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SF Bay Area geocachers

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George, give this Way Point a try (GC8231).



And found it. I've found a few caches in the area, but Mary and I might show up anyway. I need 22 more caches. There is a geo pizza party in the valley next week. Sometimes it's fun to make events milestone cache finds but I don't know if I can wait.





Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more.

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....since the first finders scored at King Tut's Treasure.


It required cachers to find the two coordinates which were contained in other Egyptian related caches.


Only the GeoCrickets and George of Georockers succeeded. They actually found the coords in two caches and then went on to the other two just to not tip off future cachers. Kudos to them for that!


Anyway, not that many committed cachers around I guess. Several have one of the coords, but not both. So, the priests have revealed all...the coords at this site




are the REAL coordinates...go for it if you live in the bay area and are used to hiking.




Edit: The original cache was not a members only cache (for 6 months). It is now a members only and you will not be able to link to the cache unless you are a member.


I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


[This message was edited by Ron Streeter on November 07, 2002 at 02:54 PM.]

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Originally posted by Ron Streeter:

So, the priests have revealed all...the coords at this site


are the REAL coordinates...go for it if you live in the bay area and are used to hiking.


Well, I live in the Bay Area and I've done some hiking, but I can't get to that site. Maybe you need to add another condition. Actually, I have no idea what you're talking about in this message anyway. Some secret clique thing, I guess?



I'm off in my own little world. That's okay, people know me here.

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1) Can't get the site? Do you mean the cache location? It is in Black Diamond area.


2)Don't understand? Clique? The original coordinates were placed in the water. The text said you have to find the REAL coordinates in Egyptian related caches.


I had put the two coordinates (separately) in two of 4 Egyptgian themed caches. A cacher had to search my hidden caches until he/she found the four possible caches.


The GeoCrickets found the coordinates in the first two caches they went to, but they went to the other two caches to cover their tracks so other cachers wouldn't tumble to the coord locations.


While several area cachers had one set or the other, no one else went to all four caches to end up with the two sets.


Hope I have explained it properly. Let me know with a simple...I get it...if I did explain it properly, or something like...HUH?...if I didn't.




Edit: I get it Kablooey...you can't access the cache page since it is a member's only? Well, $30 bucks a year is a small price to pay for all the entertainment I get out of Geocaching.com.


I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.

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Originally posted by kablooey:

Aah, okay. That looks pretty far away from me anyway. Even as much as I drive, I still never get up to that area.

True, but there are 5 other caches in the same park, so it sounds like a nice day trip to me.

Air & Space


Deadwood Summit

Nathan's Overlook

Lime Green



"Everyone spends time in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr"

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Tomorrow is a big bash for Hotfoot's birthday. I can't tell you which one, because he swore me to secrecy, and he can be dangerous when he's mad, but I put up a cache in his honor. It might not get approved in time for the people at the party to try geocaching, so I mirrored it elsewhere (devious, huh)?


It's been approved already! Wow. Here's the link:


Hotfoot's Birthday Bash Cache


Anybody that wants to give Hotfoot birthday greetings tomorrow is welcome to do it. It's permanent, though, so you could do it later, too.


[This message was edited by fizzymagic on November 08, 2002 at 08:46 PM.]

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very devious cache placement, but great! As you well know we both had the honor of watching Hotfoot find the cache and it was good fun and absolutely hilarious. Some of Hotfoot's friends and family were also there to watch and see just what all the uproar is about Geocaching. I think we have hooked another unsuspecting victim icon_biggrin.gif


Happy Birthday Hotfoot!




Horizontals where it's at!


[This message was edited by SuperGenius on November 09, 2002 at 05:44 PM.]

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picnic cache is the URL of the cache that was hidden in the park during the day of the Ed Levin "Levin Lovin" event cache.


This is the exact same cache, exactly as it was when I picked it up, except it's in a new location.


For those people who wanted to log the second picnic cache, this is the one to log.


