On 6/7/2024 at 1:03 PM, FLMathfreak said:

Since many do Waymarking alone it would be hard to require they are in the photo and that would also be hard to take a selfie with the entire set of wings in the pic. 


Here I disagree. In order to well separate this category from the Murals: category  I feel that the "interactive" aspect should, or MUST remain in play.

Though I've not yet encountered one, I would guess that such murals will always occur in fairly well peopled areas.


When traveling alone, have you ever asked a local, or a tourist, to take your picture and been denied more than once?


Beyond that, I think this a cool concept which seems to be reasonably well accepted by the community.


Ultimately, though, I believe that Bluesnote's suggestion is the proper way to go with this one, the direction least likely to be rejected!


Edited by ScroogieII

The description has been recently updated and we are now in Peer Review - Please consider giving a YES vote to add this new category - THANKS for your support - Happy Waymarking

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12 hours ago, FamilieFrohne said:

I am currently surprised that so many Waymarkers (now more than 75) are publicly voting positively, but I have never read their names in the publications.

I was not surprised when I read this post on Facebook:


"Calling all Premium members: TIME SENSITIVE - only 3 days

We need your help - I know most of you do not do Waymarking but I have proposed a new category and we need YES votes to get it approved.
All Premium Geocaching members can vote. Just click the link below and you will see the category description and be able to vote to have it approved. You will need to log in with your geocaching login and password.
If this doesn't take you directly to the vote page just scroll down on the right side of the Waymarking main page to the Peer Review link and you can access it from there.
Please message me if you have any questions. THANKS for your help"
Therefore, I do not wish to participate in a vote. I think it's unfair.
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Thanks for posting the Facebook page.

I think it's unfair."  ditto

I can not post what I really think...


Humm, maybe flowers or even butterflies are next.







FYI - First time I have proposed or had a vote on a new category.
However this was in the email Waymarking sent me once the peer review was started:

"Hello from Waymarking.com!

Your category, Interactive Wing Displays, has been sent to peer review and will be in the voting stage for a period of 3 days.

Once the voting period has ended, you will receive an email with the results.

You may wish to take this time to rally support for your category"

If it helps make geocachers more aware of Waymarking then hopefully they will become more involved in it. The more they know the more involved they can become. 

So are there people voting who do not waymark? Probably Yes...however ALL premium members have the opportunity to vote. As paying Geocaching members they should have all the benefits of all that Groundspeak offers. I have several geocaching friends who I have introduced to Waymarking who had no idea it even existed. They  log a few here and there and some have logged several hundred. 

But I would hope and expect that any of you who are commenting would be just as passionate about a category that you feel needs to be added. 


If you haven't read comments on the votes here's one I'll share (from a very active waymarker) that could be said about several groups of current categories...


"I'm for it! Great idea - worldwide appeal. To those who say it's a mural... a caboose is a static railway car...just sayin'."

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That this new cat made it as a new cat is imho a real disappointment.  Especially when in the forum I mainly see declines by  active fellow waymarkers.

BUT! to look at it in a positive manner, I see great opportunities for the Free tap water points!...

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