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Error con la Referencia de registro de Merimee DB


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Estoy creando una marca de referencia en la Categoría de Monumentos Historicos de Francia y a la hora de enviarlo no me admite la Referencia de registro de la base de datos Merimee.



Las instrucciones son claras, debo añadir la referencia de la noticia que comienza por PA...



LA referencia en la base de datos es clara.


La referencia que le añado a la publicación es la correcta y aún así, no me deja seguir adelante con la publicación.

La pregunta es, ¿dónde estoy cometiendo el error?


here goes the translation
Good thing I have a smart computer 

I am creating a reference mark in the French Historical Monuments Category and when I send it, the Merimee database registration reference is not allowed.


The instructions are clear, I must add the reference of the news that begins with PA...

The reference in the database is clear.




The reference that I add to the publication is correct and still, it does not let me continue with the publication.

The question is, where am I making the mistake?


57 minutes ago, Corypunto said:
here goes the translation
Good thing I have a smart computer 

I am creating a reference mark in the French Historical Monuments Category and when I send it, the Merimee database registration reference is not allowed.


The instructions are clear, I must add the reference of the news that begins with PA...

The reference in the database is clear.




The reference that I add to the publication is correct and still, it does not let me continue with the publication.

The question is, where am I making the mistake?


There is no problem with your reference, your problem is elsewhere, you have a red line added at the beginning of you waymark to explain what is the problem

37 minutes ago, Corypunto said:

Sorry, I don't see any red lines except the [required] of the reference number


Could you add screen shot of the waymark you are trying to create ?

We need to see all the waymark so add as many screen shot as necessary

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