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So i'm wondering if Mother Nauture knows this information. I would really like to cache all day Sunday in temps say ohhh in the low 70's. Great caching weather is welcome anytime, like TODAY! icon_biggrin.gif




Horizontals where it's at!


[This message was edited by SuperGenius on September 21, 2002 at 08:49 AM.]


So i'm wondering if Mother Nauture knows this information. I would really like to cache all day Sunday in temps say ohhh in the low 70's. Great caching weather is welcome anytime, like TODAY! icon_biggrin.gif




Horizontals where it's at!


[This message was edited by SuperGenius on September 21, 2002 at 08:49 AM.]


...aren't you the recent Texas transplant who wanted to know last June when it was going to rain?


I think the normal September temps here in the San Joaquin Valley are in the 80's so the 100's of late are "abnormal". It can still be hot in October !


The trick is to use those 70 degree days when they DO pop up!


As for rain, in the valley we're looking at maybe some in November, December, but if memory serves, the January-February rainfall is greater.


Then there are those years when we hardly have any rain, and the following spring and summer are HOT.


But at least it cools down here in the Stockton area at night...a cool Delta breeze comes in from Fairfield area (most nights) before the heat comes back the next day.


I think I would rather fight a cold wind and blowing rain than a hot dusty trail, but when that happens, I'll probably be looking for an 80 degree day!


Ron (A Kansas transplant since 1974) (and I lived in Dallas for a year)


I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


Just an FYI, I don't think doggies are allowed on the Natural Bridges Trail. If someone gets there anytime soon, they may want to confirm it, but I'd hate to show up w/ my dawg and have to cancel the hike.


Ranting and Venting!

Yesterday moring I did two caches the first one was a multi(Missile View) which I highly suggest. The second was Fern Clearing Cache with a 3/1 rating. Well when I finally got to the top of that very steep, dry, and dusty trail I found the cache off trail about 50 or so feet it was just sitting there out in the open. Now I do not put that at fault of the cache owner, but when reading the posts time and time again the rating has been suggested that it is backwards. Any way I was expecting something beautiful and all I got was dust, speeding moutain bikers not caring if they ran me over and not one alive Fern. Dead and ugly Fern Clearing, it's clear all right thanks to Mother Nature.

Oh course this is how I felt yesterday today I am much better and not nearly as bitter!

Feeling even better now that I got that of my chest. I have done 180 caches and not one of them made me as angry as that one did, maybe I just picked the wrong time of year.


Have a great caching day!



Horizontals where it's at!


When I did that one, I came down from above, which was an easy 0.3-mile hike each way. You must have hiked up from the bottom!


Also, the cache was not out in the open when I did it! It was well-concealed, which makes me think that somebody didn't replace it properly.


Finally, by now you know that in Northern California everything gets dry and dusty this time of year! I can barely wait for December when stuff will finally start turning green again. The best caching months here are probably February through April.


Originally posted by Ron Streeter:

....may want to congratulate George on his 400th find. icon_wink.gif


Congrats George! I see you're quickly approaching 100 hides as well. icon_smile.gif




Originally posted by Ron Streeter:

....may want to congratulate George on his 400th find. icon_wink.gif


Congrats George! I see you're quickly approaching 100 hides as well. icon_smile.gif




I about pee'd my pants reading Hot Foot's log in a new light. icon_biggrin.gif I imagined someone dressed up like a cow...remindes me of a punchline of an old joke..."Moo Moo Big Boy."


Okay, time to wipe my eyes....




Will cache for food


I about pee'd my pants reading Hot Foot's log in a new light. icon_biggrin.gif I imagined someone dressed up like a cow...remindes me of a punchline of an old joke..."Moo Moo Big Boy."


Okay, time to wipe my eyes....




Will cache for food


The Blue Bandit gave me a great new idea, instead of my white trash cache idea,Maybe I can start a new themed series of caches, "Kurt's streetcorner cache" icon_biggrin.gif


description of cache:


This is a traveling cache in a Seedy area of town. Follow coords then look for lady of the evening (Stacy) in tight blue mini-skirt and purple fishnet stockings. When you find Stacy, cache will be in her make-up bag. Please be discreet.


icon_wink.gificon_wink.gificon_wink.gif JUST KIDDING!!!




The Blue Bandit gave me a great new idea, instead of my white trash cache idea,Maybe I can start a new themed series of caches, "Kurt's streetcorner cache" icon_biggrin.gif


description of cache:


This is a traveling cache in a Seedy area of town. Follow coords then look for lady of the evening (Stacy) in tight blue mini-skirt and purple fishnet stockings. When you find Stacy, cache will be in her make-up bag. Please be discreet.


icon_wink.gificon_wink.gificon_wink.gif JUST KIDDING!!!




