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Why must we start a private topic if we want to discuss something? It seems there are only 2 people in the Canada Forums that are all bent out of shape about this. Using a private topic only limits the scope of the conversation and the audience.


Originally posted by RobertM:

...Using a private topic only limits the scope of the conversation and the audience.


Both true. Alas a public forum also limits the useful controversy you can draw from in debating a topic.


Originally posted by Renegade Knight:

Alas a public forum also limits the useful controversy you can draw from in debating a topic.

Who says we want any controversy?


Some people are rather controversial though, and they are the ones aguing for moving our discussions to Private Topics. If they don't like it here then THEY can move their discussion to a Private Topic. Just because 2 people don't like it doesn't mean EVERYONE doesn't like it.


Originally posted by RobertM:

Originally posted by Renegade Knight:

Alas a public forum also limits the useful controversy you can draw from in debating a topic.

Who says we want any controversy?


Some people are rather controversial though, and they are the ones aguing for moving our discussions to Private Topics. If they don't like it here then THEY can move their discussion to a Private Topic. Just because 2 people don't like it doesn't mean EVERYONE doesn't like it.


Controversy is when people are fairly split on an issue. It's natural if you have a new idea you want everyone to think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. But not all ideas will get that nice reception. You may not want controversy but it's a fact of life for some new ideas. Why would you not want to see the other side of an issue? The opposing team may have some good points.


Originally posted by Renegade Knight:

Why would you not want to see the other side of an issue? The opposing team may have some good points.

And that's the whole point in keeping the discussion here, instead of in a Private Topic.


Originally posted by RobertM:

Originally posted by Renegade Knight:

Why would you not want to see the other side of an issue? The opposing team may have some good points.

And that's the whole point in keeping the discussion here, instead of in a Private Topic.


So do we agree or disagree? I lost track!


Originally posted by Renegade Knight:

So do we agree or disagree? I lost track!

We certainl do. It's just Zuuky and his pal that don't.


BTW, you're a bit up from down there in Right of Left.


Jayloki wrote:

Are you guys hard up on a topic to chat about or what??

Not really. It just seems that lately, anything that we want to talk about is being shut down. You have no idea how things are around here.


And then we get lectured about respect. icon_rolleyes.gif



You need a good command of the language to be a moderator.


Originally posted by Jomarac5:

Jayloki wrote:

Are you guys hard up on a topic to chat about or what??

Not really. It just seems that lately, anything that we want to talk about is being shut down. You have no idea how things are around here.


And then we get lectured about respect. icon_rolleyes.gif



_You need a good command of the language to be a moderator._




Originally posted by canadazuuk:

And then, not satisfied with their pursuits here in the Canada forum, they ruin some hopeful threads in the general forum...

These personal attacks is what Cache-Tech was talking about. Please take it elsewhere and stop trying to derail this topic.


Originally posted elsewhere...


Personal Attacks and Flames will not be tolerated. If you want to praise or criticize, give examples as to why it is good or bad, general attacks on a person or idea will not be tolerated.


Can't take what you just dished out in my contest thread in the general forum??


I'm being very specific. You sought to ruin it.


My point here is not general; it is specific.


I asked you and Jomarac5 to stop. And you guys did not stop.


Now you expect me to stop here?


Originally posted by RobertM:

You can do what you like. I don't particularly care.


So, I'll stop. Have your thread back.


Stay out of my threads in the future if you're only coming in to bring trouble. And that goes for Jomarac5 as well.


Thank you for your cooperation.


Zuuky, you are the one that derailed your own thread in the general forum by telling local cachers that they could not participate in your contest. Doesn't matter what you say your reason was, you asked for cachers to come forward to assist with your judging and when RobertM came forward, you snubbed him. And not only him, but all cachers in the Vancouver area and on Vancouver Island.


No one was off topic in your thread. You stuck your foot in your mouth and couldn't get it out. Don't blame others for the tread patterns left on your lips.


What is it with you lately? You're following a couple of us around in the forums and going WAY out of your way to incite things. You've even threatened me with online bashings. If you're going to dish it out, you'd best be fully prepared to take it back -- and as you've seen, we're much better at giving it out than you are.


