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Where do we go from here ?

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Well here we are having lost 2 of the nicest/hardest working people in caching and we seem to have an association that seems to have been formed yet is now in a strange kind of limbo, unsure of it's supporter base. And we have probably trashed our relationship with HCC.


I'm not pointing any fingers but that seems to be where we are at.


Can I therefore suggest that we spend a week or so in quite reflection (no ranting) during which time:


1. GAGB founders take the time to consider what they wish the organisations mandate to be, bearing in mind points already raised. Then, with their membership, decide if they wish to carry on.


2. We will need at least one new moderator/cache approver (unless T&J come back - please please please). Do we need more than 1 in order to introduce balance?


3.We all consider what we want this forum to be like in the future.




Bear rescues a speciality!

London & UK Geocaching Resources: http://www.sheps.clara.net

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I think we need more than one new moderator. Spread the workload a bit. For one moderator (albeit in the form of a pair) to get get so much flak can only result in one conclusion: resignation.


I agree with the period of reflection. It would be sensible of everyone to steer clear of any subjects relating to GAGB, HCC, FC, NT, etc etc ad nauseum for a week. We all need to calm down, take a deep breath, and consider in which direction we would like UK caching to go and whether any of us can affect that direction for the common good. Steady hand on the tiller and all that. We are all supposed to be friends here, given our one common interest. We have all got a little fraught over all this and need to calm down. Chill out all round, dudes! icon_cool.gif


Clamo, clamatis, omnes clamamus pro glace lactis.




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Originally posted by Chris n Maria:

1. GAGB founders take the time to consider what they wish the organisations mandate to be, bearing in mind points already raised. Then, with their membership, decide if they wish to carry on.

A useful post Chris. I agree with your suggestions. On number 1 specifically, I have decided not to dedicate any more time to trying to help the community.



mobilis in mobili


[This message was edited by el10t on May 12, 2003 at 01:25 PM.]

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I agree with everyone having a break. However, as I have not checked the forum for a couple of days, I have just come back to a load of stuff that I have not had the chance to respond to, so I just thought I would get it all of fmy chest and be done with. (Apologies)


I think that this whole issue has been a victim of the media we have for discussion. When people are face to face it is alot more difficult to be difficult. The disagreements to date have centered around important issues, but ones where I believe a common ground should be easily found.


If you don't know an organisation's guidelines (because they haven't formed them yet) how do you know they conflict with your interests. I agree that a group shouldn't claim to represent anyone it does not, but at the same time, I think we all have pretty similar objectives, not to mention hymn sheets. (Oh, I've never typed hymn before!)


Maybe I am looking at things a bit simplistically. Still, that's it from me.

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Well said Chris & Maria - I too think its time we all just thought about things for a bit before everything we had is lost. Lots of mistakes have been made but its all part of the learning process. Maybe after some time reflecting, & more discussion we can all come up with something that we all support and are fully behind. Finger pointing and flaming won't get us anywhere. I would just like to add a big thankyou to all the moderators who have sadly resigned today. I'm sure i speak for many when I say your work has been apreciated, you have gained my total respect.


Its just a hunt for a lunch box, why be so serious!?! badgerslayer.gif


Dan Wilson - www.Buckscaching.co.uk - Stash Notes, forums & Much more...

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Originally posted by Chris n Maria:

Can I therefore suggest that we spend a week or so in quite reflection (no ranting)


3.We all consider what we want this forum to be like in the future.



For those of us with getting on now for a couple of years involvement in the hobby/sport and these fora, the number of contentious threads, malicious posts, flaming wars, rudeness, and general ill feeling, is increasing month on month and week on week. We can all name the big ones such as the RL saga, ModAnts, and this latest one, but we've recently had "The Troll" episode and a definite increase in more of that level. These tend to end up with people either backing out of the limelight or worse, giving up what is a meant to be an enjoyable hobby. If I wanted to be stressed and have arguments all the time I'd be married!!! icon_biggrin.gif


I rarely post on contentious issues, and even on something seemingly innocuous you can seem to upset someone without too much difficulty. I'd back off from the forum if it wasn't for the fact that there is sometimes some useful information or a fun thread which you otherwise wouldn't get to hear/know about.


