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Dubbo on fire!


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Hello fellow forum foes!


Just a ote to let you all know Dubbo and caching are now known to each other. Apart from a couple of diehard cachers there wasn't much here before I came to Dubbo in the way of Geocaching. I'm glad to report the two original teams Team '80' and Geo-nads with mine, Team Bronze have sparked new interest with the placement of many new, varied and exciting caches over the last three months.


Welcome to the newest cachers to the region. Mixima and his team of Mrs and MiniMixima. Then there is Team Tojo working out his new GPSr and finally my neighbour Geo-Wes.


So in total we have gone from three to six. Stay posted for an Event Cache title "The Beni Trophy Challenge." It will be a weekend of dedicated caching followed by a BBQ for all local and visiting cachers lunchtime Sunday. icon_biggrin.gif


Bronze. Dubbo - Central Western NSW.


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