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Yrium's Geocacher Trading Cards


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On Saturday, 4/17, I placed:


5 copies of Series 2, Card #1/20 (Flagson) in King Geepius and the Okeanos(GCJ5NX)


On Sunday, 4/18, I placed:

5 copies of Yrium's UDesignit card #3 (Halstaff) in Ginger @ Lakeside Preserve (GCJ6FX)


As in the past, if you this treasure, please indicate you did so in your online log so we can keep tabs on their distribution.



-Gecko Dad


We appreciate your hard work Don. I really like the cards and have about a dozen. Too bad I can't get way down there to grab some of these before they're all snapped up by the locals.


I'm sure people would still like reprints of series 1 if there are plans to make any more. I know my set is not complete.




I'll be reprinting cards until I see there's no longer a demand for them. That's one of the reasons I like it when people mention in their log if they've picked up a trading card.


--- yrium ---

I'm sure people would still like reprints of series 1 if there are plans to make any more. I know my set is not complete.

I'll second the request for more of the first series.


And of course I would like to see more new cards in the second too.

We love your cards Yrium. Thanks




The problem is that urban and park caches are often micros--too small for the cards to fit. Here's a list of caches that are fairly close to you that should not be too hard. Star ratings can be misleading. To me a 1* terrain means you can get it in a wheel chair or a very short walk. Some cache ratings do not reflect that however.


Reidy Creek (a few feet from the Park and Ride lot)

Lua's Cache (in the park. flat.)

Cache #2 (there's paved trail access, but it's off a road with no sidewalk. You can also go from the bus stop behind the mall, but it's longer).

egg never tee was sass rap (for now anyway it's a very short walk from parking)

Walnut Grove II (in a park not far from parking)

TCH Memorial (a short walk down a pretty flat trail from parking lot)

Tres Ants (if you drive your Pathy in)

The-Cheat's Motivation (I think this might be big enough for a card but Dan-oh should confirm.)

Fort Monteverde II (a little longer but on a wheel chair accesible trail)

Skeleton Cache (a very short easy walk from the car)

Gateway to Twin Oaks (a very short walk from parking)

Sign-up here (if there's not too many branches on the ground behind the sign. Someone could hand it to you over the sign though.)




Tres Ants (if you drive your Pathy in)

The-Cheat's Motivation (I think this might be big enough for a card but Dan-oh should confirm.)

Fort Monteverde II (a little longer but on a wheel chair accesible trail)

Yup, The-Cheat's Motivation's container should work fine. I'm not sure if I have it listed as a micro or a standard. Its shallow but its opening measures 4 1/4" across and widens a bit more than that. Its in a fairly dry area and I waterproofed the daylights out of it.


I've yet to see one of the cards. Looking forward to it.


Does anyone know what the secondary market value is for Signed Yrium cards? I got Ruscal to autograph his card for me yesterday. What's the Beckett's value on these little treasures?



Does anyone know what the secondary market value is for Signed Yrium cards? I got Ruscal to autograph his card for me yesterday. What's the Beckett's value on these little treasures?

I'll give you 40 cents for it. But only if you pay the postage to mail it to me :rolleyes:


On Sunday, 8/15/2004, I placed:


5 copies of Series 1, Card #20/20 (Jeremy) in Yrium Celebration Letterbox (GCK6TB)


On Friday, 9/3, I placed:

4 copies of Series 1, Card #9/20 (Iron Chef) in Fear Factor: Up the Rat Hole (GCHYJR)


As in the past, if you take one of these cards, please indicate you did so in your online log so I can keep tabs on their distribution.



-Gecko Dad


On Saturday, 9/18/2004, I placed:


5 copies of Series 1, Card #16/20 (Splashman and Splashette) in Jughead & Jarhead Stash Box 2 (GCKFJ1)




5 copies of UDesignit Card #3 (Halstaff) in But Not Soon Enough (GCJQZ4)


As in the past, if you take one of these cards, please indicate you did so in your online log so I can keep tabs on their distribution.



