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caches found in KOSOVO show up as caches found in Serbia


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Traditional Cache Mirusha falls
by cromagnon.be | GC3MMYB | Serbia
  CacheInfo.ashx?v=wf83M 12 May 12 29 Jul 22


Mirusha falls are in Kosovo!


Same mistake for other caches in Kosovo. They are all shown as found in Serbia.

As a result of this mistake also Kosovo remains blank on the statistics Map tab. 

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The reason is here: https://unece.org/trade/cefact/unlocode-code-list-country-and-territory


In Finland we have opportunity to visit two countries because one Finnish province has own country code AX. This creates some problems because the choice of country is the cache owners responsibility and there is some ramdomness. It is not possible to select Kosovo as the country for the cache because there is no Kosovo in the country selector list. I think that it will be added when Kosovo is listed in the UN/LOCODE.




The issue is mostly what arisoft mentions (that list helps define what Geocaching uses for its country list), but is compounded by the fact that the maps on the statistics page are created using a tool provided by Google. Google's list of countries does not match Geocaching's list of countries.

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I understand (and have begrudgingly accepted them for the three years since I visited Kosovo) the above reasons - however, recently the mygeocachingprofile.com website (used by a fair few Geocachers to create stats for their Public Profile) has started to recognise Kosovo as a country in its own right.


So if an affiliated website can change its country list, surely it shouldn't be too hard for the "master website" (i.e. Geocaching.com) to change whichever setting it needs to / change the Google tool it uses?

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Cameron here from mygeocachingprofile.com.  Just to clarify, a user of the site recently sent me a long list of Kosovo caches and I've manually coded the site to label them as Kosovo instead of Serbia.  It's not a great long term solution as I will need to continue to add new caches to the list, but I'm hopeful that eventually geocaching.com will recognize Kosovo and then cache owners can correct the country.  Feel free to send me any new Kosovo caches at admin@mygeocachingprofile.com and I'll add them to the list.

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