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How much time do you spend on geocaching per week ?


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icon_biggrin.gif I believe you succeeded in answering before the question was put ... Feel free to post a new answer ... icon_biggrin.gif


Originally posted by Captain_Morgan&Family:

Hmmm, what are you questing icon_confused.gif


Originally posted by ArktiS:

icon_razz.gif How much time do you spend on geocaching per week ?


Anywhere between a couple of hours on geocaching.com and .dk and 50 hours caching.


It all depends ...


Originally posted by Nocturnal:


Anywhere between a couple of hours on geocaching.com and .dk and 50 hours caching.


It all depends ...


WOW... that should be a LOT of caches icon_eek.gif




"Only two things are infinite,

the universe and human stupidity,

and I'm not sure about the former...."


Originally posted by CyberJunkie:


WOW... that should be a LOT of caches icon_eek.gif


It depends on the cache density and the time between caches.


The 50 hours for one week was in London while caching on foot (and the occasional underground trip). The problem with caching in London is that there are so many pubs that you have to visit while you are caching ... icon_wink.gif

Posted (edited)

Paljonko käytätte rahaa ja aikaa panostatte kyseiseen harrastukseen ylleensäkin. how much you spend your many or time to this hobby?

Edited by ilejakaija

Huh, vaikea arvioida. Kustannuksia tulee nykyään lähinnä bensasta, mutta kun kätköilyn yhdistää muuhun liikkumiseen (työmatkat, käynnit sukulaisten luona jne.) niin on vaikea sanoa montako euroa menee kätköilyyn. Sama ajan kanssa...


Huh, difficult to estimate. Nowadays the biggest cost in this hobby is fuel, but when I merge geocaching with duty travels, or visits to relatives etc., then it's hard to say how many euros I spend to geocaching. And it's same with time...


After buying the somewhat costly gps-device my only costs have been batteries for the gps-device and flashlight. Geocaching can be quite a cheap hobby.


Enimmät kustannukset taitaa mennä öljy-yhtiöille, tosin kompuutterin korjaus/vaihto taitaa olla seuraava suurempi menoerä B)

Harrastukseen käytetty aikahan ei koskaan mene hukkaan vaikkei sitä purnukkaa sattuisi löytymäänkään...


I have not enough time to do caching as much as I wanted and now it seems I need to spend some extra money since my computer broke down :unsure:

Got to manage with my emplyers PC for some time B)


Generally I have spent most money on fuel.


Well. The fuel is not a big issue here, more the time is a big cost.. And of course our new GPS.


Some new items like boots, gloves, small flashlights etc but it is things that we use for other activity also..


But we spend perhaps 1-2 hour per day surfing on the internet sites about geocaching. We spend perhaps 10 hour per week on caching right now in the winter, mainly because of the weather.

I think that in the summer will we spend a lot of time on it...

Well. The fuel is not a big issue here, more the time is a big cost.. And of course our new GPS.


But we spend perhaps 1-2 hour per day surfing on the internet sites about geocaching. We spend perhaps 10 hour per week on caching right now in the winter, mainly because of the

Fuelcost...?? Ahh, you need a car for that!


Think I spend a few hours on the web, on and off multitasking between other sites.

How many hours in the field depends. Anything from 0 to 20 hours.



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