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Geocaching map style: Add peak names


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Posted (edited)

In general "Geocaching" map style on gc.com's search sites https://www.geocaching.com/map/ is a beautiful topogrphic style, including location names, road names and elevation lines. But there's one element I'm missing a lot: peak names (and its elevation) of mountains. They are important geographic elements and shouldn't be forgotten on any topographic map. Especially not on a map which is dedicated to an outdoor hobby like Geocaching, where lots of caches are hidden near peaks. So Peak names would be very helpful for orientation on the map.


Gc.com asked me to post my idea here, to get further feedback about it.

What do you think?

Edited by PPete
  • Upvote 1

Maybe I'm misunderstanding your suggestion, but when I open the search map on geocaching.com (the Browse map, my preferred map and the map that comes up when I click the link in your post) I can choose any one of several maps, and most of those DO contain topo views with peak names, and roadways.  The default geocaching map does not, but most of the others available by hovering over the "layers" icon in the top right corner do contain what you are looking for.


Is this not what you see?  Or what you want?


Posted (edited)

Groundspeak seems reluctant to make changes to their map style.  In the years it's existed, I recall only one intentional change ever (adding county boundaries for the stats crowd), and one perhaps inadvertent change (one mid-range zoom level shows trails only if they have a name ... wot?!?).  Energy seems to be directed elsewhere.


Useful stuff like parking and indication of prohibited areas, details of which are available in the underlying OSM data, have been suggested long ago but haven't happened.


Your best bet is to find a better map for your own use.  Some great ones are available...  What's your main use case: web, Android, iOS?  Which app, and are you willing to change?


Some beautiful maps are available if you know where to look.



Edited by Viajero Perdido
9 hours ago, CAVinoGal said:

The default geocaching map does not, but most of the others available by hovering over the "layers" icon in the top right corner do contain what you are looking for.



That is the point. The default "Geocaching" mapstyle does not - although it's a "topo" style including pathes and elevation lines. Such topo maps usually also contain peak names, since this is one of the most important features of these maps.

I don't want to switch to another style just to see peak names, I prefer "Geocaching" style to the other selectable styles for browsing the map.

Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, Viajero Perdido said:

Your best bet is to find a better map for your own use.  Some great ones are available...  What's your main use case: web, Android, iOS?  Which app, and are you willing to change?

Some beautiful maps are available if you know where to look.



I'm using Locus-App and OpenAndroMaps myself on the phone ;-)


This idea here is just for browsing the gc.com map at home on the big screen of a PC. I don't want to switch to another map style just to see peak names, because I prefer "Geocaching" style to the other selectable styles for browsing the map.

Edited by PPete
2 hours ago, PPete said:

his idea here is just for browsing the gc.com map at home on the big screen of a PC

In that case some the  map options @CAVinoGal showed above will showed above includes all the info you requested.
You need to click the layers button beneath the Search Geocaches button:


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