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Uk Stats @ geocacheuk.com


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Hi Just a quick note and I hope it is allowed. Due to the work of Teasel over the last few days the UK Stats pages on Geocacheuk are now working again. There are a few problems still to be ironed out but thay are to do with the lesser parts of the stats. You can now get the caches you have found or not found in a format to suit you as before. The stats will as before be updated daily.


Mark (TheCat)



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The stats pages are now back to there former glory and this mornings update went better than expected with most of the problems being sorted. It involved a bit of late night editing on my part but it was worth it as the overall stats now work, thay are not as acurate as we would like but the main details in the chart etc are. We are going to work on a SQL Database now to reduce the traffic on the geocaching.com site. This will enable you to be far more selective on the information you get.


D&P your request will be addressed when the new database comes on-line.


Oh we have also put a Links Database on-line now so all those links you want on the site can be placed on it.


Mark (TheCat)



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Originally posted by Kouros:


Is it possible to organise the cachers by the number of caches they've found?


There is a site which already does this, however, if you have changed your name like me, you will see that it totals the amounts under each different user name you have used which was very disapointing eg I had 40 odd finds under Geo Badger my old user name, 30 odd under Dan Wilson and 30 odd under something else! I hope if this is done that it will show the total amount under one username. I will try and remember the url of the site, it was quite amazing to see that one team had found over 1200 caches and hidden 100 + although i dont know how many people were in the team?


Dan Wilson - www.Buckscaching.co.uk

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Originally posted by Team D&P:

Originally posted by Kouros:


Is it possible to organise the cachers by the number of caches they've found?


There is a site which already does this, ... it was quite amazing to see that one team had found over 1200 caches and hidden 100 +


Indeed, but they aren't UK specific.


I think it would be interesting to see who has the highest find rate in the UK



O God, I could be bounded in a nutshell, and count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams.


Hamlet, II.2 252-253

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Originally posted by naffita:

Don't know how up to date this is though.




Not very!! Tim & June have 2 entries and I can't find us.


The stats at geocacheuk.com aren't very accurate either...We found 9 caches in holland but they aren't counted...we should have 52


Michael aka 1/2 of Team Blitz


If life iz a game, then y aint it fair, im alwayz the lonely 1, u dont even care :S

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At the moment we only look for UK caches when compiling the data. If we had to trawl through all the caches in the world it would take ages and could overload geocaching.com.


But there is good news on the horizon we are working on an SQL database that will give loads more features and the ability for you to be more selective with the custom files you create. I cant tell you when the new database will be ready but it wont be long before the first version comes on line, a couple of weeks or so. We will also be including some other nice features with SQL as well. But surfice it to say we are working on the database and it is on a server even as we speak. If you would like to help with the Beta testing when we are ready then please an email to mark@geocacheuk.com to let me know. One last thing the new database will we hope reduce the amount of load we place on geocaching.com as we will only be downloading the caches that have changed from the previous day. Also being able to use Cron Jobs we hope to make the system fully automatic.


Mark (TheCat)



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Originally posted by naffita:

Dan. the url you want is http://www.insidecorner.com/geocaching/stats/index.cgi . You can update your finds on the site.



I used to look at this site , but found that the tallies dont tally, I can remember when on geocaching I had found 179 caches but on inside corner it only said 146, I tried to point this out to the site owner but that proved a waste of time, in (my opinion) I think that site is naff, But at the same time would like to see what others think of it, The site owner also told me that your hidden caches are not listed until they are logged, I am not grousing about it , just stating what I found , thats why I'v neverlooked at it again, Naffita states that you can update your finds, I never knew this as I thought only the site owner would have this sort of access, So how would I go about updating my finds? icon_confused.gif


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I seem to have put my mouth working here before my brain, I have just visited inside corner for the first time in about 3 months and found what Naffita said about putting your missing finds onto the stats page, Sorry Naffita,I should have realized that you would not have said that unless you knew about it, the sites been updated sinse I last looked Do you have to subscribe to the site and obtain passwords to be able to do this?

Nige. icon_wink.gif

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The Northumbrian said>

Do you have to subscribe to the site and obtain passwords to be able to do this?


No, you don’t need to subscribe. If you have changed your name the site doesn’t automatically add your old finds to the new name and that is probably why the numbers often don’t add up. You need the ID number, not the cache number, of the unrecorded caches and you have to input them one at once. A bit tedious if there’s a lot. I think the site explains it all if you get to the right page. Click on 'Missing Logs'



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...the only strange thing was that it says i have placed 1 cache and i have actualy placed 16?

You changed user name. You have placed caches as "dan wilson", "danwilson" and "geobadger". I'm correcting this in my database now, please report any other errors to me by e-mail. I'm trying to keep everything as correct as possible.

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Just been looking at Gustaf's other Geocaching pages. They are really good.


There are some interesting World stats for Geocaching with lots of info on highest finds by country and user.


It also states that the quickest find is 135 minutes after a cache is placed, this leaves me with a good idea for a cache I will be placing soon - Anyone up for a record attempt? The cache will be in Cardiff (I know that means most of you would have to apply for a visa and pay to get into wales via the Severn Bridge icon_biggrin.gif ) I could place the cache and upload the details via laptop and mobile, that would take about 10mins leaving plenty of time for a Geocaching world record. Anyone up for that?


Great pages Gustaf, keep up the good work.



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Monz asked - How about sharing some of your obvious coding skills with the Mark at geocacheuk. Or even an under licence copy of the "robot"


I just had a look at the faq at http://www.m.kth.se/m95_bef/geo/faq.htm and this is what it sais icon_frown.gif


Q: Will you send me a copy of the script of that amazing program you have?

A: No, for several reasons. It has to be changed all the time, to keep up with changes on Geocaching.com. And if everyone starts using it, there will be too much load on their servers.


Shame, perhaps Gustaf could be persuaded, but don't forget the updated UK pages should be available shortly on geocacheuk.com



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The "useless knowledge" section is just for Sweden, but if you find a cache in Sweden in less than 135 minutes after it was placed, I'll put your name there icon_wink.gif Besides, I don't think my record ever will be broken, since the approval process is much slower now than it was back then.

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Originally posted by Dave Schofield:

Originally posted by Team D&P:

Ha talking about the quickest find me and pid found one of hornets before it even appeared on the site! so i am hoping that when i go look now that little aweard will be in my name icon_wink.gif


How did you do that then, are you stalking The Hornet? icon_biggrin.gif


Well he sent us the coords and clue via email a couple of hours before it went live so we had actually completed the cache before anyone had seen it. We do however stalk hornet too, yes.


Dan Wilson - www.Buckscaching.co.uk

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