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Any Canadians out there?

Guest 300mag

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Guest 300mag

Just wondering if there are anymore of us still out there. Or are you like the groundhog?Waiting for that white stuff to go away and start geocaching. icon_smile.gif

Guest Martroy

Yes, I'm from Montreal. I was going to place my first cache this week end but I guess I'll wait a week or two before all that new snow disappear...




[This message has been edited by Martroy (edited 03-23-2001).]

Guest MaasNeotek

Indeed we are out here... quiet like a marmot... waiting for spring, and taking no chances! icon_smile.gif







Building42 is at 55°32'182" N 113°29'49" W

Guest donovano

There are a few of us, though not many in my area. I've had my cache out since Jan. and have had two 'groups' find it. I plan to put another cache out soon and then start putting up some posters and try to generate a few more.

Guest 300mag

Good idea Martin about that snow i visited my cache last weekend and un-snowed it.(so it will be more visible)in case someone decides to go.I've got one that logged it in so far.I don't blame everyone for waiting (like i do) this snow is pretty thick stuff.I also want to get some kind of info out for my area(Ottawa-Hull).I think i'll print some info and try to post it at mapping stores etc... I also want to post a few other caches like maybe around the parliement.(Maybe Our prime minister would join in) icon_biggrin.gif


[This message has been edited by 300mag (edited 03-23-2001).]

Guest Moun10Bike

Any Calgary area geocachers? I have family up there (fiancée's family, to be exact), and visit a couple times a year. It would be fun to hunt a cache up there next time we come (or plant one instead).


Bien oui Mag300


Peut etre tu peut m'aider!Je cherche un ouvrier qui peut me dire d'ou vient un certin term utiliser dans la constuction d'un logement.Je le sait que cela na pas raport a ce site,rien comme un essai.Peut tu peux me guider a un site ou le monde on comme discution la construction de maison.Le term que je cherche est "les coix de st andre" utiliser entre les 2*10 au plancher.Merci beaucoup pour ta cooperation et je soihait de t'entandre bientot.



Guest 300mag

Salut Jude je n'ai aucune idee de quoi tu as allusion mais si je trouve quelque chose je te le ferais savoir.A bientot Daniel(300mag)

Apres avoir discuté avec un copain qui est architecte il m'expliqua les principes de la croix de st-andre. Je continue a fouiller pour ton info.


[This message has been edited by 300mag (edited 04-02-2001).]

Guest Boromir

Another Canuck here. I live a little way north of Edmonton, and did my first hunt last weekend (although I have been lurking for a couple months). I am trying to arrange for a cache or two in my neighbourhood, but no promise as to when.

Guest 300mag

Welcome aboard Boromir.Well the snow is going away (slooowly).So this is going to help us a lot.You know the ground hogs are getting active icon_biggrin.gif

Have fun

Guest 300mag

make sure i had all the tools that was needed.


[This message has been edited by 300mag (edited 04-17-2001).]

Guest boreal jeff

I'm from Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. I have prepared my first cache and will be placing it once the snow goes.

Guest nancy

Hello from downtown Ottawa,


Much excitement at our home after hearing the CBC's ~ DNTO bit Saturday.


We're off searching for the "Meech Lake Pressure Cooker" this afternoon.




Dave & Nancy

Guest 300mag

Alright it's started!The snow is almost gone and the cachers are out.(just like a race):-) Yesterday was a great day for cache hunting.I am sure all of this weekend will be excellent.Don't forget to post in your results.Thanks and have fun. 300mag

Guest Lykorne

Hello every one!


I'm a brand new newbie, heard about geocaching 3 days ago and I'm ready to go after my first hunt. Where do I go to get the location of caches in Quebec?



Guest MaasNeotek

You came to the right place! 300Mag the moderator is at this time the only cache-owner in Quebec... visit http://www.geocaching.com and select 'seek a cache' Choose canada from the list of countries, and keep the eyes peeled. For a quicker route... heres a link... http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=742





Building42 is at 55°32'182" N 113°29'49" W

Guest 300mag

Originally posted by Lykorne:

Hello every one!


I'm a brand new newbie, heard about geocaching 3 days ago and I'm ready to go after my first hunt. Where do I go to get the location of caches in Quebec?



Thanks Maas for mentioning my cache to Lykorne.

Bienvenue/Welcome Lykorne i have found a few more other caches in Quebec for you .2 of them are in my area Outaouais region.The other is at mont st-hilaire.


extraterrestials entry id#187

mt st-hilaire

meach lake pressure cooker

outaouais id#437

mine is Beware of the pit id#742

I am placing 2 others soon one this weekend.

Have fun and enjoy yourself.

Ps:Tu peux m'ecrire en francais si tu veux.

300mag icon_smile.gif

Guest Lykorne



I'll go hunting tomorrow!!


A bientot!

Guest 300mag

Bonne chance.

And watch out for that husband so he doesn't get his hands on that gps icon_biggrin.gif

Guest boreal jeff

I've hidden the first Cache in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. algoma1. I hope it gets a visitor or two.


