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Geocaching on Radio 4

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Krazy Kats, it seems to have disappeared. Yesterday I followed CnM's link above and just scrolled down the page. Presumably I was looking at Thursday's page, but it isn't on Thursday's, or indeed any day's, page now. Unless my glasses need changing yet again, which is not impossible. icon_wink.gif





"Ah, take the Cache and let the Credit go..."

The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, trans. Edward Fitzgerald

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The website has stillnot been updated with last weeks programme but I managed to get a copy on the day which I have placed for download as an MP3.


Its file size is 6.2 Mbyte (OK - I'm new to this MP3 lark) and is published without any authority from the BBC. If you choose to download it, it's your risk. I'm just keeping a backup on my webserver as my hard drive is full (ahem)...


The file can be found at the URL:








Team Tate


Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...

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Originally posted by Team Tate:

The website has stillnot been updated with last weeks programme but I managed to get a copy on the day which I have placed for download as an MP3.


That's good, because the BBC use that god-awful Realmedia, and worse in version 8, so anyone not on Windows '98 or more recent is buggered.


It was interesting to listen to. I was a little concerned about the fact it seemed to stress more about finding and taking than replacing.


And I am also concerned that it specifically mentioned Travel Bugs which are a geocaching.com proprieatary product rather than the more generic concept of a hitch hiker. Much as it would like to present itself as the only "official" geocaching web site, geocaching.com isn't and the Beeb shouldn't be buying into it.

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That's good, because the BBC use that god-awful Realmedia, and worse in version 8, so anyone not on Windows '98 or more recent is buggered.


Get real, player is no problem. Having listened to this clip I find no problem. Travel Bug is a generic term, not a copy right issue. Why is it that people try to pick a fight with any comments made.Get out of the kitchen & go cache.


Out & About? Must be Monday

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Originally posted by cain mosni:

And I am also concerned that it specifically mentioned Travel Bugs which are a geocaching.com proprieatary product rather than the more generic concept of a hitch hiker. Much as it would like to present itself as the only "official" geocaching web site, geocaching.com isn't and the Beeb shouldn't be buying into it.


Just by reading your profile you're obviously pro another cache site and anti GC.com. To actually recommend another site over this one in your profile on THIS site kinda says it all.


The Beeb can report on whatever it wants in any way it likes provided it's reporting is legal.


This isn't the place for your pro this and anti that moaning... By all means use whatever caching site you like, but please keep your propaganda to yourself...




If you can see the 'light at the end of the tunnel', it's usually a train coming !

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It should be worth noting that the only term used through the broadcast is Geocaching - there is no mention of any specific website other than the BBC's. I thing this is fair enough as the BBC have to remain impartial to any one organisation (gc.com or otherwise).


I will admit that the term 'Travel Bug' was used, but this was because the school's mascot is attached to a gc.com travel bug.


The main emphasis for the broadcast, however, was to promote our hobby to a wider audience and to show how the hobby can be benficial educationally (basic maths/geocgraphy/culteral studies, etc.) to young children.


I have been involved with several debates over the past twelve months as to whether public media (TV and radio) is the right way to promote our sport, and I don't plan to go into any arguments over who has the best website, or who should represent the hobby on a regional or national basis.


All I know is that geocaching is a hobby I enjoy with all my family, and I am proud to let people know what I have been doing when I return to work on a Monday morning to be asked "What did YOU do at the weekend?"


I hope this clarifies some of the issues raised.


Bob (Team) Tate


Team Tate


Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...

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Originally posted by Warwick Bear:

Get real, player is no problem.

...if you happen to use an OS for which a version is available... Personally I'd prefer sound clips in OGG or (at a pinch) MP3 rather than RA, but I doubt the BBC is going to switch, as RA gives them more control on distribution and a whole lot else.


I listened to the clip at work, and I hope the copy of RealOne I had to install to do so hasn't mangled the supposedly standard setup.


The report itself was an excellent one, given the limits it had set itself

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Originally posted by Team Paradise:

Just by reading your profile you're obviously pro another cache site and anti GC.com.


The comment to which you refer is a recent addition as a direct response to the changes recently implemented that make Javascript a mandatory requirement if you're goint to get anywhere past the first look-up page. I'm not anti-gc. I'm anti- the arrogance of the assertion that it is somehow the "official home" of geocaching (and always have been). But more recently the adoption of a presentation policy that dictates the browsing practices to the user is what's prompted me to remark, because until then it hadn't actually inconvenienced me, because the site is no longer usable in the field on my Psion. Up until then, ther than the self-possesed attitude the site worked, it did what it set out to and my preference had been GC.


To actually recommend another site over this one in your profile on THIS site kinda says it all.


I only mention NC as it works under lesser circumstances, and doesn't dictate a browsing policy. NC also uses Javascript and design elements that only work with more recent broswers, but nowhere critical.


The Beeb can report on whatever it wants in any way it likes provided it's reporting is legal.


Commerical bias isn't legal for the BBC.


This isn't the place for your pro this and anti that moaning... By all means use whatever caching site you like, but please keep your propaganda to yourself...


You're the one who chose to read my profile!

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Originally posted by Warwick Bear:
Originally posted by cain mosni:

That's good, because the BBC use that god-awful Realmedia, and worse in version 8, so anyone not on Windows '98 or more recent is buggered.


Get real, player is no problem.



I HAVE RealPlayer. And it won't play this clip. Reason? It demands Player version 8, and even goes as far as downloading an update - which then refuses to install on '95.


Having listened to this clip I find no problem. Travel Bug is a generic term, not a copy right issue.


Ok, I could be wrong. But how long do you suppose Jeremy would let someone else get away with selling something called a Travel Bug that wasn't one of his proprietary dog tags? Is there an option to enter and track a bug that isn't one of said dog tags? (Genuine questions. I haven't seen one, but then I haven't looked terribly hard either. If there is, how does it ensure that it doesn't clash with the dog tag numbers, I wonder?)

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