When I arrived in Pleasanton this time last year it was much cooler. Darn the luck I thought it was always gonna be cool this time of the year.I have found out other wise.

Come on cool weather, I have some long hikes that have been on my third page for a long while now. I am ready to knock um out!




Horizontals where it's at!


Many years ago, well 20 or 30 anyway the Altamont pass really was a 'Rest Stop' of sorts. There was ample parking places and 20 to 40 chemical toilets. There is no water within miles of this place so the plumbing was rather spartan. Well on weekends with basketball games and similar activitities the toilets would be overwhelmed so by monday the whole area was a big stinky insanitary mess. CalTrans decided they couldn't put in regular facilities so they simply changed the signs from 'Rest Area' to 'Brake Check Area'. Well the school busses quit stopping but the trucks didn't. It was noted that an orange colored VW van with citizen band antennae was always parked in the area. What was happening was that truckers would make arrangements using their CBs with working girls known as "the Alatamont Angels" for assignations in the brake check area. I guess old tradidtions die hard.


I hit a milestone this weekend, I had a bunch of things to do on Sunday but I had to fit in 3 more caches get there. I ended up late to my belated birthday party at my mother's house. She gave me some dirty looks but she'll get over it.


Although I am close to 100 hides I don't expect to get there for a while. I've been mostly planting cache seeds. Placing single started caches in areas where no others exists. I'm hoping this will encourge others to investigate the area and maybe bring more caches.


I just got off the phone with the local newspaper.. The Modesto Bee, I gave about a 1/2 hour interview about geocaching and gps's and such. I'm not sure when the article is coming out but the reporter was laughing at the caching stories I had to tell.


Out of those 89 caches 31 have been archived so I don't have THAT many active. It is a few though. I just unarchived COLUMBO, I was conviced it was gone since Kablooey and Fizzy could not find it. Right after I archived it some logged the find. Go figure. I guess Fizzy needs a longer magic wand or something.


So for the rest of you. You need to plant some cache near me. I'm going broke buying gas.




Remember: Half the people you meet are below average.




I guess Fizzy needs a longer magic wand or something.


I'm not quite sure how to take that...


Just remember, we've got a bigger laser than you do.


I agree that more people should put some caches near George, who has done a LOT for the geocaching community around here.


Although I did put one relatively near you, George, and I don't think you've done it yet. Maybe that's because there aren't 57 nearby. But you could do it and drive over Mount Hamilton and get the ones there...


Never fear there George, I've got 3 caches sitting in my jeep right now, just begging for a home. I've got a saturday game this weekend, but on Sunday i'll have a few for ya in your neighborhood. While I don't have much time to look for caches with the new baby and all, I am finding out that planting them can be just as fun, and does not take much time.


Oh yeah, no more wussy 1/1 caches for the KURTULEAS. I'm gonna make it tough on you.




Originally posted by fizzymagic:


Although I _did_ put http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=31812 relatively near you, George, and I don't think you've done it yet. Maybe that's because there aren't 57 nearby. But you could do it and drive over Mount Hamilton and get the ones there...


Remember, it's not the size it's the frequency.


I see that cache sitting there and it's on my must do list. I'm still putting together another big cache for the canyon. I'll drop the cache off and then head up to QuarterTurn. That's such a looooooong drive.




Remember: Half the people you meet are below average.



I just volunteered to teach an SAT workshop for seniors 2 nights a week. Oh the caching that could be done in that time. The pay is good though. I need to pay off the big 4wd toy I bought.




Remember: Half the people you meet are below average.



Well I just back from caching with Hotfoot and we(me for sure) had a good time. Started our morning off with coffee in the LITTLE town of Sunol, and then visited a water surfacing place it was very interesting! Then off the cache 'More Than Just Math'. Hotfoot did ALL the math and we shared the footwork. We ended up looking for the cache about an hour, Hootfoot found it first and with a little hint I found it. Always a pleasure caching with Hotfoot!




Horizontals where it's at!


...but STATISTICS....now that's something else.


Don't get me wrong though...I have trouble knowing the difference between average, mean and median...please don't try to educate me.


Anyway, check out one of my new member-only caches here. This is Fac-Pac.




I'm directing you to the table in the middle of the page for the statistics info, but you'll probably find the overall Fac-Pac approach of interest too.


The stats were done manually, so that's why it won't be updated in the future except for one column.




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


I am a little worried, too. The only good news is that the media often makes fires sound a lot bigger than they are, and fires often skip around a lot.


On the other hand, several caches were lost to fires in Colorado this summer. icon_frown.gif


I am a little worried, too. The only good news is that the media often makes fires sound a lot bigger than they are, and fires often skip around a lot.


