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Still far from Sweden, but soon we will beat Denmark...

Captain Morgan

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Nyt näyttää tilanne olevan Ranska 284 - Suomi 262. Jos tahti olisi tasainen, niin toukokuun ja elokuun lukujen perusteella menisimme ohi vuodenvaihteen tienoilla. Taitaa kuitenkin talvi hidastaa tahtia täällä pohjoisessa.


Internet archive'ssa (http://www.archive.org/) oli Buxleyn sivu 13.6.2002. Kätköjen määrä on lisääntynyt runsaassa vuodessa 22744->63881 eli +181%. Silloin oli listalla 113 valtiota, nyt on 163. Kokonainen manner, Antarktis, oli vielä valloittamatta.


Suomessa kasvu on ollut 42->262 = +524%, Ranskassa 77->284 = +269%. TOP20:ssa on kuitenkin suhteellisesti eniten tehtailtu kätköjä Itävallassa 15->178 = +1087%. Innokkaita geokätköilijöitä on myös Sveitsissä 17->177 = +941% ja Saksassa 246->2392 = +872%.


Kolme neljäsosaa kätköistä on edelleen USAssa vaikka harrastus kasvaakin muualla nopeammin kuin siellä. Jenkkien kätköjen määrä on lisääntynyt 17794->46975 = +164%.


Taidan tykätä numeroista kun tällaisia tulee tutkittua.



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Just thinking...  should i ask Tahu Nuva to change subject to

"Still far from Sweden, but soon we will beat Hungary..."  :P

Nah, why bother? The original thread names are part of the forum history. Still far from Sweden, but soon we will beat Denmark... could look funny in e.g. 3 years. Or then again, maybe not. :D

Edited by Divine
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It's sure fun to follow the Buxley's or Gc.com's statistics, but remember that in reality e.g. Hungary has way more geocaches than Finland will be reaching for a long time. Most of them are listed in their own site. Also the Russians have their own site, and so do the Estonians and the Latvians. All of those have many caches that are not listed here on GC.com.


The most important reason to this is probably the language. English is not that much spoken in the eastern European countries. It would be nice to have their caches listed in GC.com too, in case tourists would like to have an easier way to find caches in these countries. One thing that might help is support for multilingual cache pages, where hider could write the cache description in several languages, and each language would be on its own page.


The matter of the multilingual cache pages can be discussed in this thread,

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Today Sweden are number 6 in the world according to Buxley.

We have 1997 caches and that's 2.3% of all caches in the world!


(I don't know how they count, because geocaching.com says only 1927 caches in Sweden?)

Buxley includes also caches from Navicache.com and very likely some already archived caches too, so that's why Buxley's numbers are often a bit bigger than Gc.com's numbers.


(Yes, I know there are no Nc.com caches in Sweden ATM, so the difference comes probably from archived caches which are still visible at Buxley's.)

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