-Gecko Dad

Posted (edited)

On Saturday, 10/2/2004, I placed:


3 copies of Series 1, Card #19/20 (K-nic) in Just Frogs (GCG6VN)


3 copies of Series 1, Card #3/20 (Vagabond) in Dos Morteros (GCKNB9)


3 copies of Series 1, Card #5/20 (beeque) in Grapevine Canyon (GC334F)


On Sunday, 10/3/2004, I placed:


3 copies of Series 1, Card #10/20 (Gromit) in Puppy Love, Reprised (GCKD9C)


As in the past, if you take one of these cards, please indicate you did so in your online log so I can keep tabs on their distribution.



-Gecko Dad

Edited by Team Gecko

On Sunday, 10/10/2004, I placed:


3 copies of Series 1, Card #17/20 (Team Gecko) in The Maze 2 (GCKNWD)


As in the past, if you take one of these cards, please indicate you did so in your online log so I can keep tabs on their distribution.



-Gecko Dad


I have Mark71Mark; 14of20.

I think I got it in GCGARP.

I'm not sure what to do with it; got it cause it looked interesting.

Do I move it like a TB?




It's yours to do with as you wish. Many people are collecting them. I would say they are especially collectible now. But if you do put it into another cache instead of keeping it, posting it here would be a good idea because somebody may want to go and grab it.


Catching up on old replacements. Sorry for the delay.


On Thursday, 10/7/2004, I placed:


3 copies of Series 2, Card #1/1 (Flagson) in One Year Later ... (GCKPZW)


On Thursday, 11/11/2004, I placed:


3 copies of Series 1, Card #4/20 (Bikedog) in 2 Picos; 93 Buzones (GCKYGP)


On Sunday, 11/14/2004, I placed:


1 copy of Series 1, Card #1/20 (Tuna) in Developing a Cache



On Wednesday, 11/17/2004, I placed:


2 copies of Series 1, Card #6/20 (Gumby & Pokey) in Just Kidding! (GCKN7A)


As in the past, if you take one of these cards, please indicate you did so in your online log so card seekers can keep tabs on their distribution.



-Gecko Dad


In response to Chuy's inquiry, here is additional background on the Yrium's Pals cards.


Pals cards were originally intended for finders to keep or to pass along if they preferred. They are not, per se, Travel Bugs, and there is no practical means to track them. Most folks seem to hold on to them for their personal collections.


There are 20 different Series 1 cards and 1 Series 2 card (Flagson).


Series 1

1 - Tuna

2 - Stork

3 - Vagabond

4 - Bikedog

5 - Beeque

6 - Gumy & Pokey

7 - Monteverde

8 - Zcat

9 - Iron Chef

10 - Gromit

11 - Whistlestick

12 - Superfly

13 - Yrium

14 - Mark71mark

15 - Jane8276

16 - Splashman & Splashette

17 - Team Gecko

18 - Nscaler

19 - K-nic

20 - Jeremy


Series 2

1 - Flagson Andrew


Yrium also created a UDesignit Travel Bug that allowed the finder to

pick who would be featured on a special series of Pals cards.



1 - Ruscal

2 - B-nic & K-nic

3 - Halstaff


I was fortunate to be the first (and perhaps only) cacher to find all of these cards in the wild. Flagson is another holder of a complete set. Yrium was planning a third series of Yrium's Fans to commemorate finders who found the entire Series 1 set but he never got around to it before his condition worsened.


The loss of the Maze 2 cache (GCKNWD) has resulted in the likely loss of the remaining Team Gecko cards in circulation.


I have a handful of cards remaining to distribute over the coming months. I will try to be more current with my Forum posts for identifying these placements.

Gecko Dad


Picked up three Halstaff cards from Chuy's "But Not Soon Enough" cache.