[This message has been edited by boreal jeff (edited 22 April 2001).]

Guest 300mag

Welcome Boreal Jeff and congratulations on placing the first cache in Sault Ste-marie.You are the pionner in that area i guess icon_smile.gif

Don't worry about getting cachers to visit your cache.Like they say "Place it and they will come" You'll see it wont be long before it is logged in.Enjoy reading the different logs from your cache.Soon you will have others that will also find and then stash a cache. icon_wink.gif


[This message has been edited by 300mag (edited 22 April 2001).]

Guest ScorpS

Hey Hey,

Another Canuk enters the geocaching scene!


My name is Cedric aka ScorpS. First got wind of geocaching completely by fluke while channel surfing in my car, stoped on a CBC channel, they were playing some jazzy tunes, after wich they played a radio documentary on geocaching(like dave&nancy). Both me and my fiance thought it sounded cool. The next day(last sunday) checked out the webpage, and found one reasonably near(Gatineau Park - Meech Lake). We made plans to go next/this weekend, recruited my mom and dad, turned it into a day outing.


We went out and found the Meech lake cache today. Got my trophy, a Califoria Rasin toy icon_smile.gif Turns out we just missed Cliffy & Co, by about 1hour, we would have met up, but we trailed it, they bushwacked icon_biggrin.gif


PS JuDe le term de "Croix de St-Andre" (Crossbridging in english) vien du fait que St-Andre a ete crusifier sur une croix en X et non un T come Jesus. Ces ce que ma fiance me dit.


Not bad for a first post.



Guest 300mag

Welcome ScorpS to geocaching. I am happy to see you are already logging in some caches.

You can check out my new cache in Gatineau park.And dont forget the binoculars the view is really great. A bientot et bonne chance 300mag icon_smile.gif

Guest D.Davey

I'm new to geocaching and was woundering if was going to be any caching done around Edmonton in the future?

Guest MaasNeotek

Well D.D - There are already a number of caches around the Edmonton area, and there will be more over the summer. We had 7, there are now 3... Go find em!


Then - Make sure you place one of your own!


Check geocaching.com and visit Building42 Dogwalk, Fire's wagon walk, or the Strathcona Wilderness Cache...







Building42 is at 55°32'182" N 113°29'49" W

Guest ScorpS

Originally posted by 300mag:

You can check out my new cache in Gatineau park.And dont forget the binoculars the view is really great. A bientot et bonne chance 300mag icon_smile.gif


Already got it on my watch list icon_biggrin.gif

Thinking of hitting Cliffy's "The Bog" next.




Guest cliffy

Originally posted by ScorpS:

Already got it on my watch list icon_biggrin.gif

Thinking of hitting Cliffy's "The Bog" next.





Awesome Scorps!.......Ya I guess I just missed you at Meech Lake. I had brought my girlfriend along for that one and figured I'd be cruel and take her the 2km thru the bush rather than follow the trail to the ridge.....hehehe I'm looking fwd to 300mag's latest as well. Hopefully I can finish early during the week and sneak up there for a hike after work. (I'm sure 300mag knows all about "Early Starts" and "Early finishes"...Right 300mag? LOL)

Cheers, Cliffy icon_smile.gif

Guest 300mag

Yes Cliffy about the early start and finish icon_wink.gif.I am looking forward to finding yours soon.While all of you look for mine i'll look for yours lol.Anyway i will try to seek yours this week or Saturday for sure.I am planning another cache.This one will be easier more familly oriented.So Cliffy's wife could follow icon_biggrin.gif

Hope she's got a sence of humour.

Cheers 300mag


[This message has been edited by 300mag (edited 24 April 2001).]

Guest cliffy

Originally posted by 300mag:

.This one will be easier more familly oriented.So Cliffy's wife could follow icon_biggrin.gif

Hope she's got a sence of humour.

Cheers 300mag


[This message has been edited by 300mag (edited 24 April 2001).]


ROFL!!!!!!!!! Actually She'll probably be mad if I DON'T take her. (she's a sucker for punishment) lol



Guest cliffy

Oh ya........lol Forgot to mention that was after her 2km trek to the top of the ridge! hehehe


hehehe very funny Cliffy icon_biggrin.gif


[This message has been edited by 300mag (edited 25 April 2001).]

Guest Meloman

Just heard of geocaching tonight on the Life network i think... This sounds like an awesome activity, will be trying one of 300mag's cache soon hopefully!!

Guest 300mag

Welcome Meloman to geocaching.

Youre welcome to find any caches.You can also visit other forums.These forums are great to improve your knowledge of the game or any navigation questions or tips you have about using your gps.Have fun icon_smile.gifLater on you will even be able to stash your own cache. And like the saying here say's "Place it and they will come" icon_smile.gificon_smile.gif

Guest D.Davey

y MaasNeotek:

Well D.D - There are already a number of caches around the Edmonton area, and there will be more over the summer. We had 7, there are now 3... Go find em!