Sorry for the confusion


Originally posted by Marty Fouts:

Originally posted by georgeandmary:

When is the second picnic cache going to pop up? Is that just one multi-find or is it going two seperate finds?





Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more.


I managed to screw up the description and that tripped a filter for the cache approvers. It's going to take a while, but yes, the second cache *is* going to pop up as a separate cache at somepoint -- although, perhaps, not until I rehide it. icon_frown.gif


Marty Fouts



Marty Fouts


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My wife's out of town, so I spent today setting a personal record that I've been after for months: I've logged or hidden the 100 closest caches. (that aren't archived.) icon_biggrin.gif


Oh, and I'm also at 200 finds+hides in the bay area. icon_biggrin.gif


Now if only supergenius hadn't gone caching today, I'd be #1 in the area again too, temporarily. icon_eek.gif


Marty Fouts


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way to go I want to be with you on 100th find! I enjoyed your Birthday Bash and so did Nikki. Yummie food!


Nikki and I went to Petaluma today and got 12 out 13 with a total of 183 miles. icon_razz.gif Going out again tomorrow with George and Mary so I will get to enjoy there 500th find it should prove to be an interesting day.




Horizontals where it's at!

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Originally posted by Marty Fouts:

My wife's out of town, so I spent today setting a personal record that I've been after for months: I've logged or hidden the 100 closest caches. (that aren't archived.) icon_biggrin.gif

I'm close, and after the three caches I placed yesterday get approved, I think I will be down to 1 cache.


Oh, and I'm also at 200 finds+hides in the bay area. icon_biggrin.gif


Now if only supergenius hadn't gone caching today, I'd be #1 in the area again too, temporarily. icon_eek.gif

I know how to see find stats for the state. Where can you find stats that are more local?



"Everyone spends time in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr"

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I wonder who placed 3 caches within 5 miles of my house so that they're on my first page?


bay area stats will give you the bay area standings, where, I note, the Monday morning group has been busy again.


Originally posted by Marky:

Originally posted by Marty Fouts:

My wife's out of town, so I spent today setting a personal record that I've been after for months: I've logged or hidden the 100 closest caches. (that aren't archived.) icon_biggrin.gif

I'm close, and after the three caches I placed yesterday get approved, I think I will be down to 1 cache.


Oh, and I'm also at 200 finds+hides in the bay area. icon_biggrin.gif


Now if only supergenius hadn't gone caching today, I'd be #1 in the area again too, temporarily. icon_eek.gif

I know how to see find stats for the state. Where can you find stats that are more local?



"Everyone spends time in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr"


Marty Fouts


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I was busy this weekend trying to catch up with you I'm wondering if I did so. icon_biggrin.gif Little Lila and I went out Sunday and got 13 and today I went out with George and Mary and snagged 13 more icon_wink.gif

Gosh this is was a busy weekend now it's time to relax for a day.


George and Mary Hit the big "500" today, and I must say we had a nice time doing it.




Horizontals where it's at!


[This message was edited by SuperGenius on November 11, 2002 at 06:59 PM.]

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Did some caching in the rain,

Did some caching near a train (track),

Did some caching near a log,

Did some caching near a bog,

Did some cachin in the park,

Did some caching in the dark,

Did some caching with a friend,

Hit 500 and that's not the end.......



Mary and I had a lot of fun caching, talking, and tromping through the mud with Pepper.


Marky needs a good talking to about one cache that my daughter Kelley eventually found. It's a good story, maybe the next picnic.


Now for the next 500.


george and mary



Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more.

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Take a look at the bay area stats and see who has PLACED the most in the bay area!


Looks Like I only have to find another 100 over there..or place some and find some, and I'll be giving you a run for 2nd place.


Edit: Whoops ! It's Marty I'll be challenging icon_wink.gif for second place...keep finding them though Marky!





Congrats on your 500th icon_smile.gif ...I'll be there soon




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


[This message was edited by Ron Streeter on November 11, 2002 at 08:39 PM.]

