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County lines


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On the app, I see the county lines if zoomed in enough, but don’t see the county name. Is there a way to show the name?  Also, on the website, I don’t see any county lines at all. Are they only visible using the app?  This is a nice feature, but in the app, they should be as visible as the state lines, no matter how far out you zoom 

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On 2/16/2023 at 9:13 PM, GrateBear said:

On the app, I see the county lines if zoomed in enough, but don’t see the county name. Is there a way to show the name?


It doesn't look like county names are part of this update. So while county lines now display on the geocaching app maps, as well as the default search and browse maps on the website, county names aren't going to just yet.


The good news is, they've always been available on several layers in the browse maps: OpenStreetMap default, OpenStreetMap German style, Esri WorldStreetMap, Esri WorldTopoMap, and Esri NatGeoWorldMap.


(I presume county names show up on OpenStreetMap Black and White, but for some reason that layer won't load on my work desktop.)

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