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Guest The Northumbrian

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Oh, and I guess I'd now advise neo-cachers to go hunt a good variety of caches before trying to hide any. There are enough around that cachers in the UK might reasonably hunt (say) ten or so before trying to hide their first.


Really depends on where you are, LazyLeopard. I'm in Edinburgh and have access to public transport only, which means two, maybe three accessible caches total. If I, or any other geocacher up here, tries to visit 10 before hiding one, I can't see that number ever improving.

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Originally posted by evilrooster:


I'm in Edinburgh and have access to public transport only, which means two, maybe three accessible caches total.


That is a very bizarre statement.


The whole world is accessible, even to those (GASP!) without a car!


There are planes, trains, coaches and (dare I say it) .... FEET!


(and they say that Americans have an insular mindset!)


the tapir

(who, while having no car, will be placing a very interesting cache next Tues ... hundreds of miles away from his home)


[This message was edited by the tapir on March 23, 2002 at 01:22 PM.]

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Originally posted by the tapir:



(and they say that _Americans_ have an insular mindset!)


the tapir

(who, while having no car, will be placing a very interesting cache next Tues ... hundreds of miles away from his home)


[This message was edited by the tapir on March 23, 2002 at 01:22 PM.]


Excuse me. Not much help insulting Americans. We had nothing to do with this thread icon_wink.gif

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Originally posted by the tapir:



(and they say that _Americans_ have an insular mindset!)


the tapir

(who, while having no car, will be placing a very interesting cache next Tues ... hundreds of miles away from his home)


[This message was edited by the tapir on March 23, 2002 at 01:22 PM.]


Excuse me. Not much help insulting Americans. We had nothing to do with this thread icon_wink.gif

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