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Disappearing Threads?????


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Actually, it isn't really 'bothering' me per se. I even asked to be included in your private topic.


But after the third or fourth time you've had a thread closed (with appropriate notations etc...), maybe you just aren't getting the point?


And now another topic asking if the admin can't take a joke?


Why is a private topic NOT an option?


As much as I'd like to hear about the KFWB thing, and post about it, I won't openly take part in peeing off an admin (and/or gc.com) 'just because'... maybe that's why you and I are different?


I apologies for my part in the previously locked thread that was "peeing of an admin". I didn't realize a few geocachers having fun could cause them and the sight such hardship. (I honestly am quite ignorant to the ins and outs of sight management )


Senseless? Not if you consider the entertainment value for those of us that may need a break in our stressful lives. Then again some seem to get stressed by taking the GC GAME a little too seriously. IT IS A GAME! FUN! ENTERTAINMENT! Not necessarily a sight for sparring master debaters and cunning linguists.




The Admins of this website recognize your desire to discuss matters that involve private cache hunts, your exploits and similar events that may be of interest to a select number of local geocachers. Unfortunately, we believe that these events are not in the interest of the general geocaching community.


Alternative means of continuing your discussions have been recommended in previous threads which you have participated in. Once again, we encourage you use the Private Topic features of this Forum to continue your discussion.


For further clarification, please refer to the Groundspeak forum posting guidelines.

Private Discussions: Sometimes, a discussion thread strays off into a friendly dialogue or a heated debate among a very small number of users. For these exchanges, use the private discussion feature that is provided through the Groundspeak forums, or the Geocaching.com e-mail system. Public forum posts should be reserved for matters of interest to the general community.



Geocaching.com Admin


Cache-Advance wrote:

Unfortunately, we believe that these events are not in the interest of the general geocaching community.

Well, I find it rather interesting. And it does have something directly to do with the caching community. These guys (who've posted to this thread) have contributed a great deal to caching in BC -- I don't get why this is such a big deal to you.


And Zuuky, if it's not bothering *you* so much then why are you making such a *big* deal about it? Reminds me of the old cache-cop days. Who *did* make you God?


Why is it that you guys are getting so worked up about this -- let me let you in on a little secret -- you guys are not the only ones who cache in this community. Lighten up already -- this is really beginning to look like what it is -- a vendetta.



You need a good command of the language to be a moderator.


Originally posted by Jomarac5:


Why is it that you guys are getting so worked up about this -- let me let you in on a little secret -- you guys are not the only ones who cache in this community. Lighten up already -- this is really beginning to look like what it is -- a vendetta.



If I understand you correctly J5, you are suggesting that I and Cache-Advance know each other. Is that what you are saying? I have never even received an e-mail from cache-Advance about anything, so I can assure I do not know who this person is.


Therefore, please do not lump your criticisms of myself, or Cache-Advance, into the same sentence.


As for the vendetta bit, which is NOT the case... we'll take that elsewhere.


Even if it is true that you don't know Cache-Advance (funny that you would argue that not ever receiving an e-mail from him proves something -- that was rather transparent), you both do seem bent on the same objective, which seems to be that you and he want to rule caching in our neighbourhood and heaven help the person who steps out of your confined court.


Seems funny that nearly every issue that has popped up in the past week or so has you right in the thick of it -- arguing vehemently against anyone with an opinion of their own. I'd say that is a sign of a vendetta.


And yes, I *can* address both of you with this one post -- because you are both doing exactly the same thing. Attempting to prohibit many of those in your local community from enjoying themselves in a way that we want to. You do this by trying to censor discussion and by posting complaints about everyone who is not you. Time to take a white wake-up pill Zuuky, the blue ones are not helping you anymore.



You need a good command of the language to be a moderator.


Originally posted by Jomarac5:

Even if it is true that you don't know Cache-Advance (funny that you would argue that not ever receiving an e-mail from him proves something -- that was rather transparent)


Why do you persist with this? None-the-less, go and read my statement again: I have never even received an e-mail from cache-Advance about anything, so I can assure I do not know who this person is.


