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The Orange County Thread

The Geo Chasers

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Originally posted by LarsThorwald:

Page 4!


Speaking of which... can anyone belive that Paul Harvey is still alive? (obscure joke)



"One should never begin a journey by heading in the wrong direction."


Is this one of those 'Youre to young to understand' or is it more of a 'You wont get it cause you werent alive' things? icon_rolleyes.gificon_biggrin.gif


Anyways... I looked him up.




Thanks for the link Charlie. As soon as we settle on a logo, I'll post a graphic along with some html code for embedding on the site. That'll make linking easier.


Thanks everyone for checking out the site. I've had some real nice feedback so far.




Hey, Martin, by the way: your friend better make money while he can on that Neilsen diary: in the next year or so LA and NY are going to be the first cities where the diaries are replaced by computers the monitor what's REALLY being watched...



"One should never begin a journey by heading in the wrong direction."


There were a few dollars (maybe 4?) inside the large envelope. It was almost as if they were there 'by accident'. icon_rolleyes.gif


I was always under the assumings that the cable companies had some way of telling what channel we watched... but I guess not. Apparently, this one of the way main ratings are gathered.


Hey Husqui:


I've lost track of the picnic area reservation story. If I remember, we CAN'T register, right? So is it time to solicit volunteers to show up early and grab the prime spot?



"One should never begin a journey by heading in the wrong direction."




Actually, we CAN register but it's a $200 usage fee. So for all intents and purposes, we shouldn't register and just take the chance that nobody else thinks it's worth $200 to reserve that particular picnic area for that day.


I will call next week to make sure that nobody has it reserved (if somebody has, then we're SOL and have to find an alternate spot). I will continue to call once a week until the Thursday before 3/22. They told me that if it hasn't been reserved by that day, then it will definitely be available on that Saturday on a first-come, first-served basis (kinda like first-to-find, eh?).


But in the meantime, it probably would be a good idea to start soliciting F2F volunteers.


BTW, guess who's in the #7 spot (and quite possibly soon-to-be #6) of the NBA Western Conference?


Originally posted by husqui:

BTW, guess who's in the #7 spot (and quite possibly soon-to-be #6) of the NBA Western Conference?


And Sacramento and Dallas are probably panicking about the prospets of playing them in the first round too. icon_biggrin.gif


Webfoot icon_razz.gif


Tromping through the underbrush looking for Ammo cans, Tupperware containers, & little round disks.


Originally posted by husqui:


But in the meantime, it probably would be a good idea to start soliciting F2F volunteers.


Consider this the solicitation: anyone live close enough to the picnic site to want to get out there first thing on the morning of the 22nd and stake our claim?



"One should never begin a journey by heading in the wrong direction."


Hey Lars drop me an email, I think I have some Police Crime Scene Tape around the house we can use to "Secure the Scene" with.


Life Thru Geocaching...Geocaching Thru Life



I just called community services for Huntington Central Park and the picnic area we were going to use has been reserved for March 22nd icon_frown.gif. Whoever reserved it is actually paying the $200 usage fee plus a $200 cleanup deposit.


The lady I spoke to says that there is one similar area by Lake Park (?) --- along Lake in between 11th and 12th street. It's the same deal though, $200 to use it plus the $200 deposit. And it's on a tentative hold until tonight when the party reserving it is supposed to come by with the moolah. If they don't show up, then it's available until somebody reserves it or on a first-come, first-served basis on March 22nd.


Don't know of any other places around Central Park where they have picnic tables and barbecue grills (but then again I'm not at all that familiar with that area). In either case, we need to come up with some new options.....


Thanks for keeping up on this, Husqui. By the way... how big is your back-yard? icon_rolleyes.gif


Seriously, I've never been to the park and thus have no Plan B. But we're a resourceful bunch. Any ideas?



"One should never begin a journey by heading in the wrong direction."


(We lived in Huntington for many, many years) The picnic area that is reservable is off of Edwards. It is very nice for a large group such as this. This is the only large area that is equipped with tables and BBQ's.


There are other single tables that may have BBQ's near them in the grassy area, but usually the most tables available are two to three. These are first come first serve.


If someone Local to the park was willing, they could find a location with several tables with BBQ, additional tables and chairs could be brought by attendees. Just a thought.


Lake Park is pretty nice. It is just above the Main Street area...However it is very public and close to the streets.


Hope you all can find a place...I just wish we could go!


All right, here's my idea: Monrovia Canyon Park. I've cached there several times, and our kids' school did a campout there. It has a nature center, bathrooms, etc., and a reservable 2000 sq. ft. area with six picnic tables and 4 BBQ's. The best news is that it's available, and only costs $50, plus a returnable $50 deposit... which I can front.


