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That will teach me to make something cool. TB HOTEL Busted open within hrs of placing


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I had this hotel idea for months and finally got it all done and placed.  It's in an area with lots of dead end as an old community purchased by the airport and all of the houses removed as it's in the flight path.  There were lots of old unused poles there and it was two blocks from any traffic.  The hotel went live today and after 3 visitors, 13 TBs and Geocoins were stolen as the lock was cut off and it was wiped clean of all but 1 TB and 1 coin.  The box was wide open and the lock was on the ground.  I guess I misjudged the area.  I'm guessing it's a crackhead who thought something valuable was there and might try and pawn off the coins lol.  It's not the utility company as these are not used poles and they left the box.  I don't believe it was the airport authority as again they left the box and the lock on the ground with it wide open.  Very upsetting as I thought this was going to provide years of TB transfers near our main interstate and airport.  It lasted a few hours.

TB hotel 2.jpg

TB Hotel 1.jpg

TB Hotel stolen.jpg

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55 minutes ago, AmishHacker said:

Geocoins were stolen as the lock was cut off and it was wiped clean of all but 1 TB and 1 coin. 

The earlier visitors mentioned swapping out the TB's and coins, and the last geocacher log said there wasn't anything to swap, so, think positive!  The geocachers took the TB's and coins, and simply haven't had a chance to log them yet as dropped or retrieved ... it was only a day in play.  Give cachers a chance to log what they dropped or retrieved before assuming all is lost!

Edited by CAVinoGal
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I know for fact it's not just me...but if I see "try to only trade bugs", if local with no tb, return with a bug to trade...", "Not local, if two or more bugs, feel free to take one with you...","If you are not adding a tb, do not take more than one", or "PLEASE try and trade Geocoins for other Geocoins", I wouldn't even have left that one...

This is an Additional Log Requirement, and when I got home, the Reviewer would know as well.  Surprised it got published.

Are these someone else's property?   If they don't belong to you, your ALR has no meaning.

I'd bet either it was someone who was nice enough not to tell the Reviewer and just took most (a lot just don't want to get involved...), or a hoarder, who saw a new box fulla trackables are out

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This was a new, unknown utility box WITH wires attached on an unused pole, next to an international airport. Do you suppose this kind of thing is monitored? Airport security in 2022 doesn't stop at the airport fence.


I seriously doubt that a 'crackhead' would come by with a boltcutter.


As others have said, I'm surprised this was published at all, unless all the limitations in the text were added later.





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Well, it just happens. I've had one of my caches (fortunately requiring less work than yours) go missing twice because people hit the railing it was on with a car. I've had to retrieve a cache I've put some more money in preparing on the day of publication, because it turned out an investment just started in that area.


The longer you play the game, the weirder reasons you'll see for the caches to vanish. Sometimes those will be your caches...

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Man that stinks and I'm assuming the combo was on your cache page. Which means ..... My opinion is most trackables don;t last long folks don't log them, if they do they pick them up on their first find and do log them but never cache again. The cooler the toy the faster they disappear. 



This reminds me of my father who got annoyed when he wanted to attach a cache to a power pole which is considered private property by the reviewer despite the pole being on his own property as an easement.

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6 hours ago, MNTA said:

This reminds me of my father who got annoyed when he wanted to attach a cache to a power pole which is considered private property by the reviewer despite the pole being on his own property as an easement.


Considered private property by the law. Hence the easement. Just because you own the land doesn't mean you own what is on the land.

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On 9/17/2022 at 2:12 AM, MNTA said:

This reminds me of my father who got annoyed when he wanted to attach a cache to a power pole which is considered private property by the reviewer despite the pole being on his own property as an easement.


Well, but the reviewer is correct. If there is an easement, then utilities have been granted the right to enter specific portions of that land and install equipment, such as power poles or water meters.


Your dad owns the land. But your dad doesn't own the pole. It's not considered private property - it IS the private property of the utility.



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