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The Orange County Thread

The Geo Chasers

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Originally posted by FullOn:

Webfoot - What kind of HTML experience do you have Webfoot. Do you know how to hand code, XML, database driven, etc...? It looks like your stuff was created on a PC, right? Are you using FrontPage?


You had me scared there for a minute - thought I had stepped on some unsuspecting toes.


I've used mostly NetObjects Fusion, both on PC and on a Mac. I'm the computer teacher at our school and usually have lots of time on my hands - heck, that's why I spend so much time surfing the net.


In the past, I've also used Adobe PageMill - easy breezy for quickies and Adobe GoLive which I don't like at all. Net Objects is the easiest to set up. I also do a lot of hand coding as well to tweak pages the way I like.


The school pages were created on a PC, my out-of-date personal pages were created using an older version of NetObjects on a Mac with a bunch of hand coding.


I'm not a genious by any stretch of the imagination, haven't ever used CSS or XML, but I have fun doing what I like to do. I'm sure I could work and use CSS though.


Webfoot icon_razz.gif


Tromping through the underbrush looking for Ammo cans, Tupperware containers, & little round disks.

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Originally posted by ^Martin^:

WebFoot: All the help we can get is appreciated. I looked at your pages. Have you looked into CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)? You should try them out... they are a bit of a pain to setup, but pages end up looking slicker with them.



I've never used CSS before, well, I take that back. Tried to use them once, but got stuck big time and I think it's because I was attempting them for the first time on a Mac. I love my Mac, but I also love my PC as well. It's good to know both I believe.


I also have both Adobe PhotoShop for Mac and my PC. I created the logo for this travel bug and also created the background for this cache. Background was pretty easy, but the logo took a little more time. I think I could make a pretty good looking logo, perhaps incorporating the geocaching logo in it?


Webfoot icon_razz.gif


Tromping through the underbrush looking for Ammo cans, Tupperware containers, & little round disks.

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Cool, eh? I know, it doesn't take much to make me happy..... icon_biggrin.gif


Originally posted by LarsThorwald:

I wish I had some level of talent that would be useful website-wise, but other than taking people out for Margaritas every once in a while, I've got nothing. icon_rolleyes.gif



Worry not, Charlie. Such a skill level is much appreciated by people like me, since I have to begrudgingly do it every now and then as well. As the saying goes --- it's a tough job but somebody has to do it.

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A So. Calif. page sounds great! It seems like you have great website talent. The only websites I have worked on were E-Teamz...Pretty easy stuff...Only basic HTML required! Looking forward to it!


Nice to see that this thread is getting used! And nice to see Kevin and Susan back! (Didn't know Bert's Penthouse was yours...We will go back soon!)


Thanks to Lars for a great cache in Laguna. This was the first of three actually attempted at night. This seems to be the only time we have to cache lately.


We feel like such newbies compared with the rest of you. We seem to be more "summer" cachers, we have more time to explore then. I was hoping to be at at least 100 before our 1 year anniversary...We have a way to go!


Thanks for all the great work on organizing the picnic...We are still not sure whether we can go...I think we have a meet on that Saturday.


Happy geocaching and websiting!

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Originally posted by The Geo Chasers:

I have been watching this cache http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=54023 for a several days and was considering going south to find but the rain kept me away. (Now I am not so sure I want to find)

Seems there is now some controversy on where the cache is located. Check it out and let me know what your thoughts are...

Happy Geocaching...If it's not raining that is... icon_wink.gif


I think in today's world and the heightened climate regarding security, anything out of the ordinary comes under suspicion. I think it would be better to err on the side of caution as opposed to throwing caution to the wind and trying to go for something that could get you in a lot of hot water because you were possibly trespassing on a government military installation during a potential wartime situation.


I'd say, let it go and forget about it.


Webfoot icon_razz.gif


Tromping through the underbrush looking for Ammo cans, Tupperware containers, & little round disks.

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There is no way I will show up down there. Finds are not that important to us. It is just sad that our country is on such high alert.


Because of this I have often wondered when geocaching, how many people really do see you wandering around looking for a cache. You have to admit, it would look just a tad suspicious.


BTW...The second post by "Alpinemaps" was severely edited since this AM.


Cache On!

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OK. I decided to go ahead and start working on the web site when I can. Not sure how long it will take with the schedule how it is right now, but I'm going to do it. I've made an executive decision to call the "organization" Southern California Geocachers (SCG) - unless someone else has got a name they like better.


