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Charlotte the CACHE Bear is on her way!


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Wanted to let you folks know that a "Down Under Bear" is loose in the United States! Charlotte the CACHE Bear (sister of GEOrge the CACHE Bear) has been released in Arizona and is on her "around the world tour" before she heads back to Bec of "embi" fame. Godspeed little Charlotte! icon_biggrin.gif

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Hello geocachers down in Oz. We (Team A&M) picked up Charlotte in Phoenix, AZ yesterday and she is in fine shape. Taking her on a short camping trip this weekend with us before placing her in a cache east of Tucson, AZ where she may continue her journey back to Bec.

We are curious to know if any of you would be interested in placing a travel bug in an Australian cache for us so that we could follow it's travels downunder. (Hopefully we could come and retrieve someday.) Amy & Michael

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An All American TB has landed on our shores, well on our tarmac anyway and has now been placed in a cache in our local bushland. Thanks to Amy and Michael who trusted us with their bug.

I am looking forward to tracking it and hope that it will make its way to central OZ.

You should all read the story on the TB site.

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Originally posted by SNIFTER:

An All American TB has landed on our shores,


We have got the Dream Catcher bug (by Amy and Michael) down here in Victoria.




We will release it soon in a cache in the Grampians (an old aboriginal stomping ground full of dreamtime stories)...where it can start catching dreams and stories as it travels


"Before beginning a hunt, it is wise to ask someone what you are looking for before you begin looking for it." Pooh

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Looks like we will have to send some Aussie ones over there. We were anxious to get Kokopelli on the way and the place we left it is in an old aboriginal area. I have a genuine boomerang but feel it is a little big to be a bug. One thing is for certain, it would find its way back home.


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Originally posted by SNIFTER:

I have a genuine boomerang but feel it is a little big to be a bug. One thing is for certain, it would find its way back home.



Brilliant minds think alike SNIFTER...check out our new TB, Booma Rang. I just have to find the right boomerang to attach to it and get it sent off


"Before beginning a hunt, it is wise to ask someone what you are looking for before you begin looking for it." Pooh

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We are familiar with the cache Charlotte is in having found it a couple of months ago. It is within a forest area closed to entry because of extreme fire danger, but the cache is located in an abandoned quarry where there is nothing to burn. Our monsoon season usually begins around mid to late July and after the first rains I would expect the closure to be lifted. Other than travel time lost, Charlotte should be OK. The cache is only about 5 miles off of Interstate 10 which heads east through New Mexico and Texas. Hopefully she will be on her way again soon.

Amy & Michael

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