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SF Bay Area geocachers

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Adding my congrats to Marky and Joani... 4000 finds is truly impressive but they also have a huge number of innovative, fun and tough hides and are present at every event. Marky is always willing to offer tech support to any and all cachers and is a lot of fun to hike with. Not to mention setting up the sigitem.com tracking site.


A huge thanks to you guys for everything you do to keep us all obsessed :huh:


Congratulations to everyone hitting milestones. I would have congratulated each of you separately, but I have had massive computer problems and have a new one on order.

and while we're at it, congrats to Batecher on 1000 yesterday! What a fine bunch of addicts we are :)

Who's an addict? I can stop ANY TIME I WANT!!!!


(twitch.... twitch.... facial tic ... nervous laugh....)


Hey a whole page of congratulations... let's add one more :) Congrats to Mauison on #500 at an Earthcache no less... which begs the question: Who's working on one for WoW? I have an idea but it'll be a week or two before I get out there to see if it is feasible.


Additional Hints:

It is not divisible by 3.

His Jeep can't travel that many miles on one tank of gas.

He DOES have that many finds now.


Congrats on 1000, The Nazgul!


Congrats to batecher & Mauison (both of whom I've met at the picnic last year) for their respective milestones...


and congrats to M&J for 4000, and Ode to Woof's 2000!


Wow, this is getting confusing! Thanks to everyone who sent congrats my way, and congrats to Mauison on #500. And I'm sure I'm missing someone in all this milestone stuff, and there will be more tomorrow.


I've been working on an earthcache idea, and today finally made it out to the area... But it didn't work out like I wanted so I'll be following up with another line of investigation. Basically I have a certain theme in mind and finding the right spot for it is the challenge. I've done more research for this than I've done for some WeBeDnD puzzles. :lol:

Posted (edited)

I'll chime in again... Congrats to the Dark Lord Nazgul! May your zombie hords ever multiply.


...and thanks for thinking of me regarding earthcaches! But I suppose if they don't ever get around to correcting ownership on 100 Million Year Walk I could just log that one...

Edited by workerofwood

Back from Tahoe with 0 finds. I only had time to look for a couple (which would have been FTFs) but they were still buried too deep under the snow to find. But thanks for the suggestions - I always pick the tough ones, lol.


What a weekend - it was about 70 degrees on the snow on Saturday. I'm nice and sunburned and sore from the miles put on my skis. I think next weekend I'll stay home and 'take it easy' - maybe only 10 miles of so of local hiking, perhaps in a park where I haven't found any caches. :lol:


Congratulations to every one and there milestones. Seems like I am going to get left in the dust :lol:


This was posted on the previous page on the forum, not sure how many people went back there?


Not sure if anyone is interested:


Event Date: 16 March 2005 (Single Day Event)


Group: Admin

Posts: 221

Joined: 6-January 03 3/16 Meeting: 3rd Annual Mobile GPS Presentation with Live Action Comparison Demonstrations!


NOTE: We are back at our usual San Francisco Microsoft location:


Wed. March 16th, from 6:30-9:00 @ Microsoft's San Francisco Office, 2nd Floor, Golden Gate Conference Room (BART Stop:Embarcadero)



We are planning to have a Microsoft Mobile Enterprise Specialist opening the evening with one of the most bleeding-edge selections of mobile devices to be seen together! Then, Shawna Kelly, GPS specialist writer of Pocket PC Magazine and GPS Forum moderator, will navigate us through the leaders in mobile GPS. Shawna will also report on the GPS Wireless 2005 Conference. She will demonstrate the top GPS software packages with amplified audio for the most comprehensive set of action comparisons possible!


(Watch out for your evite! Contact Rey if you are not already on our evite list: rey.flores@ucsfmedctr.org)



GPS Hardware & Software Grand Prizes!

Wireless book


Misc. Goods


Check back on the main site for further details:



Not sure if anyone is interested:


Event Date: 16 March 2005 (Single Day Event)

Shawna is cool and that looks interesting, but it seems Pocket PC related and I'm on the Palm OS platform.



Posted (edited)

Congrats to M&J for being the 11th cachers globally to reach 4K.


Congrats too to dgreno for 3.5K, 4Wheeler for 2.5K, Woof (wherever u.r.) for 2K, WoW for 2K, Motorbug for 2K, jimswim and bykenut and TeamJiffy each for 1.5K, and for the 4-digit milestone... payakoi, batecher, budd-rdc, TeamNazgul, and bullit. Thanks for stopping by my Peninsula caches.

