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Winchester BBQ Cache Bache

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Originally posted by The Hornet:


The Hornet is %^*£$ years old on the 16th. Instead of a cake, how about a cache especially for the birthday boys (and girls).





"....%^*£$ years old..." - COME ON!! .............Give us a break. We all know that you remember voting for Gladstone.


"....how about a cache especially for the birthday boys (and girls)....." - What's that?? One with BIG letters on the cache page and perhaps the cache itself containing Phylosan??

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It's my birthday on the 13th, not Bobs! And I bet the Hornet is a bit older than me by about um....... a few more years.....maybe even twice my age! Nah! If you're going for a cake for him then better have those extinguishers handy! Mind you would make a nice beacon for people to see the event from miles around icon_biggrin.gif




Team Tate


Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...

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Originally posted by Team Blitz:


How many people are gonna be celebrating their birthday for goodness sake. Off the top of my head, there's you, me, Mr Tate..... and I'm SURE there was at least one other.


I'm on 17th.



Yes that other person was me, and I am also on the 17th, although not *quite* so many years yet.




"Cut his legs off and count the rings"

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Originally posted by Omally:

Do we need to set up a rota to give Hornet the bumps then? icon_biggrin.gif


Neutiquam erro.


No - just a powerful crane.




It is better to regret something you did, rather than to regret something you didn't do.

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We were worried about being seen as being slightly odd - after reading the thread we are less concerned. We have two children in the team keen to instruct muggle children in the art of geocaching. You have 3/4 adults willing to help, but be warned we only aquired our GPS this weekend and our first cache is awaiting authorisation! icon_razz.gif

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Originally posted by Ben Pid:

CAMPINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG icon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gif


Yes most definatly me and dan are camping (in seperate tents!) Should be a brilliant weekend.


Hopefull the weather will be nice and not raining...will be willing to help out and maybe Dan and I could do a "Night caching newbies lesson" where we teach you all how you REALLY do it in the dark icon_wink.gif






_Did I hear a rustling over there Dan? Nope its just young Dean!_




Count us in.

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iv checked my details and im all game

as identification for geocachers and the noncaching-folk, why doesn't someone make up a template for a badge to hang around ur neck with ur geocaching name on that u can print off or ask an amigos to print off / blag a print off @ work / college ???

a simple logo and thing would help muggles spot us, even if they "have really bad eyesight"!

c u guys there



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Thanks for the idea this is already being discussed with HCC.


We are at this time in communication with the legal beagle at GC.com to produce badges and other items with the logo.


We will be having official badges for the helpers with their names.


Tim & June (Winchester)


See June, I told you that sign which said 'Unsuitable for Motor Vehicles' was wrong ! icon_smile.gif

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The date has finally been settled as Saturday 19th July....we will need volunteers for the day to help explain to Geomuggles about caching and maybe help them find a cache or two, which have been planted specially for the day.

1) Attend

2) Help out

3) Camp overnight


T&J et al


Fairly recent convert (11 logged/1 placed) but keen to be involved, so...


1) Date is in the diary - all things permitting, me and at least one of the sprogs will attend.


2) More than happy to help out - and I'm sure the Cub sprog will be coming so she will, I'm sure.


3) Up for camping - practice for aforementioned Cub sprog.


Looking forward to it



www.bignoseduglyguy.com - obligatory caching page now added!

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Originally posted by Tim & June:

This is an opportunity for us to show and explain to land owners that caching is non destructive and that we use the countryside responsibly.....


.....As we will have electricity maybe we can organise some music.

And disturbing the peacefulness of the countryside with amplified music is a good way to do that?


You might want to re-think that one. icon_smile.gif



I'm told that it's indoors, so forget I said that icon_eek.gif






Knights of the Green Shield stamp and shout.....


[This message was edited by Slytherin on April 29, 2003 at 06:16 AM.]

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Originally posted by Slytherin:


You might want to re-think that one. icon_smile.gif





Not 100% sure we will be having music, as I said "maybe we can organise some music"


But, the area we will be using for the evening is specifically designated for the purpose, and is regularly used for this type of event. It is not indoors, but a roof suspended over an open seating area.


Apart from anything else, the landowner (HCC) is providing the facilities and they suggested we might like music.


Tim & June (Winchester)


See June, I told you that sign which said 'Unsuitable for Motor Vehicles' was wrong ! icon_smile.gif

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Originally posted by Tim & June:

Apart from anything else, the landowner (HCC) is providing the facilities and they suggested we might like music.

Should be fine then. But it won't be as good as Westlife !!!


- will it????? icon_confused.gificon_confused.gif





Knights of the Green Shield stamp and shout.....

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Obviously we will need to get some idea of the number who wish to :

1) Attend

2) Help out

3) Camp overnight




At the moment:

1) plan to attend

2) can help out (but we are not 'seasoned' cachers)

3) won't be camping (what an awful thought icon_wink.gif)


motley. adj. varied in appearance or character.

crew. n. group of people.

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The date has finally been settled as Saturday 19th


Count me in! I'll certainly be there, maybe bringing a cachemuggle with me (depends on her work rota) (and whether she feels like it).


Prepared to help if needed...I'm guessing that both Team Tate and Team Blitz know me well enough to trust me to help out with PA if need be? (or maybe well enough NOT to trust me :-( )


Paul G0TLG

So many caches, so little time...

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We would like to let everyone know, that at present the event is still going ahead. If there is any change to this we will let you know.


Good news for anyone wishing to camp and help out at the event. We have now booked the BBQ shelter and area for camping from 5pm on Friday 18th to 12 noon on Sunday 20th.


Hope you are all still able to come.


David and Debbie

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Thank goodness for that. My belief is that events are a much better way to talk and thrash out ideas and differences than the relatively faceless method used on here. I hope all those who were originally coming will still make the effort. As those of us who have been at previous ones already know, there is no bickering, no trolling, and plenty of good chat. If ever there was an opportunity to get our collective heads together and agree on ways forward, the upcoming meets are it.


Let us not waste the opportunities they provide.


No trees were harmed during the production of this posting, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced....

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Originally posted by THE BRAMBLERS:

We would like to let everyone know, that at present the event is still going ahead. If there is any change to this we will let you know.


David and Debbie


Just so you all know:


As I live just around the corner from David & Debbie, and know them, I have been to chat with them, and have offered to do what I can from the 'geocachers' side of things.


PLEASE note: I am NOT powermongering in anyway, I just want to see this potentially fabulous event happen! The potential is quite amazing!


There's lots to do, so I'll soon be contacting the local Geocachers that I know: if I do not email you, please assume it's because: (a) I completely forgot about you; (:) I never realised you actually lived so close to me; © I was plain stupid. Whatever the reason: please feel free to email me if you'd like to help out at all. In the next few days, I'll go back through this thread and see who offered too.


Can I just give ongoing thanks to David & Debbie for the work THEY are putting in to making this event happen: iot should be a fantastic day!


Finally: I don't suppose anyone has a long (800m long....) reel of twin cable, of the sort you might use for a telephone, that we could borrow for the day? Or knows a good place to get some (and don't say 'along a road, it's hanging on a load of poles'!!!!)


Thanks guys!



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Originally posted by Team Blitz:


Finally: I don't suppose anyone has a long (800m long....) reel of twin cable, of the sort you might use for a telephone, that we could borrow for the day? Or knows a good place to get some (and don't say 'along a road, it's hanging on a load of poles'!!!!)


Thanks guys!




I'll have a rummage at work.

Then I'll have a look for the cable! icon_biggrin.gif

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