In the spirit of community, not to mention the fact that I'm just plain lazy, I'm calling for logo submissions. I'll kick in a few and anyone else who wants to, feel free. You can email them to me and I'll post them all on the web and we can vote for our favorite. If you don't have my email address, just send me an email through geocaching.com and I'll send it to you. I'd post it here, but I don't feel like getting even more spam than I already do!


As far as the site itself goes, I like the PHP-Nuke driven site that MIGO has. If I can figure out how to configure my server, I'll give it a try. If worse comes to worse, we can always get 1$ hosting to host it, they're hosting my Sinister Pumpkin site and it's up most of the time. I'm not sure if they do MySQL which is required for the PHP-Nuke. If anyone knows of any other hosting solutions, let me know.


In the meantime, send me the logos. I'd like to get them all in by the end of next week or shortly thereafter. I will be out of town and away from my email this weekend, but I'll reply back late Monday or Tuesday.


Oh, by the way. The one thing that I will ask is that these logos either be produced at a fairly large size for the final piece if they are rasterized (Photoshop et al) or better yet draw them in a vector based program (Illustrator). That way they can be repurposed for lots of stuff - T-shirts, stickers, airplane banners, etc… icon_wink.gif




P.S. It's not worth it to get yourself shot for a cache. Pass on the one on Pendleton till it gets moved. It may be our land, but they have machine guns!

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Originally posted by The Geo Chasers:


I have often wondered when geocaching, how many people _really do_ see you wandering around looking for a cache. You have to admit, it would look just a tad suspicious.


Cache On!


You should have seen how fast security was on me when I was wandering around the parking lot of that Government-Judicial-Pyramid-Building in Aliso Viejo. Something about the camera and gps really freaked them out... icon_eek.gif



"One should never begin a journey by heading in the wrong direction."

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My son is working on a logo for us...Maybe I will have him work on one for the site as well.




Ah...The old Zigurat Building...Didn't that used to be/or now is some kind of Government facility? What happened when security approached you? (This is something I would like to be prepared for...Not that it may help but...I always carry the geocaching description as well as the cache page with me when out)


When we were out the other night looking for the "Centauri Escape Pod Echo" it was located in the Cox cable parking lot, the lot was empty. We drove right near the location of the cache and proceeded to look. I was looking around the lot and noticed that there were cameras above. I am extremely surprised that we did not get approched, obviously no one was watching.


Cache ya later!

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The GeoChasers: the "Centauri Escape Pod Echo"... oh no... that brings back a bad memory. When I went to look for that one the first time, 'a pile of something special' got in between my foot and the ground. Not very plesant.


FullOn: PHP-Nuke sounds good. Then we really don't need anyone to 'make' any web pages... just administer the site. I'm assuming PHP-Nuke has themes? So we can easily change the color and stuff? Shouldn't be to hard to setup your server to work with it. Let me know if you need any help.


Does the $1 host provide enough bandwidth? Or will they start charging like crazy if we go over the limit? I should just look instead of asking questions. icon_rolleyes.gif

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Wow...I haven't checked this forum in a while. You guys are really cranking it up a notch. I am pumped we may get our own "ASSOCIATION" and even a web page. Very exciting stuff. I like the SCG idea but I also like easy to remember acronyms. I was thinking of SCAG. It doesn't sound too pretty, but its easier to say than SCGA. What do ya think?


I can't wait to meet everyone at the picnic.



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I've got my first submission for logos, so I've set up a temporary web page at http://www.sinisterpumpkin.com/SCG.html for viewing them. To protect the innocent, I won't post who has submitted what until after we choose one.


BTW - If anyone has an idea for a logo, but you think your artistic skills are lacking, just send a rough sketch of the idea to me and I'll be happy to clean it up for you.


I'd like to get as many opinions as possible on the logos, so tell your geocaching friends who don't visit the forums about this.


Martin: I found out that 1Dollar hosting doesn't support MySQL databases, but I found a company that does - Global Internet Solutions. They also have unlimited email accounts (myname@scgeocachers.org) plus a bunch of other stuff. They are also fairly reasonable on their rates.


GeoBoltz: The only problem I have with SCAG or SCGA is that I don't know if we want to build an association so much as just a community site. I wrestled with the whole Association/Organization thing and it just seems a bit too formal for me personally which is why I intentionally left it out of the name. This is just a hobby (OK, an obsession) for me. I don't need to have a governing board, etc. Just my $.02.

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Originally posted by FullOn:


Martin: I found out that 1Dollar hosting doesn't support MySQL databases, but I found a company that does - http://www.gisol.com/. They also have unlimited email accounts (myname@scgeocachers.org) plus a bunch of other stuff. They are also fairly reasonable on their rates.