What is transparent? I do not know who this administrator is (or isn't). Apparently you do. Apparently you have a vendetta. Don't snow the snow man here Jomo, you think you know who Cache-Advance is, and you're out to 'get him'. But YOU have no proof, do you? That's the difference. You told me you were Captain Urchin.



Seems funny that nearly every issue that has popped up in the past week or so has you right in the thick of it -- arguing vehemently against anyone with an opinion of their own. I'd say that is a sign of a vendetta.



Look in the mirror Jomo, look in the mirror.


There is a story about a man who wanted to give fish to the emperor, but a palace guard on the way in asked to receive half of the reward, and he wouldn't let the man into the palace without a promise from him to share the reward from the emperor. So the man promised to share half.


Upon giving the fish to the emperor and his servants, the man asked for 200 lashings. They were puzzled, but agreed, and began lashing him lightly. At the 100th lash, the man cried out for them to stop, and explained that he had promised to give half the reward to one of the place guards in order to gain entry to the palace.


Needless to say, the palace guard got lashed quite badly...


Originally posted by Jomarac5:

sniff... sniff... sniff...


What's that smell? Smells like something that fell out of the rear end of a male cow.



That's pretty lame for a comeback.


Why can't you respond to the facts?


Why don't you and I agree to start a private topic now, and invite a few folks along, maybe an admin or two, so we can discuss things in private, and not make everyone else in the room feel ill. How about it Jomarac5? No more of this back and forth banter. My challenge to you.


Do you accept?


Zuuky wrote:

Do you accept?

No. Sorry not interested. It's a waste of my time. It's obvious that you want to run the local community with your little buddy from North Van and no one else here wants any part of it.


In fact, I will no longer reply to your drivel at all -- it's boring and I find it lacking in intellectual content.



You need a good command of the language to be a moderator.


So here's the deal Jomarac5.


You and I pick as many as 4 people each, who agree to be in on the private thread.


Ten others can request to be part of it.


Up to three admins can request to be part of it.


That's 23 people, one thread, and who knows....maybe we'll figure out how to create world peace after we're all through.


What do you say?


Originally posted by Jomarac5:


I will no longer reply to your drivel at all -- it's boring and I find it lacking in intellectual content.



Fine then. Can I expect this to be the case all the time? Or are there limitations to this I should know about?


If I am intellectually inferior to you, why do you always resort to name calling when you run out responses to the facts I present? (I know, you can't answer due to your statement above...)


Zuuky must think he's an Admin. I got this e-mail from him 5 minutes ago.


Just who does HE think he is?





Please discontinue posting off-topic comments directly below, or related to my posts. You have done this at least three times now today.


Thank you for your cooperation.




Well Zuuky, one last response before putting you on permanent ignore...


If I am intellectually inferior to you, why do you always resort to name calling when you run out responses to the facts I present?
You see, this is why I find it so pointless to engage in a discussion with you. I did not say that you were intellectually inferior -- I said that I was bored with your drivel and find it lacking in intellectual content -- there's a pretty significant difference -- you don't read things carefully and then you say that things have been said that indeed have not been said.


That is why I will not engage you in this silly excersize. Why don't you just answer RobertM's question:


What IS your point?


And while your're at it, why not pursue an answer for this unanswered question?


Ignore shields on full.



You need a good command of the language to be a moderator.


Thank you for posting my private e-mail to you in this thread, and in it's entirety.


As is not obvious to you RobertM, I do not wish to engage you within these forums.


Thank you for your cooperation.


Originally posted by canadazuuk:

Thank you for posting my private e-mail to you in this thread

You are very welcome.


Originally posted by canadazuuk:

As is not obvious to you RobertM, I do not wish to engage you within these forums.

Yes, that's why you send me e-mail instead, right?


RobertM wrote:

Just who does HE think he is?