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Originally posted by Marty Fouts:

I wonder who placed 3 caches within 5 miles of my house so that they're on my first page?


Um, we didn't do it on purpose, really! icon_wink.gif Thanks for the link!



"Everyone spends time in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr"

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Originally posted by Ron Streeter:

Edit: Whoops ! It's Marty I'll be challenging icon_wink.gif for second place...keep finding them though Marky!

Hey, I just checked and I'm in 8th place, so you need to get past me before you can catch Marty icon_wink.gif



"Everyone spends time in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr"

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We started in Morgan Hill, moved down to Gilroy, then some a bit farther south, with our last one on the coast, where we enjoyed a sunset after a successful find. We also turned to previous DNFs to finds, which is always extra rewarding. We had 14 of 14 with no DNFs today! I noticed that one of the micros we found today was a DNF for George and Mary. icon_cool.gif A flashlight is almost manditory for that one, I think.



"Everyone spends time in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr"

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Originally posted by georgeandmary:

Marky needs a good talking to about one cache that my daughter Kelley eventually found. It's a good story, maybe the next picnic.

We found that cache container on a discount table at REI. It was originally intended as a tea light candle holder but I had other plans for it the minute I saw it. I was thinking that the hint should include a bearing from the tree to help focus the search a bit (rather than the vague reference of being towards the mansion). I'm glad you guys found it!



"Everyone spends time in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr"

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Originally posted by SuperGenius:

when we arrived at the cache site we pretty much knew what to look for, but there was so much to look at I think we just got lucky to have Kelly with us.




Horizontals where it's at!


We read the clue and thought... "Oh, no!, how are we going to find one of those!" And then Kelley goes, here's a ______ _____". Aren't kids wonderful, maybe she should have walked away and said, "Oh by the way, I found it"


I don't think she's the type to hold it in.





Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more.

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Oh yeah. Sure. "wondering". You're up by 15 and I bet you knew that. Anyway, I'm working full time now, and since my wife was laid off this morning, I don't dare sneak out for caching, so I suppose the spring will find me in last place in the bay area.


And just when the competition was getting interesting.


Originally posted by SuperGenius:

I was busy this weekend trying to catch up with you I'm wondering if I did so. icon_biggrin.gif Little Lila and I went out Sunday and got 13 and today I went out with George and Mary and snagged 13 more icon_wink.gif

Gosh this is was a busy weekend now it's time to relax for a day.


George and Mary Hit the big "500" today, and I must say we had a nice time doing it.




Horizontals where it's at!


[This message was edited by SuperGenius on November 11, 2002 at 06:59 PM.]


Marty Fouts


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....no not THAT kind of proposition !


I placed a cache in one of the bay area regional parks and not only did I accidentally ERASE the coords from my gpsr, but I lost my written note on the coords as well!


I can pretty accurately describe how to get to the cache, including the use of coords to a cache .12 miles away.


Would you care to go on a search based on physical description of trail, setting, etc and try to find this thing so you could then send me the coords so I could publish it?


If not, I'll take offers from other hikers. Maybe several people would want to go together. This would be a true treasure hunt!




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.

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Originally posted by Ron Streeter:

If not, I'll take offers from other hikers. Maybe several people would want to go together. This would be a true treasure hunt!

I'd be interested if it's within 45 miles of my house (San Jose).



"Everyone spends time in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr"

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...the lost cache is in Chabot. I haven't heard from Pepper yet, so will wait on that, or if she accepts, she may want to coordinate an effort.


I don't think I would want more than two people going as a team though.




Kablooey page...funny (and phoney)!




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.

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Sure, why not I'm up for a thrill. Been out this morning looking for places to put these four micro's I have in my back pack, no luck so far. Headed out again in an hour with my twins maybe from there view point I will have better luck.

Just how far of a hike is this wild goose chase gonna be?




Horizontals where it's at!

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