GeoBoltz: The only problem I have with SCAG or SCGA is that I don't know if we want to build an association so much as just a community site. I wrestled with the whole Association/Organization thing and it just seems a bit too formal for me personally which is why I intentionally left it out of the name. This is just a hobby (OK, an obsession) for me. I don't need to have a governing board, etc. Just my $.02.


GeoBoltz: I agree with what FullOn said about the 'Association'. Of course what FullOn and I think isn't final, so people should speak up if they want a 'community' or an 'association/org' type thing.


FullOn: I really think we could probably find someone to host this for free for us. Maybe we should start a new thread called 'Southern California Geocachers Website'... and ask people to post logos there, try to decide on a name, and maybe get someone to volunteer to host the site.


If we can find someone to host it, all we need is someone to pay for the domain. I'd be willing to put some $$ up for it, and maybe even be willing to have it under my name... we could then use zoneedit.com to take care of all the DNS services we would want for free.


Of course, its hard to beat $7.95. Looks like a pretty good deal. The offer ends today, but I'm sure they will do it again soon.


Everyone else: Check this out: http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=53676

I know its not in OC, but it looks like a fun cache.

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When I said association, I wasn't meaning it in the terms of a board, members, dues, etc. I just meant a conglomoration of GeoCaching Fools/Fanatics/Obsessive-Compulsive/Addicts. Call it whatever, I just like the idea of an Acronym for effect more than anything. Whatever we call it, I'm in and excited to be a part of the "movement".



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Yeah..if only I felt guilty doing it...gimme more of that plastic....bwahhh haaaaa haaaa!!!


Any other suggestions for acronym type names. BTW the logos are looking great. I am not artist but I will throw mine in this weekend.


Is there going to be a problem using the Groundspeak guy or any of the other GC.com stuff?



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Originally posted by The Geo Chasers:




Ah...The old Zigurat Building...Didn't that used to be/or now is some kind of Government facility? What happened when security approached you?


Well, my two kids and I are driving around the deserted, gigantic parking lot, finding a good spot for a shot of the building. Eventually this 10 year-old beat-to-s**t pick-up with a "Security" sign slapped on the side drives up and this guy insists we leave. It was pretty odd, since nothing seemed to be going on there, but apparently there are some government archives there? Hmm. Anyway, we got the cache despite the hassle!



"One should never begin a journey by heading in the wrong direction."

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Just thought I'd post some geocaching related stuff....well, okay, so it's been almost a month since I've logged a cache. Guess I don't have much to say. But I did find a benchmark this weekend....


Also, I was supposed to meet up tonight with our esteemed geocachers from the UK but unfortunately, at the last minute, a client of mine flew down here and my boss "forced" me to take him out for some entertainment. I was so looking forward to sharing a couple of brewskies with our UK guests and I don't know if they got my message in time. (Hopefully, you guys finally got my email as I had no way of contacting you beforehand. Again, please accept my apologies icon_frown.gif.)


On the other hand, I was "required" to take my client out to the Lakers-Rockets game. What a shame.... icon_biggrin.gif.


Charlie: Ummm...guess who is currently tied for the 8th playoff spot in the Western Conference? Lakers with a BIG win tonight over the Houston Rockets. Shaq-less yet undaunted playing against Yao Ming, the Lakers beat the Rockets 106-99 in double overtime. It was an awesome game with Kobe scoring 52 points!!! (His 6th straight game with 40 or more.)


Okay, enough off-topic talk. BTW, there is/was a cache by the Zigurat Pyramid? Unless I'm mistaken, this is the facility by Laguna Hills/Aliso Viejo that you can see when you're atop the hill where the Funky Monkey cache resides (in fact, I just took a picture of it this weekend when I revisited that cache enroute to a benchmark).

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Some of you may be interested in my new locationless cache in which you need to find and photograph bell guideposts placed along El Camino Real. (First placed in 1906).

The Bells of El Camino Real (locationless)


In the Orange County, the main route of El Camino Real followed what is still called Camino Real through San Clemente to Capistrano. It then followed the old alignment of U.S. 101 toward Los Angeles (roughly along the I-5). Most bells were placed by local woman's clubs.



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Parsa: Great Idea...I know of a couple here in South OC...If we are lucky...we might get to post them before Husqui... icon_wink.gif


Lars: BTW...I do not think I e-mailed you with a response...Yes you are right...The green posts...well...thats a long story. I am really thinking about taking that cache offline and changing it (or making it the way it should have been originally). I am going to email Admin. regarding the changes before we do anything.