Edited by bthomas

How can you tell each of these milestones for folks without looking at each persons stats? Like finding there are 11 folks with 4k or more found caches


CC :(

Hey, did some Alum Rock caches today.  What a beautiful day, nice breeze, high 60's.  Thanks to all those that put caches out there that I found.  Good variety and a great day.

Thought this would be a perfect time to check on a few of our Alum Rock caches late this afternoon, especially the Inspiration Point one! Yippie, grabbed the beautiful ND&BB coin for our small collection. Very nice!

For anyone who hasn't visited Alum Rock Park yet, it is just gorgeous right now, so lush and green! Dave picked a good day for it too, weather was perfect, light breeze, we were there as the sun was setting, casting a nice golden glow on the hillside. Saw lots of deer, no turkeys this time but there usually are lots.

Hey, did some Alum Rock caches today. What a beautiful day, nice breeze, high 60's. Thanks to all those that put caches out there that I found. Good variety and a great day.

I grew up right down the street from Alum Rock Park on Toyon Avenue - great memories of riding my bike through that park with friends.


I'm anxious to go back and see it many years later and as a cacher now.


The problem is that there are SO MANY caches between home and there that I haven't found yet!

I grew up right down the street from Alum Rock Park on Toyon Avenue - great memories of riding my bike through that park with friends.


I'm anxious to go back and see it many years later and as a cacher now.


The problem is that there are SO MANY caches between home and there that I haven't found yet!

I guess I have a bit of a different attitude than most cachers around here (I had an interesting conversation with WoW about trying to clear out all caches within x radius of home... I have no hope of this, living in San Jose and all!)... But the way I see it is that I just do as many as I can and don't worry about completeness. I'd go crazy if I tried to find ALL of the caches around here.


So on the weekends when ND's working, the boys and I go out and try to find the clusters (say, Los Gatos Creek Trail, or a certain park). When ND's off, we head for a part of the Bay Area we haven't cached in before (recent trips include Santa Cruz, Pacifica, Alameda, Fremont, Pleasanton, Livermore) and find a bunch of caches.


I figure if I can't hope to find ALL of the caches, I might as well find the bunches that I can.


So go to Alum Rock Park. B)

I grew up right down the street from Alum Rock Park on Toyon Avenue - great memories of riding my bike through that park with friends.


I'm anxious to go back and see it many years later and as a cacher now.


The problem is that there are SO MANY caches between home and there that I haven't found yet!

I guess I have a bit of a different attitude than most cachers around here (I had an interesting conversation with WoW about trying to clear out all caches within x radius of home... I have no hope of this, living in San Jose and all!)... But the way I see it is that I just do as many as I can and don't worry about completeness. I'd go crazy if I tried to find ALL of the caches around here.


So on the weekends when ND's working, the boys and I go out and try to find the clusters (say, Los Gatos Creek Trail, or a certain park). When ND's off, we head for a part of the Bay Area we haven't cached in before (recent trips include Santa Cruz, Pacifica, Alameda, Fremont, Pleasanton, Livermore) and find a bunch of caches.


I figure if I can't hope to find ALL of the caches, I might as well find the bunches that I can.


So go to Alum Rock Park. B)

wonder if we should start a self-help group for those of us that just CAN'T STAND to see a local cache remain unfound. (whoops, there goes another one.... gotta go get it!).


Unrelated note:

Anyone out there headed east out of state sometime soon? I have a TB that is looking to get to all 50 states and it's done with the west coast...


I completely agree - that was more tongue-in-cheek than a serious comment.


If I tried to clear out a radiuss of even 15 miles from my house I'd need to cache a LOT more than I can find time to right now B) .


It's hard trying to keep up with BeckerBuns's! :mad:


Congrats to marky on 4000, and also congrats on having your picture on the websites main page, it was fromm sunnyvale skate park 2, the picture kablooey took of you


News from the SCC parks people:


"I'm sending this info to you two, because you have both expressed interest in our volunteer trail programs. This is a training that you might like to come to and consider having your organization participate in the program. I have attached the necessary forms for you and/or your group to review and submit, if you're interested. You can review our website and pick a park and trail that works best for your group.

It's a great way to be involved and get recognition for your group at our trailheads.


This is a reminder that Saturday, March 19, from

9am-12noon is our annual Adopt-A-Trail training. We will be meeting at the

Archery Range Parking Lot at Santa Teresa Park. Due to short staffing, we

are unable to conduct this training very often. So Don't miss it! It is a

great oportunity to get more trail training and expertise. This years

training, Greg Bringelson, our Trail Crew Lead will be incorporating trail

tread maintenance into the training. Please, please, encourage other

members of your group to get involved so they can lead work days on their

own. It is always good to have more than one liason for each group. The

more the merrier! Even if you have been to other trainings, you'll want to

come to this one too. We should have great weather and conditions for the

day, but it will go rain or shine, so dress appropriatly. The trail we will

be working on for the training is the Ohlone trail. Please see the park map

on our website (www.parkhere.org) for more directions. We will provide

water and snacks, but if you decide to stay longer you might want to bring a



Please feel free to forward this e-mail to any other

interested people. We would love to get more Adopt-A-Trail groups out


on our trails! So, GO OUTSIDE AND PLAY!!


