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To make a new puzzle cache premium or not?


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22 hours ago, KukriRSA said:

I am hiding a new mystery cache and I don't know wether to make it premium or not. 


Is it a field puzzle like it a wooden puzzle box in a plastic container?  If so, maybe it will help it become less damaged, probably not.  "Premium Member Only" can make it found less, so it's "quieter", maybe easier to maintain.  But go check it often, there will be fewer condition reports if it's found less often.  Plus "PMO" doesn't prevent muggles from stumbling upon it.  You may be surprised where people will poke around and find things.


Is it a somewhat tough puzzle to solve on the cache page that gives coordinates when solved?  PMO may not make a difference in that case.


Most of mine are not PMO.  One in particular that was in a place where nobody could keep a cache viable, that one is PMO so that nearby crowds of bored kids at the soccer fields could not simply install the App and go scour the place for it.  For other caches, my intent was that people without any understanding of Geocaching may hunt the cache upon App installation.  Lots of things including hide style, ease of replacement, all factor in.  Rather than make it so that only paying members can see the listing, I can hide it more aggressively, or in a less searched spot.


Here's a thread with a good discussion, a little out of date.  If you see a reference to a log audit feature for PMO caches, there is now no such feature.


Edited by kunarion
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