Distributed as follows:


1 x in "Flagman's Rescue"

1 x in "Butterfly Hill Maybe Jimmy Hoffa's Buried there"

1 x in "Ranch of the Spanish Daggers Micro"




Hey, everyone out there. If you have found this thread, you obviously remember Yrium's Udesignit TB (TB9E) and his several series of geocaching trading cards. I actually have been holding on to that TB in the hopes that someone would step up and take over the tradition. I got tired of waiting and have decided to do it myself! :D I have now adopted the TB and am about to release the first in the Yrium Memorial Series. So look for the new cards, as well as the TB, to be released in the next couple of days. And no card collection would be complete without misprints, so look for some of those as well. I will do my best to log here where they end up. Card 1 in the Yrium Memorial Series is TucsonThompsen (or is that TucsonThompson?? I was never very good at spelling!). :(


:( FlagMan :D


For anyone that is interested, I have now scanned in all the Yrium cards in all series and posted them to the TB cache page. If anyone knows of any other card that I don't have posted, by all means let me know and I will see that it gets posted. As far as I know, however, all cards are now posted.



Posted (edited)



Left 3x Yrium Memorial #1-TT, 1x Yrium Memorial #1-TT misprint, 1x Udesignit #3-Halstaff and 1x Yrium Pals #9-Iron Chef in Coca-Cola cache revisited by chuckycheeseink (GCMHPE)


Gave 1x Yrium Memorial #1-TT to Trailgators


Left 3x Yrium Memorial #1-TT, 1x Udesignit #3-Halstaff and 1x Yrium Memorial #1-TT misprint in "Lights After Sunset Evoke Resolution" by CAcrazyone and Son (GCMHAG).


I'll get this right before long! :ph34r:

Edited by FlagMan



Are you going to reisssue the original 1G, 2G, and the three from the UdesignIt series, or only make the Yrium Memorial cards? I know there are still a few of the original cards floating around, but I only have half of them. It would be great to get a whole set. Some have migrated out of the county I think, because I seem to remember finding one farther north somewhere.



Are you going to reisssue the original 1G, 2G, and the three from the UdesignIt series, or only make the Yrium Memorial cards? I know there are still a few of the original cards floating around, but I only have half of them. It would be great to get a whole set. Some have migrated out of the county I think, because I seem to remember finding one farther north somewhere.

All I have are the scanned images. Gecko Dad had a collection of original cards, so he might have some that he can distribute out there. I could recreate the cards using the scanned images, but the quality would suffer some, I'm sure. Maybe I can get the original digital images from Don or Whistlesticks. If so, I would be happy to fill special requests from time to time....


I almost forgot to log my finds:


Took a TT card (1st in Yruim Memorial Series) from Local Treasure on 1/26/05.


Grabbed Udesignit Card and selected Night Hunter as the next "victim".


Card coming along good; thanks again, Flagman, for taking the initiative to print out the cards.


I took Halstaff and Tucson Thompsen cards from the Lights After Sunset Evoke Resolution cache. I left a CD from one of my favorite groups: Juluka's first American release "Scatterlings."


I'd like to see Dan-oh, $kimmer, and dhsundance on UDesignIt cards or Memorial series cards. There's some other guy also, but I can't remember his name.... <_<



I'd like to see Dan-oh, $kimmer, and dhsundance on UDesignIt cards or Memorial series cards.

Maybe a Parsa card??? Of course, your (collective) wish is my (mandatory) desire..... :)

Posted (edited)


Are you going to reisssue the original 1G, 2G, and the three from the UdesignIt series, or only make the Yrium Memorial cards? I know there are still a few of the original cards floating around, but I only have half of them. It would be great to get a whole set. Some have migrated out of the county I think, because I seem to remember finding one farther north somewhere.

OK, here's the scoop. The original "fronts" of Yrium's Pals 1-15 are available from the Udesignit TB cache page, and I have downloaded all those image files to my computer. I have scanned images for Yrium's Pals 16-20, FlagSon Andrew, and Udesignit 1-3. No bad, but certainly not the same quality as the original images. I can probably recreate the back sides pretty easily, although I am not 100% sure that I have access to all the pictures that appear on the back sides. Hopefully they are available in the various galleries. So the short answer is that I can, and would be happy to, create "reprints." The reprints will not be identical to the originals, and I am tempted to update statistics and the like, but I think I should try to stick as closely as possible to the original cards when making reprints. Any input from anyone out there on updating statistics? Every card has a "printed on" date (even Yrium's originals), so I suspect that Yrium may have even updated stats when he did reprints. I think all of these "changes" and "misprints" add to the fun, but I am certainly willing to be corrected based on reactions to this post.