To RSVP please contact Greg Bringelson:

Trail Crew Lead 629-9347



Thank You!

Posted (edited)
News from the SCC parks people:


This is a reminder that Saturday, March 19, from

9am-12noon is our annual Adopt-A-Trail training.  We will be meeting at the

Archery Range Parking Lot at Santa Teresa Park.  Due to short staffing, we

are unable to conduct this training very often.

Shoot, the kids are testing for the Karate Orange belt that day/time.


Can't really say I will catch the next one since it does not sound like there will be too many. :lol:

Edited by cachecrashers
This is a reminder that Saturday, March 19, from 9am-12noon is our annual Adopt-A-Trail training.  We will be meeting at the Archery Range Parking Lot at Santa Teresa Park.

Nuts, I didn't know about that one!


Unfortunately I can't make it - the kids have a dance tournament in San Mateo that morning.


So cachers can find the event, it's basically at Robin Hood's Neighborhood Cache


Cachecrashers (and everyone): Please see if you can come help out at this one: Trail Days: Almaden Quicksilver


We really want to make a "splash" by having a huge cacher turnout - let's show the parks folk that geocachers are good to have around!


We are trying to figure out how the kids can help out. We want them to participate in these types of activities. I am thinking of having them pick up litter and small tasks like that. have to re-read the info again.



Cachecrashers (and everyone):  Please see if you can come help out at this one:  Trail Days:  Almaden Quicksilver


We really want to make a "splash" by having a huge cacher turnout - let's show the parks folk that geocachers are good to have around!

Posted (edited)
Congrats to marky on 4000, and also congrats on having your picture on the websites main page, it was fromm sunnyvale skate park 2, the picture kablooey took of you

This is the one I just got on the banner...




That's hilarious. That's the first time I've seen the picture. :D



I can accept that for a backside smith grind! Marky and kablooey receive the much sought after bonus points. Shred on Marky :D

Edited by bullit
I guess I have a bit of a different attitude than most cachers around here (I had an interesting conversation with WoW about trying to clear out all caches within x radius of home... I have no hope of this, living in San Jose and all!)... But the way I see it is that I just do as many as I can and don't worry about completeness.  I'd go crazy if I tried to find ALL of the caches around here.


So go to Alum Rock Park.  :D

And after a great day in Morgan Territory, I'm realizing this kind of hunting is why I really like geocaching. I'm giving myself permission to pass on some kinds of caches that I don't enjoy (like a lamp-post in front of a fast-food drive thru window). I think I kind of drifted into a 'got to find them all' mentality, and wasn't having near as much fun as I did today. So I'll get to Alum Rock Park soon.

Congrats to Bullit for reaching 1,000 finds!


Can we now have a moratorium on local milestones for a while? :unsure:B)

Moratorium on milestones? Does that mean I have to stop at 499? ;) I was really hoping to keep going. :blink:

Saturday, March 19, from 9am-12noon is our annual Adopt-A-Trail training... at the Archery Range Parking Lot at Santa Teresa Park.

Looks like I can make it out to Santa Teresa tomorrow (in the rain :blink:). I emailed Greg to confirm. He said he thinks there are 6-7 people total going. Anyone else here going?


(I've also emailed the parks folks asking them about kids at the 4/23 Quicksilver event. Sandi is out of town that day so it's either bring the kids or not go; they'd enjoy it of course.)


--Scott of TeamSimo

Congrats to Bullit for reaching 1,000 finds!


Can we now have a moratorium on local milestones for a while?  :D  :huh:

Moratorium on milestones? Does that mean I have to stop at 499? :lol: I was really hoping to keep going. :P

Yep, sorry. :blink:

Saturday, March 19, from 9am-12noon is our annual Adopt-A-Trail training... at the Archery Range Parking Lot at Santa Teresa Park.

Looks like I can make it out to Santa Teresa tomorrow (in the rain :blink:). I emailed Greg to confirm. He said he thinks there are 6-7 people total going. Anyone else here going?


(I've also emailed the parks folks asking them about kids at the 4/23 Quicksilver event. Sandi is out of town that day so it's either bring the kids or not go; they'd enjoy it of course.)


--Scott of TeamSimo

I'll be there too.

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