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What's in a Name cache.

Cameron Douglas

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I am attempting to complete Crusso's "Where's In A Name" cache. I need the help of a fellow geocacher. My username converts to coordinates S22°32.760' It looks like the Northern line runs through India, Mexico, and North Africa.


If someone has a camera and the time to find a spot along the line in question, I would appreciate them sending me a photo.


Please contact me - douggeocaching@yahoo.com - if you're interested in this cache.


More information about this cache, see:



Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

Cameron Douglas

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Some cities worth considering:


Pedro Juan Caballero (Paraguay, about W55º 40)


Ponta Porã (Brazil, Mato Grosso do Sul, ditto)


Bauru (Brazil, Sao Paulo, about W49º)


Araras (Brazil, Sao Paulo, seems particularly good, about W47º 30)


Mogi-Guaçu (ditto, about W47º)


Teresópolis (also a good choice, Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, about W43º 20')


Nova Friburgo (ditto, about W42º 30')


Macae' (ditto, about W41º 50')


Good luck!

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