You named me as Captain Urchin and it didn't get the response that you had hoped for -- don't be a sore loser. Be a man and get over it. People here don't mind the Captain Urchin concept nearly as much as you would to believe, and now you're upset and throwing these temper tantrums. You've said a lot of things in the last short while that are just not true. You are the one that is way out of line here and you won't let anything go.


Treat people around here with some respect, and maybe you'll get some back in return. It's that simple. And that goes for your buddy as well.


Take a break Zuuky. You're overly committed to your anger and you can't see what what an a$$ you are making of yourself. Step back. Breathe deep. And see it for what it is.


If you get any of this post, you'll stop posting these ridiculous diatribes and give yourself some time to let it sink in.


BTW: I'll post to any thread in these public forums that I please, so don't be threatening me.



You need a good command of the language to be a moderator.


Good luck Jomarac5. You're starting to believe your own delusions.


Claiming that I'm following you guys around... hmmm. Do I need to post links to the three or more threads in the last 24 hours that RobertM reared his butt into right after I posted?


Robert insincerely posted in my 'contest' thread. Not once, but twice. I make no apologies for not wanting him (or you) part of it...


So, you'll post wherever you feel like, as will RobertM. Cool.


If you post off-topic in my threads, they will be closed. And I will voice my concerns to the administration of this site.


I'd actually be happy if they just banned all three of us. I have no worries about losing posting privileges.


As Robert DeNiro once said in a movie:


I'm gonna take you down. I'm gonna take you down to Chinatown.


You have heard of movies right? You used to claim you were from 'a theatre near you'. You're starting to sound like a bad action moviestar. Now you claim to be from a place 20 km west of Port Abbotsford'. There is no such place. Check your map.


And so much for 'ignoring me'. You didn't even make it an evening.


Slamming another geocacher too? Every chance you get. You ought to be ashamed. That person hasn't posted in these forums for, well, I'm not sure how long, but it's been a long time.....


And oh yeah, where is Captain Urchin now?


Zuuky wrote (a whole bunch of senseless crap, and then):

And oh yeah, where is Captain Urchin now?

At a theater near you. Where else would he be?



You need a good command of the language to be a moderator.


Zuuky wrote:

That would be like.... well, I won't post that here... e-mail me if you want to know.

What makes you think that I care?


Better check out your nearby theater. icon_razz.gif



You need a good command of the language to be a moderator.


That was the case until you started spewing out your usual array of mumbo jumbo nonsense....


No ignoring you.


How could anyone ignore the sound of a thousand elephants trampling through the underbrush.


Gentlemen, your public antics are, to say the least, entertaining on some strange level. However, is it possible for you each to put your gloves back on and stop poking each other in the eye? It is possible to simply breath, step back, and go outside and enjoy your GPS-assisted hunts without replying to every single post in here. In the months to come you will likely read back in here and be embarrassed by what you have said to each other.


Yellowcode3, OUT.


Yellowcode3 : No! And my Dad's bigger then your dad!! tongue.gif

Hehehe ah well, sometimes it's good to let a little frustration out. For some it's a cry for help when asking for help just won't do.



Anyhow, to get back on topic, has anyone made a pilgrimage to the first cache in Canada yet??? I plan on going next year. If any of you have, whats it like this sacred Tupperware of the earth???


Also another question: I read in the threads a while back something about a webpage that kept stats on how many finds cachers had etc etc. Does such a beast exist still?? Are there any talks about www.geocaching.com ever having one?? Any rumors even???


[This message was edited by Cache-tech on October 12, 2003 at 07:58 AM.]


Please keep the language, no matter how is it spelled, and name calling out of the forums. I do not want to have to edit out from anyones thread. I closed the other thread because it was an argument from the beginning.



Geocaching.com Admin


Jayloki wrote:

I read in the threads a while back something about a webpage that kept stats on how many finds cachers had etc etc. Does such a beast exist still??

If you're referrring to Dan's stat site, it's gone. You can find some opt-in stats now at keenpeople.com.




RobertM wrote:

Who says we want any controversy?

I could take a guess, and it's not me or you.


Does seem odd to me that if two people want everyone else to hide their conversations regarding caching at a local level, that something is not quite right.




I think his purpose has been to get this thread closed, or any thread that he does not agree to. The moderator jumped in and did not close it. I'm glad things are not happening his way just because does not agree with it.