I'm not sure. Seems that he does think he's an admin by the tone in that message as well as a couple of his recent posts as well.


I still however, cannot see the point to his ramblings. If he has something to say, why doesn't he just say it?


I'd like to thank you for your contribution to this discussion RobertM, it's refreshing to see some relevant content in here.



You need a good command of the language to be a moderator.


Originally posted by jimmyjames:

You guys are hilarious...see I told you zuuk...we do have lots of important things to say in these topics about nothing!

Hey, there's an idea! We can call it the 'Seinfeld' thread! A thread about nothing. You're right, too, GG, this is pretty amusing stuff for a game. It IS still a game, isn't it? icon_wink.gif


Real cachers don't smell like Fleecy.


"Master debaters and cunning linguists" I have to admit I borrowed that from another thread by the Big Guy himself.


Seinfeld thread eh? Anybody want to make a bet? icon_wink.gif


Originally posted by cacherunner:

Hey, there's an idea! We can call it the 'Seinfeld' thread! A thread about nothing.

But the Moderator of the Canada Forum will say that nothing does not relate to Geocaching and so we can't discuss nothing. icon_rolleyes.gif


You're right, too, GG, this is pretty amusing stuff for a game. It IS still a game, isn't it? icon_wink.gif

It certainly is, except maybe for people 60km East of me. icon_eek.gif


Anyhting I have to say can and will be viewed by the caching community - I have no need for hiding behind private topics.


Eroyd is apparantly master of his domain.


Originally posted by canadazuuk:

After a couple more warnings maybe you'll get the friggin point!


friggin : No such word


Use words that are in the English langauge and maybe people will understand your point.


Did you perhaps mean frigging?




Friggin? Sounds close to 'frigate'.


Didn't pirates sail frigates? Why yes they did.


Is is possible that Zuuk is a pirate?





You need a good command of the language to be a moderator.


eroyd may be master of his domain, but I am queen of the castle.


"Thank you for calling Mom's Travel Service. Guilt Trips our specialty. Where would you like to go today?"


Originally posted by cachewidow:

eroyd may be master of his domain, but I am queen of the castle.

Hmmmm, sounds like you guys are getting the "frigging" point. icon_biggrin.gif


It's been bugging me all afternoon. (I was out fishing). Why would some peasant think an emperor would want a friggin fish for a gift? I doubt a palace guard would even consider letting some louse infested low life go trapsing through the castle with a smelly fish. Imagine what would happen if a bum walked up to the guards at Buckingham Palace demanding to show the Queen his trout.


That's friggin hilarious! That bum has no friggin chance in a million years. He should be showing off the dog with icecream instead.


"Every cache has it's rightful place."


Imagine what would happen if a bum walked up to the guards at Buckingham Palace demanding to show the Queen his trout.

well i would suppose that would be a matter of the size andor species of the said trout in order to interest the Queen in viewing, the said trout....sounds like the fishing got fishy or ????


Hi, please take a look at the forum guidelines and refrain from the personal attacks. As I am not even sure of what the topic of this thread is to keep on topic, no Threads have disappeared, they have been locked for reasons explained. The following is from the guidelines.


Some things to keep in mind when posting:


Respect: Respect the guidelines for forum usage, and site usage. Respect Groundspeak, its employees, volunteers, yourself, fellow community members, and guests on these boards. Whether a community member has one post or 5,000 posts, they deserve the same respect.

Foul Language and obscene images will not be tolerated. This site is family friendly, and all posts and posters must respect the integrity of the site.


Personal Attacks and Flames will not be tolerated. If you want to praise or criticize, give examples as to why it is good or bad, general attacks on a person or idea will not be tolerated.


Private Discussions: Sometimes, a discussion thread strays off into a friendly dialogue or a heated debate among a very small number of users. For these exchanges, use the private discussion feature that is provided through the Groundspeak forums, or the Geocaching.com e-mail system. Public forum posts should be reserved for matters of interest to the general community.


This thread is being locked, Thank you.



Geocaching.com Admin

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