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Trying "Where's In A Name"


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Checking the maps, I see that the slice

between meridians W45 45.5' and W45 45.59999'

crosses through quite a bit of brazilian

territory. Some cities that you may want

to specifically ask about are (going

N to S):


- Anything on Ilha Mexiana (Mexian Isle), Pará


- Cametá, PA (pop. between 50000 and 100000)


- Parauapebas, PA (ditto)


- Canaa dos Carajas, PA (less than 25000)


- Caseara (Tocantins, less than 25000,

real close to Para's boundary



- Lagoa da Confusao, TO (less than 25000)


- Campos Verdes, GO (less than 25000)


- Santa Terezinha de Goias, GO (less than 25000)


- Itaberai, GO (at about S16, between 25000 and 50000)


- Ituiutaba, Minas Gerais (about S19, between 50000 and 100000)


- Sao Jose' do Rio Preto, Sao Paulo (close to S21, over 300000 habitants and a major city)


- Marilia, SP (just south of S22, between 150000 and 300000 habitants and conveniently

served by good roads that run both east and west)


- Ourinhos, SP


- Lapa, Parana'


- Mafra, Santa Catarina


- Torres, Rio Grande do Sul (an interesting

choice if it fits, because it is real

close to both the desired meridian,

the district boundary with Santa Catarina,

the eastern point of the district _and_

the ocean. Between 25000 and 50000 habitants)


There is enormous economic and demographic

difference among this meridian's brazilian

intersection. Most notably, Para' (the

northern state) is very lightly inhabited

and suffers from a general lack of resources.

By contrast, Minas Gerais, Parana', Santa

Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul and most of

all Sao Paulo are much better bets when

one is attempting to contact someone that

lives close to a specific point and has

the likelyhood of getting both internet

access, GPS use and convenient travel.


I hope this helps. I can provide more

detais and suggestions if so desired.




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I have found this page




which features (under "Regiao Sul") a GPS Trackmaker file with a tracklog of Santa

Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul.


Trackmaker is available through



the author of the page, Lis Maria,

had her email address put on the

last few lines of http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/1219/index.html


she seems to be quite a trekking aficionado.

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Torres is a couple of hours north from my home (my wife goes there for work every week but she´s not an option, I´m afraid!). I go there very rarely but might, perhaps have a chance at the end of next month so if you still require it, I´ll let you know at the time.

As Torres seems to be a little to the East of your required line and as the coast trends westwards the further south that one goes, I imagine that at some point one would be at 49.45534 whilst driving along the coast road to Torres.

I´ll bear it in mind.


David Brew

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As Torres seems to be a little to the East of your required line and as the coast trends westwards the further south that one goes, I imagine that at some point one would be at 49.45534 whilst driving along the coast road to Torres.

I?ll bear it in mind.


David Brew


Yup, according to



Torres is indeed slightly to the east of

the desired coordinate - they specify

S29? 20' 34"

W49? 43' 39" at 6m above

sea level.


You shall have an idea of the exact place with

that info and the map that I will upload shortly

as http://www.dantas.com/gps/torres.jpg -

keep in mind that the blue lines indicate

even-degree parallels and meridians.




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