I was caching for a couple of months before I decided to read the forums. It was in the middle of the RL saga and I nearly packed it in there and then as all I could think of was what sort of people am I "getting involved" with. There are other posts being made in other threads at the moment with new cachers coming into the forums and being worried to post because of the chance of being flamed. Bodies we need on our side are being attacked, and at best they lurk in the background and see the in fighting. What a great advert these fora are for geocaching sometimes. icon_rolleyes.gif To be fair, I've posted recently on a US thread and got much the same "attack" mentality, so it isn't just us Brits.


Well, this was longer than I intended it to be but I do feel passionately that discussions here should be an aside to geocaching not geocaching being something we do in those spare moments when we're not all arguing amongst ourselves.


Finding your caches - Losing my marbles.

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Thanks Chris, I wish to echo your thoughts.


I have stayed silent until now, having read nearly all of the posts on this affair and feel crushed by results.

So much damage has been done by this argument that I fear that those in authority will not look at geocaching favourably if we are seen to behave like this. What I fear most is that geocaching will be outlawed by landowners, managers and local authorities, leaving what should be an enjoyable activity to be driven underground.


Have boots and GPSr, will cache for fun!

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What I fear most is that geocaching will be outlawed by landowners, managers and local authorities, leaving what should be an enjoyable activity to be driven underground.


On a slightly lighter note . . .

I didn't think technology was advanced enough yet for geocaching to take place underground !!! [smiling blond bimbo icon missing]


(PLEASE nobody take my post the wrong way - after such a sad day I couldn't resist a bit of lightheartedness before bed - maybe I'll wake up and discover today was all a bad dream)




Don't you think that sooner or later someone will notice that its a mobile phone not a GPS your using???

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Originally posted by Liz Codd:


On a slightly lighter note . . .

I didn't think technology was advanced enough yet for geocaching to take place underground !!! [smiling blond bimbo icon missing]





I don't know about that, I turned on the GPS inside the house yesterday to note down some co-ordinates we'd taken and it immediately locked onto a couple of signals...amazing!

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Well I am shocked to say the least


Whats done is done and we need moderators most definatly.


We are cachers and I dont think this is the sort of game that should be taken so seriously.


Its is only lunch box hunting with a GPS....wahever way you effin look at it thats all it is and all its ever going to be.


Lets just hunt the dadgum things and chat every now and again.


My deepest sympathys and regrets to all lost moderators but come on guys- is this really woirth it????? THERE IS MORE TO LIFE.


Its not life or death- its LUNCH BOX HUNTING.









I'm Bad, I'm Bad you know it you know!mikejackson1-vi.gif



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Originally posted by Omally:

Bizzarely enough, I was sat at a bar in the middle of an oak-beamed pub working out the final co-ords of multi-cache. I got a 35ft accuracy reading! icon_eek.gif


That's nothing...I've just tested it out in our home-made nuclear bunker and it pointed me in the right direction for the 'ladies'.

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Originally posted by Ben Pid:

but come on guys- is this really woirth it????? THERE IS MORE TO LIFE.


Assuming you are addressing the comments about the mods who've now gone I think that's the whole point. There is more to life than giving up your time free of charge and being roundly abused for your efforts.


Finding your caches - Losing my marbles.

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Originally posted by Liz Codd:

What I fear most is that geocaching will be outlawed by landowners, managers and local authorities, leaving what should be an enjoyable activity to be driven underground.


On a slightly lighter note . . .

I didn't think technology was advanced enough yet for geocaching to take place underground !!! [smiling blond bimbo icon missing]


(PLEASE nobody take my post the wrong way - after such a sad day I couldn't resist a bit of lightheartedness before bed - maybe I'll wake up and discover today was all a bad dream)


icon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gifThanks Liz


How could I take it the wrong way? I want to read the forums and go to bed with that warm fuzzy feeling I used to get.


Have boots and GPSr, will cache for fun!

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Originally posted by adrianjohn:

How could I take it the wrong way? I want to read the forums and go to bed with that warm fuzzy feeling I used to get.


Have boots and GPSr, will cache for fun!


Yeh!: what he said! (or it could just be the lurgi, mate!)

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