Originally posted by canadazuuk:

Robert insincerely posted in my 'contest' thread.


I was not insincere. How do you know I did not want to be part of it?


Originally posted by canadazuuk:

I'd actually be happy if they just banned all three of us. I have no worries about losing posting privileges.

Speak for yourself!


RobertM, you are full of you know what.


You had zero good intentions jumping in on my thread.


Suggesting that Divine could submit, but wouldn't be considered, yeah, that was really sincere.


Give your head a shake.


Maybe it's time you did your self-imposed ban on yourself again. It was good last time you did it, maybe we can have some peace and quiet again. But this time do it in ALL forums, not just General.


There are many words I could use to describe what once may have had some merit as a decent topic for debate. Such words include:






What good is an argument if all sides have their ears covered and are screaming "LALALALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" and resort to name-calling and childish threats?


There doesn't seem to be an actual topic that is being debated or argued over here anymore. It's just one personal attack after another.


Why are topics being closed? Why is it being asked to be taken into private?


Because all you three seem to be doing is slinging shots at eachother over personal problems that may once have been rooted in an actual problem that concerned the rest of us. Now it's just you three battling it out over nothing, and it no longer involves anyone else, which means that nobody else needs to see it and they're all sick of seeing it.


People I once had respect for are reducing themselves to schoolyard children. I think it's time we grew up a little, guys. :/


A great serial killer once said, "Beauty is only skin deep. Trust me, I've looked..."


I used to have this fear of running into a bear or some other wild animal while caching... after seeing some this comments i think i should fear running into fellow geocachers more. lol

east coast peetz


Why don't you two fellas (zuuk / robertM) call each other on the telephone and work out your differences that way instead of constantly arguing here in these forums. It's getting really old. Geesh!! icon_rolleyes.gif


Why do people walk so far out into the woods to drink beer? www.texasgeocaching.com


Well, as you may notice, it has been some time since the major players in this topic have posted. I posted this earlier in the day...


From this topic in the General Forums:

Originally posted by mtn-man:

Originally posted by Jomarac5:

Well, let's not make any bones about this anymore. I'm as fed up with it as the rest of you.


I've made several mentions of letting it go but every time, the *other* guy keeps coming back for more. In addition he's sending very abusive e-mails to myself and a couple of others. Watch here and you'll see that he won't leave this alone either.


The rest of you need to know that in our neck of the woods we have a couple of people, <snip>

You know, I just don't care anymore. I don't really want to know. You say you want to let it go, but then you start with the digs once again. It is a game that you can do as a solitary individual. You can stop perpetuating the insanity by not retaliating. Don't answer the emails. Let it go! Don't mess with the other guy's cache. Let it go.


I'll give each of you a challenge. (In alphabetical order) Canadazuuk, Gorak, Jomarak5 and RobertM... I challenge you all to take a week off from the forums and email between each other. I bet you can't do it. In a week you might see how trivial this all is.


I think they have all taken my advise. I hope this is good for them and for the forums in general. Sometimes you just have to step back and think about things. Maybe some time away will help put things in perspective. I totally meant my post in a positive constructive way. I hope that they all take it that way. So far none of them have posted since that note above.


I am sure they are reading the forums. If they do stay away just let them be. I just hope it all works out for the best.


mtn-man... admin brick mason

"approver of all trades" -- per Woodsters Outdoors


As the topic of this thread appears to be “arguing”, here are a few quotations I found while surfing the net, which seem appropriate:


On “Why we should avoid arguments on the forums”:

The thing I hate about an argument is that it always interrupts a discussion.

G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)


On “How to end an argument”:


Silence is one of the hardest arguments to refute.

Josh Billings (1818 - 1885)


On “The effect of arguing on your social life”:


I can win an argument on any topic, against any opponent. People know this, and steer clear of me at parties. Often, as a sign of their great respect, they don't even invite me.

Dave Barry (1947 - )


On “Why some arguments go on and on and on...”:


It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument.

William G. McAdoo (1863 - 1941)


I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me.


Originally posted by Jomarac5:

Seneca, you forgot one:


_"The sounder your argument, the more satisfaction you get out of it." _

-Edward W. Howe

I'm very satisfied.




If you understand "sound" to mean "noise", then you should be satisfied.


I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me.

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