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What a way to end the year

Tim & June

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Well done Hornet,


Not only does he manage to complete Dan & Pid's "Burial Mound" but he makes it his 300th as well.


That makes him the third this year (in the UK) to make 300 caches.


C'mon Peter, you should know the routine by now, best, worst, hardest (as if we couldn't guess) etc.


Happy caching.


Tim & June (Winchester)


See June, I told you that sign which said 'Unsuitable for Motor Vehicles' was wrong ! icon_smile.gif

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Well done on the 300th cache, and done in less than a year. So what is the average rate of find, can't be far off one a day. There must be a mathematician out there!





It's Microsoft versus mankind, with Microsoft having only a slight lead - Larry Ellison

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Well done hornet, nice to know that there are some people out there who are as insane as we are icon_biggrin.gif


Well done on burial mound, not an easy one!


Michael aka 1/2 of Team Blitz


Wqablz-xqxw tdqml kwfwm twjowcl di klelqklqok ejw hepw gt dm lbw ktdl!


26 27.75 34.2(recuring) 41.09275 480.048 55.027777777(carrys on!) 62.01749271

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Nice one Hornet!


Sorry about the old hotline, the 24 / 7 service was unavaliable due to tiredness and rest icon_wink.gif LoL.Well I had already helped you enough me thinks. hehe


May the new year bring all things bright and beautiful to you and many more caches.


Well done to Huga too as I think I may aswell roll both of them up inthis one thread.


You know I really have to get out and cache very soon, but I just hate this darn cold weather its awful.




Ben Piddington http://www.buckscaching.co.uk

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Many thanks for all your good wishes. I'll have to work on best/worst etc. etc.


As for Mrs Hornet, she's out working and earning money when I go caching so she's unaware of what I'm up to icon_wink.gif




It is better to regret something you did, rather than to regret something you didn't do.

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Originally posted by jeremyp:

More a job for a statistician. Do you want the mean, median or mode anyway?

Given only the two observed measures (number of caches, number of days) I could probably give you an accurate mean, a biased estimate of the median, and no idea of the mode. icon_wink.gif



mobilis in mobili

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Originally posted by el10t:


Given only the two observed measures (number of caches, number of days) I could probably give you an accurate mean, a biased estimate of the median, and no idea of the mode. icon_wink.gif



_mobilis in mobili_


I'd put a lot of money on the mode being zero. Even the Hornet probably didn't cache on more than half of the days in the year.




The second ten million caches were the worst too.


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Originally posted by Chris n Maria:

And she didn't notice the huge pile of ammo boxes in the garden ????


Bear rescues a speciality!

London & UK Geocaching Resources: http://www.sheps.clara.net


Ah well. You see I explained these away by saying that I needed to reach 300 caches by the end of the year and all you good folk who have been placing caches for me rallied round and placed 100 new caches outside my back door! That way whenever I have a spare minute from all that houskeeping, cooking, DIY, gardening etc. that retirees are supposed to be doing, I can pop outside and bag a cache or two. There's no expenditure on petrol, my trousers never get muddy, there's no tree cover problems, no brambles and I'm always guaranteed to be back when she gets home!!


I think I'm getting away with it. icon_wink.gificon_wink.gif




It is better to regret something you did, rather than to regret something you didn't do.

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Originally posted by The Hornet:

......... That way whenever I have a spare minute from all that houskeeping, cooking, DIY, gardening etc. that retirees are supposed to be doing, I can pop outside and bag a cache or two. There's no expenditure on petrol, my trousers never get muddy, there's no tree cover problems, no brambles and I'm always guaranteed to be back when she gets home!!


What about wasps nests???????

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Bit late getting in there, but here are my congratulations also, Peter.


300 in so short a space of time is certainly something special. You should get a medal.... or counselling.


Congratulations must also be due to the long-suffering Mrs Hornet icon_wink.gif




I was technical once

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Originally posted by lathama:

Is it possible to post a complete run down of everone (without totals) in the Century club, Double century club, Triple century club and Quadruple century club from the Uk so we can see who is where and congratuate them all on a wonderful year!


The following is a list of people who have found at least 100 caches, most of which are in the UK (sorry trunchbull!), showing their UK and worldwide totals. (UK figures should be taken with a pinch of salt...)

+-------------------+-------+-----+| Name              | Total | UK  |+-------------------+-------+-----+| Slytherin         |   413 | 230 || Tim & June        |   314 | 292 || The Hornet        |   300 | 276 || Subarite          |   283 | 269 || Chris n Maria     |   237 | 223 || Postie            |   211 | 181 || The Northumbrian  |   204 | 171 || GAZ               |   193 | 154 || The Wombles       |   189 | 143 || The Shooteroos    |   156 | 143 || The Relic Hunters |   152 | 149 || page28            |   150 | 132 || Lassitude         |   139 | 115 || Walker Dan        |   126 | 115 || djh               |   121 | 110 || JasonW            |   119 |  99 || jeremyp           |   118 | 115 || Dan Wilson        |   118 | 115 || Lost in Space     |   116 |  78 || ECM               |   115 | 104 || Geo Weasel        |   115 | 112 || dodgydaved        |   106 | 104 || Huga              |   106 |  99 |+-------------------+-------+-----+
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Well done Peter on your 300!! Thats quite a rate of caching!! But then you are retired icon_wink.gif Or would you describe yourself as full time geocacher!!

I shall have to pay a visit down your way and get some of your 30 or so caches, all in ammo boxes are they?? icon_biggrin.gif


(Every one needs a bigger letterbox!)

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Originally posted by Teasel:


The following is a list of people who have found at least 100 caches, most of which are in the UK (sorry trunchbull!), showing their UK and worldwide totals. (UK figures should be taken with a pinch of salt...)

+-------------------+-------+-----+| Name              | Total | UK  |+-------------------+-------+-----+| jeremyp           |   118 | 115 |


I haven't found any outside the UK yet. I suspect the missing three might be caches with fake coordinates such as the final Cluedo cache.




The second ten million caches were the worst too.


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Originally posted by jeremyp:

Originally posted by Teasel:

+-------------------+-------+-----+| Name              | Total | UK  |+-------------------+-------+-----+| jeremyp           |   118 | 115 |


I haven't found any outside the UK yet. I suspect the missing three might be caches with fake coordinates such as the final Cluedo cache.

Caches with fake coordinates should be OK.


Locationless caches are deliberately omitted (until I can work out what to do with them!), so if you've done any of those, they won't show.


Caches which used to be in the UK, but which have now moved abroad (eg the Photographers' caches) will only show in your totals when they are currently resident in the UK!


But the problem's most likely to be caches which were archived before the webscraper started running (eg "Winchester Cachers Meet" (GC408D)), as these don't appear on the current list of UK caches. I had just started a project to find all the archived UK caches when...


If the XML feed ever happens, it will presumably include details of archived caches.

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