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Originally posted by LarsThorwald:



I'm your number one fan.





"One should never begin a journey by heading in the wrong direction."


Since #1 fan has already been claimed... I'll claim #2 fan. I would write down 'Kevins Geocaching accomplishments and Geocaching career' in my roomates Nielsen Tatings TV viewing diary... but that would probably confuse them, since there isn't a TV show about it... yet... icon_eek.gif


Charlie: Would you know if that Nielsen stuff really works? Anything in particular you want me to watch? icon_biggrin.gif

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The pictures are amazing. I really enjoyed the panoramic views. Congrats on the successful find (and the FTF prize). Sounds like you had very few problems which is great being in such a remote area. Way to go.! icon_biggrin.gif



"All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr"

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Originally posted by LarsThorwald:

All I know is Kevin's bringing caviar... icon_wink.gif


Martin: your roomate actually has a Neilsen diary? Wow! I don't care what you write down as long as it has NOTHING to do with reality shows... 'cause they're screwing with my career!



"One should never begin a journey by heading in the wrong direction."


Man, those Neilsen things are a lot of work. We were offered a chance to do that. It looked like too much work for too little pay. Kind of like teaching. icon_wink.gif





Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more.

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Originally posted by georgeandmary:


Kind of like teaching. icon_wink.gif





Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more.


No pay... but with the chance of influencing furture generations... Yeah, you're right, that IS like teaching. icon_wink.gif


Charlie (my dad was a history professor) Craig...



"One should never begin a journey by heading in the wrong direction."

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Originally posted by LarsThorwald:

No pay... but with the chance of influencing furture generations... Yeah, you're right, that IS like teaching. icon_wink.gif


Charlie (my dad was a history professor) Craig...



"One should never begin a journey by heading in the wrong direction."


There is pay. There were was a few dollars in the envelop! How generous! icon_rolleyes.gif


I wanted a second opinion... my roomate claims the diary holds a lot of power. Somehow he managed to get one even though he is in the entertainment industry (does finance)... He didn't lie or anything, they just didn't ask during his phone interview. He said after he mentioned it in the office, a few 'important' people showed up and asked him if he knew what time $companiesshow$ was on. icon_razz.gificon_biggrin.gif


In other news... still really excited about the picnic.

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First off, let me congratulate Uber-cacher Kevin for his triumph in conquering the White Mountains and KFWB's challenge. I am truly envious. I would love to give something like this a try one of these days, but first I realy have to get out from behind this dadgum computer!!!!


Secondly, the Southern California Site is now alive! You can find it at www.socalgeocachers.org. I have had to reinstall the thing several times and so far, there isn't any content, but I'm working on it. I'm also working on getting the forums up and running. If anyone is so inclined, please feel free to submit some content for the new site. You may have trouble accessing the site in the next day or two. For some reason, the DNS servers are really slow to pick this up. I still can't log into the site using the standard URL. If you get a message that the server or site can't be found, try it again in a few hours. Hopefully in the next day or so, the DNS servers will have propigated the URL.


If anyone has any questions/comments, please let me know.

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Absolutely! We can handle that in a number of ways. I'm still trying to get used to the way that this program works. I like the overall idea of how it contructs a site, but the administration and implementation of some of the stuff is kind of goofy. Plus there's almost no consise information on this stuff.


I'm working on setting up the forums as we speak. Until I get something up and running we can use that.

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Originally posted by FullOn:

Absolutely! We can handle that in a number of ways. I'm still trying to get used to the way that this program works. I like the overall idea of how it contructs a site, but the administration and implementation of some of the stuff is kind of goofy. Plus there's almost no consise information on this stuff.


I'm working on setting up the forums as we speak. Until I get something up and running we can use that.


If we donut like how the forums work for this purpose, I could write a module to do it. It would basically be like a forum, except each 'thread/topic' would show 'Date $user is going' and '$caches $user is going for'. Clicking on them would bring up details and comments and stuff. But yea... school work will keep me busy for a while, so I can't promise anything. icon_frown.gif


Prehaps we can just setup a sub-catagorty in the forum?

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Great work, Rich! Was able to log on using the alternate URL you posted. Can't wait to see this website get more and more content. And whatever program you're using seems pretty cool --- I just registered and did some quick poking around and it looks like we can do a lot on this site.


I will poke around some more later on but for now, I gotta go get some sleep (just got home and it's cold and rainy out here in my neck of the woods --- the huskies are hoping for snow in the mountains so we can try some snowcaching this weekend!).

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