Then - Make sure you place one of your own!


Check geocaching.com and visit Building42 Dogwalk, Fire's wagon walk, or the Strathcona Wilderness Cache...





Thanks...I Just bought new GPS today(GPS 315}and looking forward to try this out.All i need is another hobbie (wife thinks i'm crazy).

Guest cliffy

Well I think it's time to put my old Magellan GPS 2000 out to pasture.( had the thing since '95 lol) A second cacher located my cache today and also reported a deviation of 100 or so meters. Strange.....I'm since gone back out to the cache site and have come up with my initial waypoint. Datum and format is correct but the unit seems a bit funny these days. I certainly have had no problem finding other caches but then again I always use my old trusty Silva compass during the final stages off a hunt. I'm eyeballing the E-trex Legend at the local outdoors store. Looks like a nice little unit.

Cheers, Cliffy icon_smile.gif)

Guest 300mag

Well Cliffy don't know about the old mageland.It might be time to retire it lol.Anyway's lots of people here are using the little etrex.It seems like a nice little unit.I also like the mageland 315.I think it is superior by having a few more options like auto averaging and diff...screens.But both of them are excellent units.When i visit your cache this week i will bring both coordinates logged in and see what happens.Keeping you posted with the results. icon_wink.gif

Ps:One other thing you can do is take a few readings(waypoint) with your unit at the cache site.And test it(go to) to see how close it says you actually are from your cache.This would be simillar to averaging.


[This message has been edited by 300mag (edited 25 April 2001).]

Guest cliffy

Originally posted by 300mag:

.When i visit your cache this week i will bring both coordinates logged in and see what happens.Keeping you posted with the results. icon_wink.gif


Thanks 300Mag, That would be great. I'll edit the cache info accordingly and will put off hiding my next one till I pick up a newer unit. I was out in Bells Corners yesterday at Lebaron's ( I had a delivery there....Honest!!! hehe) and was pricing various units. dadgum it's hard to walk out of that store without spending an entire paycheck. lol

Yes i know i'll be spending more than 1000$ bucks next week there.....and i can't wait.

(new riffle Browning 300mag stainless steel)


[This message has been edited by 300mag (edited 25 April 2001).]

Guest D.Davey

Originally posted by 300mag:

Well Cliffy don't know about the old mageland.It might be time to retire it lol.Anyway's lots of people here are using the little etrex.It seems like a nice little unit.I also like the mageland 315.I think it is superior by having a few more options like auto averaging and diff...screens.But both of them are excellent units.When i visit your cache this week i will bring both coordinates logged in and see what happens.Keeping you posted with the results. icon_wink.gif


I've had a Eagle Explorer for about 4 years and i also have a lowrance GN 12.I was about to buy a GM 100 ....then i decided to get a GPS just for GCing something good on battery's and simple. I am actually impressed by the receiving ability of this unit(GPS 315).I decided insteadof the GM 100 i'll wait for the ifinder


[This message has been edited by D.Davey (edited 25 April 2001).]

Guest 300mag

ok thats it after this i'm really going to bed lol.about the gm100 this is what i use.The unit is very accurate.I love the zoom feature .You can zoom out to 2000miles.I was looking at Florida maps (places i was last summer) in the unit the other day just by zooming out .Like i say the unit receives and locks in very very fast and solid even in my house.But the only problem it loves to munch batteries.So maybe lowrance will fix this prob with there newer units.

Guest D.Davey

Originally posted by 300mag:

ok thats it after this i'm really going to bed lol.about the gm100 this is what i use.The unit is very accurate.I love the zoom feature .You can zoom out to 2000miles.I was looking at Florida maps (places i was last summer) in the unit the other day just by zooming out .Like i say the unit receives and locks in very very fast and solid even in my house.But the only problem it loves to munch batteries.So maybe lowrance will fix this prob with there newer units.


Please ...dont get me wrong, I only buy Lowrance or eagle(Except today)They are excellent GPS's. The only reason i dont own a GM 100 because i had 2 already.I wanted a lihgt small,so called water proof GPS for GCing...And mabe hunting...If i had my choice i would buy a GM 100 also

Guest cliffy

ing all data if batteries need to be replaced) and it takes an eternity to re-initilize. Put it this way, someone on E-bay will find a Magellan 2000 REALLY cheap soon.. LMAO

Guest cliffy

Originally posted by 300Mag:

Yes i know i'll be spending more than 1000$ bucks next week there.....and i can't wait.

(new riffle Browning 300mag stainless steel)




WOW!!!!!! I take it your not hunting for chipmunks........Yikes! Nice gun!

Guest D.Davey

Originally posted by D.Davey:

Please ...dont get me wrong, I only buy Lowrance or eagle(Except today)They are excellent GPS's. The only reason i dont own a GM 100 because i had 2 already(Lowrance , Eagle).I wanted a light small,so called water proof GPS for GCing...And mabe hunting...If i had my choice i would buy a GM 100 also

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