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a tb only for islands


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Posted (edited)

I have a tb since a few weeks, this tb should only go to islands. but in germany there only less islands, so I have the idea to send him by post to a cacher in a country with many islands or to send him to iceland.<BR><BR>if someone is interessted to bring him to island, let me know.






go eat

go sleep

go geocaching

Edited by Tahu Nuva

Bitte hier schicken!big_smile.gif


I can take it to my island cache as soon as the ice is thick enough. There's also another island cache nearby it can visit, and I think there'll be some new island caches born in Finland during the wintertime.


If you want to send it to my direction, please email me through gc.com or to the address lasse.pere@uta.fi. Und auf Deutsch bitte, ich muss immer mein Deutsch üben.bad_boy_a.gif


- I just got lost in thought. It was unfamiliar territory. -


As I have some Island-caches in Oslo, and there are several more on the Islands in the fjord outside Oslo the Bug is more than welcome to head towards Oslo.


Triple Island is available year round for the brave, and Minimyr will be available again when the ice is safe.




really hard......I don´t know where to send the tb. please note that his size is 6 x 8 cm, that means he cannot go to micro-cache.


please let me know wich of your ideas fix to this measures.






go eat

go sleep

go geocaching


really hard......I don´t know where to send the tb. please note that his size is 6 x 8 cm, that means he cannot go to micro-cache.


please let me know wich of your ideas fix to this measures.






go eat

go sleep

go geocaching


really hard......I don´t know where to send the tb. please note that his size is 6 x 8 cm, that means he cannot go to micro-cache.


please let me know wich of your ideas fix to this measures.






go eat

go sleep

go geocaching


Originally posted by arbalo:

really hard......I don´t know where to send the tb. please note that his size is 6 x 8 cm, that means he cannot go to micro-cache.


please let me know wich of your ideas fix to this measures.

I've thought to change the Viikinsaari micro to a regular next winter anyway, since there are good spots for a bigger container too. I'll probably keep the micro container there and put in the coordinates of the regular size container. So it will become a multicache.


So that's my idea, and it'll work just fine.icon_smile.gif


Vielleicht, wenn es schwierig zu entscheiden ist, könntest du einfach den Gewinner auslosen? bad_boy_a.gif


- I just got lost in thought. It was unfamiliar territory. -


hello to scandinavia,


because of your real hard interest on this bug I decided as follows:


divine will get the bug, because he answered at first.


while surfing through some scandinavian caches I got a new idea for a tb ( = travelbear, bugs are vermin ) ;-) and I hope that cpt. morgan + hbrx will help me with this one.


thanks for your support




go eat

go sleep

go geocaching


For those who may be interested: Travel Bug Spike was dropped in Kuusisto Castle Ruins, although the original plan was to place it in Viikinsaari. The lakes aren't frozen yet, so I can't get to Viikinsaari. I realized that Kuusisto is an island when I drove there last weekend, so since I had the TB in my backpack, I left it the cache there so it can move again.

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