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No more pictures of nuclear power plants in Belgium

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This morning I read an article that said that as of Friday January 28, 2022, pictures of Belgian nuclear power plants may no longer be taken without permission from the Belgian Ministry of the Interior and FANC. This tightens the law of March 23, 2020, which stipulated that images of sensitive parts of the nuclear power plants (including access roads) may only be published in a smeared view. Exemptions may be requested from the Ministry of the Interior / FANC using a form (Source: https://fanc.fgov.be/nl/dossiers/beveiliging-non-proliferatie/nucleaire-beveiliging/beeldopnamen-nucleaire-site).


Violations of the law are punishable by up to a year in prison and a fine (Source: https://etaamb.openjustice.be/fr/loi-du-23-mars-2020_n2020030482.html).


Does this change in the law imply that waymarks for the "Nuclear Power Plants" category from Belgium should no longer be published?

And should there possibly be a change in the category description to indicate this?

Are there limitations in other countries that also should be considered - like "no air pictures of sensible structures (like military sites and power plants)" in Germany?

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I think it would be possible to change visit logging requirements of uploading a personally-taken photo to prove this visit.   In countries where taking such photos would be illegal, I think no photo visits should be allowed, but I’m not an officer in the category. 

I’ve posted distanced or entry sign shots for visits to sensitive locations before - would this be an option, or is even a photo of the entry sign a violation of law? 

Here in the US it is getting nearly impossible to take anything but a distance shot of dams, especially hydropower dams. You can take a shot from a road as you pass by, but the old days of being able to walk up close to a dam and enjoy its power and awesomeness are over. 

I was refused permission to take a photo of international border monuments I could see from my car by US Border Patrol - and I have a constitutional right in this country to take a photo of anything I can see from any place I am lawfully allowed to be. :( 


In a waymarker not a law breaker! 🤣

Edited by Benchmark Blasterz
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On 2/1/2022 at 2:48 AM, Benchmark Blasterz said:

I was refused permission to take a photo of international border monuments I could see from my car by US Border Patrol - and I have a constitutional right in this country to take a photo of anything I can see from any place I am lawfully allowed to be.


One of my banes (A source of persistent annoyance or exasperation), this. Here, I can walk from my home down to the border and just walk across it any time I please. There's no barrier, not even a fence, board, barbed wire or otherwise. Straight south of me is a border monument (#154, if I recall). I took pix of it, walking all around it, on both the U.S. and Canadian sides. No one was there to bother/harass me. No fence - no nothing. The locals paid no attention whatever.


Yet, when I go to take pix of a border monument at a border crossing the crossing guards, both Canadian and American, just go ballistic. I have at least learned to make sure they know I'm there, why I'm there and that I'm not a Canucky Terrorist. But, overall, I've kinda given up on collecting border monuments at border crossings. I'll continue to get mine in the wilderness (or at least out of the sight of the BGs). Might have to climb the odd fence, but, what the hell!!


I don't get it... ... Are the Yankee BGs fearful that, should I step over the border by more than 1 metre, I might leave some litter behind in their pristine country?:huh:


Edited by ScroogieII
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