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Sportrak Map On Sale


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I've been saving my pennies and although I'm not quite there yet I was shopping around. Everwhere I've found the Sportrak Map for $329. Yesterday I was in BestBuy at Dufferin/Wilson in Toronto. They were having a secret sale for $299. How secret was it? Well, all the units except the ST/M were out on display and priced, PLUS the flyer doesn't seem to have anything in it. On top of that the guy had trouble finding it in the computer and finally had to scan a box to get it to come up.


Unfortunatly the sale is over on the 9th of this month (TODAY!!!) so if you want to save $35 run down to your local Best Buy!!!


Oh yea.. I picked one up (after calling the wife and getting clearance first :-) )





Mobile Cache Command

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It's $295 at GPSCentral (I bought my SporTrak Pro there), plus the great thing is that we save the PST...Also shipping is very reasonable. I have found that GPSCentral has the best prices for GPSes and accessories. Before buying mine, I shopped around at the various stores locally, but they were all overpriced and Best Buy would NOT match what I could get it for at GPSCentral.




...hope this helps.



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I've seen the Sportrak Map available at a few retailers for $299 cdn. Gonefish'n on Vancouver Island for one sells them for that and will sell it with the Mapsend Canada CD for $399. The Sportrak is listed in the gpscentral web catalog for $294.95. They out of Alberta which means you can avoid P.S.T


Try to support your local business's first. See if they'll match prices or at least come close.

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Sorry to repeat what res2100 said.


I started to type the post before lunch, and then only submitted the reply when I got back.


Originally posted by res2100:

It's $295 at GPSCentral (I bought my SporTrak Pro there), plus the great thing is that we save the PST...Also shipping is very reasonable. I have found that GPSCentral has the best prices for GPSes and accessories. Before buying mine, I shopped around at the various stores locally, but they were all overpriced and Best Buy would NOT match what I could get it for at GPSCentral.




...hope this helps.



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Originally posted by eroyd:

I've seen the Sportrak Map available at a few retailers for $299 cdn. Gonefish'n on Vancouver Island for one sells them for that and will sell it with the Mapsend Canada CD for $399. The Sportrak is listed in the gpscentral web catalog for $294.95. They out of Alberta which means you can avoid P.S.T


Try to support your local business's first. See if they'll match prices or at least come close.


Cool! Only thing is that Shipping cost... AND my "I HAVE TO HAVE IT NOW!!!!" problem :-) I'll perhaps check them out for the Mapsend CD though.


Thanks all!





Mobile Cache Command

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I know all about that "got to have it now" feeling.


Hey, if you do spend the money on the Mapsend, I would sure like to get some feedback on what you think of it. Especially since we are in the same city.






Originally posted by mrcpu:

Originally posted by eroyd:

I've seen the Sportrak Map available at a few retailers for $299 cdn. Gonefish'n on Vancouver Island for one sells them for that and will sell it with the Mapsend Canada CD for $399. The Sportrak is listed in the gpscentral web catalog for $294.95. They out of Alberta which means you can avoid P.S.T


Try to support your local business's first. See if they'll match prices or at least come close.


Cool! Only thing is that Shipping cost... AND my "I HAVE TO HAVE IT NOW!!!!" problem :-) I'll perhaps check them out for the Mapsend CD though.


Thanks all!





Mobile Cache Command

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$295 @ 7% PST = $20.65 so with $7 shipping still makes them one of the best deals around.


I bought my GPS (Legend) via the internet and bought some Geocaching merchandising in person (visiting Calgary).


It's a Mom & Pop shop that is very professional and customer focused.




"An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field." (Niels Bohr)

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Originally posted by cybersalt:

I bought my Sport Trak Map (with data cable for up/downloading to the PC) for $289 back in November at Canadian Tire. Keep an eye there as well.




So far I've only found 1 Crappy Tire that has that model!



Mobile Cache Command

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Originally posted by The St. Albert 4:

"...It's [GPS Central] a Mom & Pop shop that is very professional and customer focused..."


Absolutely my personal experience as well! I purchased my GPSr from them (as well as many related bits and pieces since then) and these folks have been nothing but a pleasure to deal with! Their prices are always extremely competitive (with 'No PST', even more so) and their service prompt.


They get my vote icon_smile.gif !