Now, of course, I would expect the "reprints" to trade at a different value than the originals......


Post a log here if there are certain "reprints" that you would like me to make, and please feel free to provide any other input that you would like. Yrium started something that everyone was quite fond of with these cards, and I really want to keep it going in the appropriate manner. -FlagMan.

Edited by FlagMan
Posted (edited)

I appreciate your efforts.


I looked at the new TT card and was comparing it to the Halstaff card I picked up. It looks like Yrium printed these with a pretty high resolution. It may be an ink jet printer, but if it is, the dots are sure small. It looks like it might even be a color laser print.


Even if you use an ink jet printer you should be able to get better results by scanning and printing at a high resolution. It might be cost effective to have Kinkos or a print shop make color copies of a very hi-res print. Their lamination is better too. When I did the Lorenzo's Gold tag, it kept falling apart and letting water in to the paper. That's because I used the cheapo laminator at my school. The last time I printed out a sheet of a bunch of tags, and did the thicker, higher quality lamination. The first of these tags is still in place and has never needed to be replaced.


I'd be happy to help with the cost if you do something like this.


I have the following cards:

G1: 1 (Tuna), 6 (Gumby-Pokey), 12 (Superfly; bent), 13 (Yrium), 14 (Mark71Mark), 18 (nscaler), 20 (Jeremy)

G2: 1 (Flagson)

UDesignit: 1, 2, & 3

Memorial: 1 (TThompsen)


So, I need G1: 2-5, 7-11, 15-17, 19 (13 cards).


If anyone spots any of these, please let me know.



Edited by Parsa
I looked at the new TT card and was comparing it to the Halstaff card I picked up. It looks like Yrium printed these with a pretty high resolution. It may be an ink jet printer, but if it is, the dots are sure small. It looks like it might even be a color laser print....

Well, I admit to being a novice when it comes to graphic arts. I have discovered that I printed the first two sets of cards at "normal" resolution and I could have printed them at much higher resolution using my existing printer. So I will experiment with that. As for the lamination, I am using the "self-lamination" sheets that do not require special equipment. The advantage is that I can do everything at home without having to take it all to Kinkos. Overall, I am pretty satisfied with the final product, and using higher resolution will certainly only improve the image quality. So I'll have to consider whether or not a better lamination is in order. Of course, I could always have my client who is a professional printer do the whole thing on offset presses. Somehow, I don't think Yrium would like it as much that way.......


I would like to hear comments on the content of the reprints as well as quality.....


So, maybe I'll print a few sheets with six different "reprints." That way I can release 3 or so of each reprint at a time, and release six different ones at a time. I'll start working on 1-6 for now.

Posted (edited)

Grabbed 2 cards from Griffin Walk (GCMM3M)


Yrium Memorial Series card #1 Tucson Thompsen

Yrium Memorial Seried card #2 Night Hunter



Edited by KF6JAX

Went to Kinkos and tried the laminator. The cards ended up being about twice as thick and much less flexible than the originals. Although the lamination is probably superior, it is also much more difficult to work with -- trimming is much more difficult. In addition, this method is a significant deviation from the originals. So I think I will stick to the original method for now. I will be making sets of Yrium Pals 1-6 reprints and placing them together as a set in the next six suitable caches that I visit. I have six sets that should be completed today. The "Tuna" cards have been laminated with the Kinkos equipment, so you will be able to compare the results. As far as the color quality, these cards compare very favorably (better to my eye) to the set of originals that I have.




I picked up an Yrium Memorial #2 Rocket Man at Top Dog, and placed an original G1 #6 Gumby and Pokey card that I found in a cache earlier.



I picked up an Yrium Memorial #2 Rocket Man at Top Dog, and placed an original G1 #6 Gumby and Pokey card that I found in a cache earlier.



Hmmmmmm. YMS #2 is Night Hunter, I think.... :o

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