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SF Bay Area geocachers

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Monday sounds like your best bet, the hiding did not go as well for me as it did for Claire. They will be placed tomorrow sometime.




Horizontals where it's at!


was closed today. I went around it to go do You've Got Mail and Totally Toys, but I had planned on going through it.


I'm guessing Pepper won't place those caches until it re-opens.


[This message was edited by fizzymagic on September 28, 2002 at 05:08 PM.]


I was hiking in Pleasanton Ridge today, to hit Pepper's Guess What cache and decided to see if the archived cache Joaquine's Stash was still there. It was archived with a travel bug still in it. Well, the cache is still there, in good condition. I've rescued the bug and will send it on its way shortly. -Mark.


Will cache for food


No silly it's cache name is Why Not? lol It's now 11:02PM and I have been off line ALL day icon_frown.gif

My husband decided it was time to go with Wireless internet? Makes no difference to me as long as I have my internet! The Boy now has his very own computer cave back in his bedroom equiped with two computers one for him and his best friend. Finally there will be PEACE and QUITE in the front part of our house. YEA! YIPEE!


Mark...When I placed Why Not? I too checked on one of the archived caches 'Shaken not Stired' it to is still there in good shape. I picked up the full camera and brought it home with me, fully expecting to just email the owner and get his address. I wanted to mail him his cache camera. I have emailed him threee times wiht no response. Oh well maybe one day he will get back me on that camera.

Going caching with Fizzy and Jimswim tomorrow hope to hit 200!


I still have those three caches in my back pack, and yes I found out that Niles Canyon Rd was closed. icon_frown.gif

Horizontals where it's at!


No silly it's cache name is Why Not? lol It's now 11:02PM and I have been off line ALL day icon_frown.gif

My husband decided it was time to go with Wireless internet? Makes no difference to me as long as I have my internet! The Boy now has his very own computer cave back in his bedroom equiped with two computers one for him and his best friend. Finally there will be PEACE and QUITE in the front part of our house. YEA! YIPEE!


Mark...When I placed Why Not? I too checked on one of the archived caches 'Shaken not Stired' it to is still there in good shape. I picked up the full camera and brought it home with me, fully expecting to just email the owner and get his address. I wanted to mail him his cache camera. I have emailed him threee times wiht no response. Oh well maybe one day he will get back me on that camera.

Going caching with Fizzy and Jimswim tomorrow hope to hit 200!


I still have those three caches in my back pack, and yes I found out that Niles Canyon Rd was closed. icon_frown.gif

Horizontals where it's at!


Sorry, 'bout that. Why not? Guess Who? Who's on first?....


Well, Niles is open now. I just drove through it. I hope to hit Claire's cache today on my lunch hour. I might try More than Math as well. I think I've got the calculations correct this time. I found six different combinations that work, but only a couple are near the road.




Will cache for food


Not necessarly, but it would be nice to know if my coordinates are accurate before I drive out to the central valley. As long as I know my coordinates are right it can be as hard as you want. The fun thing about this activity is there are all kinds of caches with different ratings.


Regarding your new cache, I got multiple answers for #1. (I might be doing it wrong) I tried mapping them out on topozone & mapquest and none of them are obvious. I've emailed you for a hint.




Will cache for food


Originally posted by Mr. Vic:


Regarding your new cache, I got multiple answers for #1. (I might be doing it wrong) I tried mapping them out on topozone & mapquest and none of them are obvious. I've emailed you for a hint.




Will cache for food


Actually have the answer key provided at home and it said two solutions. One I don't consider a solution because the far right column has 1+1=6.


I'll add another hint to the page to make sure you find the solution you need.




Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more.


I got two answers for number 1, also, but it doesn't matter as the difference was not important for the cache coordinates.


Is this cache worth trying after dark, or would that be hopeless?


....came to Stockton today !


Glad to hear that JimSwim, FizzyMagic and Pepper made it to some of my caches in Stockton today. They were pretty much successful and I will be checking on one item for them on one cache.


Glad to see that our little town has enough appeal to bring three of the good bay area cachers to the valley (more than once in Fizzy's case).


I'll get to the bay area one of these days. Of late, it has been easier (less traffic) to go to Sac for a full day of caching.




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


Re: Pythagorus cache....


The blue is still there. I added MORE BLUE. Another look will get it for one or more of you if you bring a "tool". The tool is not a piece of plastic for measuring angles.


Good luck should you come back !




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


Thank you all for your kind words. icon_smile.gif I was so darn tired when I got home yesterday it was all I had in me to just post the finds. I did not even visit the the forums or if I did I didn't post, heck I can't even remember. Caching with friends is alot of fun. Having done almost all my caching alone I had no idea what fun it was to do group style.

Style Points: I feel sure I earned some yesterday at 'A Bridge To Far' we all did! icon_biggrin.gif




Horizontals where it's at!


Thank you all for your kind words. icon_smile.gif I was so darn tired when I got home yesterday it was all I had in me to just post the finds. I did not even visit the the forums or if I did I didn't post, heck I can't even remember. Caching with friends is alot of fun. Having done almost all my caching alone I had no idea what fun it was to do group style.

Style Points: I feel sure I earned some yesterday at 'A Bridge To Far' we all did! icon_biggrin.gif




Horizontals where it's at!


Originally posted by SuperGenius:


Style Points: I feel sure I earned some yesterday at 'A Bridge To Far' we all did! icon_biggrin.gif




Horizontals where it's at!


I had nightmares of snagging a shoelace and ending up dangling there for the authorities to find me.




Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more.


Originally posted by SuperGenius:


Style Points: I feel sure I earned some yesterday at 'A Bridge To Far' we all did! icon_biggrin.gif




Horizontals where it's at!


I had nightmares of snagging a shoelace and ending up dangling there for the authorities to find me.




Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more.


Having done so many virtual caches, it hadn't been paying attention to our physical cache count so I didn't realize that we hit the 100 mark this weekend. Saturday was a great adventure and our 100th cache, Sombroso Spur, was one of the most physically demanding ones (and at the same time, the absolute easiest find, if there was a 0 star rating, this would be it). I am happy to report that all the scratches healed quickly. icon_wink.gif We also placed 2 caches on our way in, along a trail that didn't have any. I think we might place two more somewhere along the limekiln trail as well. It's funny, before geocaching we were so clueless that these open space preserves even existed. Growing up as a child in this area, I often looked up at the tree covered ridges, that I now know as Sierra Azul Open Space, never dreaming that I might some day be able to hike to the top of that ridge and look down. Amazingly, the wind on Saturday had cleansed the valley of the smoke from the Crow Canyon fire and we were presented many amazing views of the valley.


Many thanks to all of you who placed caches for us to find. We have only placed 4 so far (and one fun virtual), but we plan on placing many. We are just not in any great hurry, but are always looking for great cache sites. We have no less that 20 cache containers sitting in our 'war room', and a bin full of interesting possible cache trade items. I hope that people enjoy our caches in the future, like we have enjoyed all yours.


Much Love,



Having done so many virtual caches, it hadn't been paying attention to our physical cache count so I didn't realize that we hit the 100 mark this weekend. Saturday was a great adventure and our 100th cache, Sombroso Spur, was one of the most physically demanding ones (and at the same time, the absolute easiest find, if there was a 0 star rating, this would be it). I am happy to report that all the scratches healed quickly. icon_wink.gif We also placed 2 caches on our way in, along a trail that didn't have any. I think we might place two more somewhere along the limekiln trail as well. It's funny, before geocaching we were so clueless that these open space preserves even existed. Growing up as a child in this area, I often looked up at the tree covered ridges, that I now know as Sierra Azul Open Space, never dreaming that I might some day be able to hike to the top of that ridge and look down. Amazingly, the wind on Saturday had cleansed the valley of the smoke from the Crow Canyon fire and we were presented many amazing views of the valley.


Many thanks to all of you who placed caches for us to find. We have only placed 4 so far (and one fun virtual), but we plan on placing many. We are just not in any great hurry, but are always looking for great cache sites. We have no less that 20 cache containers sitting in our 'war room', and a bin full of interesting possible cache trade items. I hope that people enjoy our caches in the future, like we have enjoyed all yours.


Much Love,



....for pointing me to a new plaything!




Oh no ! Now Streeter is going to be regaling us with his sick humor in cartoon form !


I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


[This message was edited by Ron Streeter on October 01, 2002 at 04:59 PM.]


I must say your pretty funny, but I think Fizzy and I look much better in person. icon_biggrin.gif

I get the clue, been there done that, but I think we just might have to go back against my better judgement.

Anybody interested in Enchanted Crystals? I received an email from the cache owner Rundex(very nice lady) and she informs me there are still to two crystals remaining. hmmm... who will be the two lucky geocachers to enjoy this before it's gone!




Horizontals where it's at!


[This message was edited by SuperGenius on October 02, 2002 at 12:06 AM.]


I must say your pretty funny, but I think Fizzy and I look much better in person. icon_biggrin.gif

I get the clue, been there done that, but I think we just might have to go back against my better judgement.

Anybody interested in Enchanted Crystals? I received an email from the cache owner Rundex(very nice lady) and she informs me there are still to two crystals remaining. hmmm... who will be the two lucky geocachers to enjoy this before it's gone!




Horizontals where it's at!


[This message was edited by SuperGenius on October 02, 2002 at 12:06 AM.]


Originally posted by Marty Fouts:

Originally posted by fizzymagic:

So who is "Chob?"


Eric O'Conner, he of "mitsuko" fame.



That would have been my guess. Sadly, I've never met him, although I've done a couple of his caches. Mostly, all I know is that he doesn't much care for Jeremy.


This is our new cache. It isn't too hard to get to - we can do it in about 45 minutes round trip. The views on a clear day are great. Please visit it if you have the chance!


This cache is also near our other one which is little trickier to get to but full of great stuff!


We are new to hiding caches (and seeking them) so if you have any advice, please let us know. icon_smile.gif





"Today's mighty oak is yesterday's nut that held its ground."


This is our new cache. It isn't too hard to get to - we can do it in about 45 minutes round trip. The views on a clear day are great. Please visit it if you have the chance!


This cache is also near our other one which is little trickier to get to but full of great stuff!


We are new to hiding caches (and seeking them) so if you have any advice, please let us know. icon_smile.gif





"Today's mighty oak is yesterday's nut that held its ground."


Originally posted by fizzymagic:

Originally posted by Marty Fouts:

Originally posted by fizzymagic:

So who is "Chob?"


Eric O'Conner, he of "mitsuko" fame.



That would have been my guess. Sadly, I've never met him, although I've done a couple of his caches. Mostly, all I know is that he doesn't much care for Jeremy.


I've met Eric. I like him OK, although I'm sorry to see the battle he's gotten into with Jeremy.


When are y'all going to have another picnic or something so I can meet some of the other cachers in the area, anyway?


Marty Fouts


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