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Since we are talking about the Sportrak, I just bought a Leather cell phone case that fits it almost perfectly. Its for a Nokia 918. It was only $4.99 at Future Shop here in Toronto.


BTW, they have the Sportrak map on sale for $299, which is good since Best Buy is currently selling it for $349.

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Despite our weak dollar, I've found GPS and other electronic hobbyist goodies to still be cheaper in the USA. In my experience with eBay, if it can be mailed, its almost certain to traverse the border with no duty or taxes applied. You can also have items shipped to a number of different mail drops in Niagara Falls NY and handle the importation yourself. This way you're ensured that it won't be erroneously classified and duties charged (electronis should be duty-free). I bought my GPS at the GPS Store because it was still cheaper than buying here. I even shaved 15$ off by finding it elsewhere on the web and having them match the price.


Cheers! Coupar-McFrugal-Angus

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I spent $335 total for a Magellan meridian (Banana Yellow...yum!) and 128 Mb SD card from ebay, both new.


A dealer from Oakville sold me the GPS, and I met him at Yorkdale Mall so there was no shipping and I picked up the card from a dealer in Virginia.


But, honestly, the very best think about ebay has got to be that you never get nailed for tax.


Hey, when I picked up the GPS, the guy even threw in a Magellan GPS carry case for free.


I am very happy with my purchase.



Your not first...But you could be next.

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Originally posted by Liberto:

Since we are talking about the Sportrak, I just bought a Leather cell phone case that fits it almost perfectly. Its for a Nokia 918. It was only $4.99 at Future Shop here in Toronto.


BTW, they have the Sportrak map on sale for $299, which is good since Best Buy is currently selling it for $349.


Funny. I went into a Future Shop and they had the Sportrak Map on for $349 !!!! LOL!



Mobile Cache Command

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Originally posted by Liberto:

I guess it all depends on location. The Future Shop and Best Buy I was talking about are both in Leaside.


Usually one will send secret shoppers into the other to price check. In the case of FS/BB, they are both owned by the same company. (If you don't believe me look at the computer system they use when you buy something).


From their point of view, if you are "dumb" enough to buy it at the more expensive place then GREAT! they get more of your money. If you are smart enough to shop around then when you tell the BB guys that it's $299 at FS they match the price and GREAT! They get your money. If on the other hand you decide to go next door to FS and buy it there instead then GREAT! They get your money!!!


See a pattern? :-)


I used to work at Computer City before it was bought by FS. CC and FS had a serious rivalry going on. CC employees were banned from FS, even if off duty. They actually had photographs of us up in their staffroom!!!! (Found out from a friend that worked at FS)


One day I went in with my glasses off and a microphone and tape. I had the microphone in my jacket by the collar. I told the sales guy I couldn't read without my glasses and asked him lots of questions and got him to read the prices to me (Speak into the mic!!!). When I got back to CC and they played the tape my manager almost fell off his chair laughing!!!!



Mobile Cache Command

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Why not skip shopping at the Big Boys (ie. FS,CC) and go to your local "Mom and Pop". Willingly pay a little more and support your local business and maybe get better service. You might even being doing your own community a little favour.


Or is that sort of thinking considered "Dumb" in this day and age.

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Originally posted by eroyd:

Why not skip shopping at the Big Boys (ie. FS,CC) and go to your local "Mom and Pop". Willingly pay a little more and support your local business and maybe get better service. You might even being doing your own community a little favour.


Or is that sort of thinking considered "Dumb" in this day and age.


Actually, my Garmin Venture was bought at Europe Bound. I went back to EB looking for the Sportrak and they only had Garmin GPS units. Too bad. As for MEC (www.mec.ca) while they are technically a co-op they definatly don't pass any savings on to their members so screw them too.


In this case I took the low road and did what was best for me personally right now.


I HAVE paid a couple of bucks more to buy things because I liked the store or the owner, just not in this case.



Mobile Cache Command

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** Just providing info not a salesman******


I just made my first GPS purchase , I did alot of reasearch on-line and in retail outlets . From MapWorld , to Canadian Tire , Walmart , Future Shop ,e.t.c , and many on-line stores.


The best price was as Wholesale sports here in Edmonton( (www.wholesalesports.com) 319.00 plus a rebate coupon for 30.00 US. this will take about 10-12 weeks to show but hey it's still money.


Well hope you all save a few pennies icon_wink.gif

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