My reservations are as follows: this is a serious change of venue for the OC crowd. It's not as bad as Griffith Park - in a lot of respects ; - but it is certainly north of Huntington Beach. I also don't know if six tables will hold the burgeoning crowd! I am not opposed to another OC location, nor am I wed to Monrovia. I'm just scrambling.


So, what do you guys think? It would be great to get some kind of a consensus in the next day or so...


I also contacted Tournament Park, which would be nice but is a bit further from OC. I've yet to hear back...


Sorry I don't live in a bigger house!



"One should never begin a journey by heading in the wrong direction."


We could also do the park where we met last year, which I thought was fine, although it, too, had I think a $4 entry fee. Irvine Regional Park?



"One should never begin a journey by heading in the wrong direction."


You can't let this die! Not after all that we've been through... icon_wink.gif


Anyhow, FYI, a chat program has now been enabled on www.scgeocachers.com. Martin posted a request for desired times to schedule our first members chat, hopefully within the next couple of days.


Well Mrs. C is aready in the chatroom waiting for everyone else to join...Next to geocaching, chatting is her next fav thing to do icon_razz.gif


Life Thru Geocaching...Geocaching Thru Life



I am spending more of my time at: Southern California Geocachers... icon_wink.gif


"Now it's time to say goodbye to our old OC Thread:

SCG...Gee it's been fun...EOC...Come see how great it is!...ACHER(S)...Our So. Cal. site is really the best!


Forever let us hold our handhelds high!"


OK enough of that...See ya later...Happy Geocaching! icon_biggrin.gif


Originally posted by The Geo Chasers:


"Now it's time to say goodbye to our old OC Thread:

SCG...Gee it's been fun...EOC...Come see how great it is!...ACHER(S)...Our So. Cal. site is really the best!


Forever let us hold our handhelds high!"


Guess we've got the entertainment for the picnic squared away... icon_wink.gif


By the way: what's frog.gif all about?



"One should never begin a journey by heading in the wrong direction."




Calling all Orange Co cachers. Be on the look out for this bug. It's the lead but in the cannon ball run and it may be heading your way. Take the bug and place it in a far far far away cache. One of those caches that gets visited once or twice a year. Or maybe a puzzle cache or a big multi cache.


I cannot touch the bug since I have a bug in the race. Do you really want a non Californian to win the race.... stop Oscar now.




Wanna go for a ride?


Originally posted by georgeandmary:

Take the bug and place it in a far far far away cache. One of those caches that gets visited once or twice a year. Or maybe a puzzle cache or a big multi cache.




Wanna go for a ride?


Shame on you! Next you will be exhorting someone to place it in a virtual!


I'm aghast that someone would exhort others to do such a thing!


If I find it I will help it along by dropping it here:



So play fairly, George!




My two cents worth, refunds available on request. (US funds only)


I was hoping for a little help with a waypoint. Getting prepared for a family vacation to Disneyland etc. I have not had much luck finding a set of coords. for Medieval Times in Buena Park. If someone has coords. they can share that would be great.


Thanks. frog.gif


Enthusiasm may vary.


Originally posted by MrToad608:

Getting prepared for a family vacation to Disneyland etc.


Hey Toad. I see there are several virtuals for Disneyland and only one physical cache in the park. I think you'd better place another one while you're there. Have fun!



I'm considering one for icon_eek.gif Mr. Toad's Wild Ride icon_eek.gif, but a physical would not be approved inside the park and is against the "planting on vacation rule" too. icon_frown.gif


I noticed no cache for Medieval Times either, hmmmmmmm.




Enthusiasm may vary.


Getting a virtual approved at either Disneyland or Medieval Times would probably be difficult. The current climate is running against commercial caches--where you have to pay significant amounts to a for-profit company to get access to the cache.


There are some virtuals (and one traditional--see link below) at Disneyland/California Adventure, but I think they are grandfathered and a new one would have a hard time getting past an approver.


You might want to check on that before taking the time to prepare one...


You can also search for nearby caches on the link below and find some outside in the real world where no admission fee is required.




If you want to email me offline witht he area you are staying, I might be able to recommend some.


Have a great vacation in California!




My two cents worth, refunds available on request. (US funds only)


Originally posted by LarsThorwald:

So let it DIE!!! icon_eek.gif



"One should never begin a journey by heading in the wrong direction."


It looks like it has. Probably due to the great forums at the SCG site.




My two cents worth, refunds available on request. (US funds only)


Dave my friend I think you are right...I think we need to get together and have a wake for it!!! icon_wink.gif


Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. - Ben Franklin (1706-1790)



Originally posted by LarsThorwald:

Someone else can organize THIS one... icon_rolleyes.gif



"One should never begin a journey by heading in the wrong direction."


Heh, heh! Oh come on Charlie! It was sooo much fun! I think we should do a picnic every month! icon_razz.gif


Let's just send this one into Six Feet Under and let them bury it! Love that show. Great writing!



"The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either." - Benjamin Franklin

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