On the other hand, several caches were lost to fires in Colorado this summer. icon_frown.gif


Uvas canyon has some hard to get to caches. I've found two over there. One was the infammous cache that Pepper and I raced for this summer. I stayed and found one more cache after Pepper left but it was really hard trying to figure out what trail you needed to be on and getting gps reception with my Garmin was a pain. It's one of the reasons I ended up buy the Magellan. I had always planned on going back.


Anyone know what started the fire?




You know it's a steep climb when the nose of you bike seat hits you in that special spot.


I finally sat down and brought up the pivot tables for the file that Fizzy sent me. I had some good months and some slow months. July was a biggie, but then again, I was off for the summer. 111 caches found in July. Next best month was 72 in April. How did I find time to find 72 caches in April?




You know it's a steep climb when the nose of you bike seat hits you in that special spot.

Originally posted by georgeandmary:


July was a biggie, but then again, I was off for the summer. 111 caches found in July. Next best month was 72 in April. How did I find time to find 72 caches in April?






I think I know the answer to that question, but it would only apply to one of your big months (mabye split between the two) icon_wink.gif




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.

Originally posted by georgeandmary:


July was a biggie, but then again, I was off for the summer. 111 caches found in July. Next best month was 72 in April. How did I find time to find 72 caches in April?






I think I know the answer to that question, but it would only apply to one of your big months (mabye split between the two) icon_wink.gif




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


I was on my way over there to go after some of the caches on Monday, but had to change my plans because of the fire.


I was down that way today, but didn't want to go get in the way of the fire crews, so it's hard to tell, but the fire seems pretty isolated, so far.


Marty Fouts



but what I heard so far, was that it may have been started in a single mobile home. The original location I heard was west of Uvas road and north of Crow Ave. Uvas Canyon park is somewhat southish and westish from Crow, but the fire wasn't contained close to being contained as of this evening. All we can hope is that the fire stays north of Crow and doesn't climb up the ridge too much. There was little wind today, which helped the firefighters contain some of the fire.


There is still one Uvas Cache I didn't hit (the high one on the knob).



I live in Morgan Hill and have a cache at Uvas Canyon Park. Marty was correct it was a trailer that started the fire. The road is actually Croy rd. Its been hard getting accurate information but(you know the media) from my view point it looks like the park is in trouble. There saying no containment for at least 3-5 days. This morning driving towards San Jose the fire was clearly visable on the ridge which in Mt Madanna road(the park borders this road for quite a ways) . Once they get it out and let people up there again I'm gonna go and check things out. I'll let ya'll know what I find.


I just spoke to the ranger for Uvas County Park and he told me that the fire did not go through the park, (whoo hoo) and that it looks like it is out of danger. At least at this point. It is however closed until the fires are out.


http://www.fire.ca.gov/cdf/incidents/ Sorry, I'm not good w/ embedding links and don't have the 5min it would probably take to figure it out!


BUT - this link has helped me in the past when there are fires near my mountain property. It's about the best way I know to track/monitor a fire w/o actually being there bugging the professionals. It's got maps, and sometimes even photos.


Man, the fire came awfully close to Sveadal and Uvas Canyon park! If they can contain that line then it looks like Sveadal and the park will be spared. Such a neat little town you drive through to get to the park. I wonder what the history of that town is. Just what is the Swedish American Patriotic League?




This morning In the vicinity of Chili Today Hot Tomale I met a geezer even older than I and he was picking star weeds. His name is Jim Wilson and when ever he is out he pulls up this pesky weed and throws them away. I am sure we all wish him the best of luck.


This the kind of day I have been patiently waiting for YIPEE! Did me some caching today and some cache maintenance to-boot. icon_biggrin.gif




Horizontals where it's at!


This the kind of day I have been patiently waiting for YIPEE! Did me some caching today and some cache maintenance to-boot. icon_biggrin.gif




Horizontals where it's at!


this morning to place two new caches in the Niles Canyon Area. Claire is also placing her first in the same general area.

Ok Mr. Vic I know you work in the area and I suspect you will be FTF!




Horizontals where it's at!


Pepper, thanks for thinking of me! icon_biggrin.gif Yep, I drive through the canyon everyday. In fact I have scoped out a couple of spots in there to hide a future cache.


Well if your cache posts within the next hour, I'll hit it on my way home. Otherwise, I'm going to have to wait until Monday evening.




Will cache for food


Pepper, thanks for thinking of me! icon_biggrin.gif Yep, I drive through the canyon everyday. In fact I have scoped out a couple of spots in there to hide a future cache.


Well if your cache posts within the next hour, I'll hit it on my way home. Otherwise, I'm going to have to wait until Monday evening.




Will cache for food

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